you have not mentioned how frozen and your post with music and dat fat lady has to do with chemtrails- I noticed
yet you single me out for a whipping by adam when others and I mean a lot have strayed off topic
I am persecuted by a person who strayed off topic just prior to his accusation.
I do not remember agreeing just posting what chemtrails are from a site.
I remember a person going out in the alley behind omnipress printshop and standing while they were spraying malathion for Mediterranean fruit flyu invastion- sort of chemtrail like-- he said it was sticky stuff
I refered to weed killer spray for wheat- round up resistant wheat seed-- chemical like and applied w planes
I am going to make a thread about that.
The last person to post is not a thread killer only the last poster
I have no proof of chemtrail and do not believe in them but I added some similar material.
I would love to continue this debate but
I would like to have an admission from you of how you veered off topic or how the music video is related to chemtrails.-- be honest now
on a side note I cant figure what QFT is from another poster person
yet you single me out for a whipping by adam when others and I mean a lot have strayed off topic
I am persecuted by a person who strayed off topic just prior to his accusation.
I do not remember agreeing just posting what chemtrails are from a site.
I remember a person going out in the alley behind omnipress printshop and standing while they were spraying malathion for Mediterranean fruit flyu invastion- sort of chemtrail like-- he said it was sticky stuff
I refered to weed killer spray for wheat- round up resistant wheat seed-- chemical like and applied w planes
I am going to make a thread about that.
The last person to post is not a thread killer only the last poster
I have no proof of chemtrail and do not believe in them but I added some similar material.
I would love to continue this debate but
I would like to have an admission from you of how you veered off topic or how the music video is related to chemtrails.-- be honest now
on a side note I cant figure what QFT is from another poster person