Quote Originally Posted by xfire View Post
"Did you watch all ten+ hours of videos I posted, eric, and are you ready to discuss them?"

No one did. Your videos have nothing to do with the topic.

Keep on topic and stop spamming.




This moron just doesn't get it !


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Quote Originally Posted by xfire View Post
"Did you watch all ten+ hours of videos I posted, eric, and are you ready to discuss them?" This moron just doesn't get it !

You know you're an idiot when Will E Worm is who you fall on for back up. Go watch the videos I posted or shut the fuck up.
Re: Chemtrails : Aluminum & Other Poisons Falling From The Sky

Quote Originally Posted by xfire View Post
"Did you watch all ten+ hours of videos I posted, eric, and are you ready to discuss them?"

No one did. Your videos have nothing to do with the topic.

Keep on topic and stop spamming.





New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Re: Chemtrails : Aluminum & Other Poisons Falling From The Sky

Quote Originally Posted by xfire View Post
"Did you watch all ten+ hours of videos I posted, eric, and are you ready to discuss them?"

See my previous post-

You know you're an idiot when Will E Worm is who you fall on for back up. Go watch the videos I posted or shut the fuck up.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to

I've seen this picture many times in the videos. Pretty scary looking. Do you know what it is? That's how they test commercial aircraft to simulate human body weight. The liquid shifting back and forth is more accurate than if solids were to be used. The Alex Jones's and producers of those clips don't tell you this. FRAUD AGAIN.
Ad Hominem troll

If you were going to attempt to make some type of intelligent contribution to this thread…you would be wise to start at the point where NASA scientists and military insiders have already admitted to spraying the aforementioned chemicals in the air,,,that it is documented in the information already provided…you have referenced no materials in support of your claim, and even if you did, it wouldn't refute anything in this thread…so again you are a day late, a dollar short, and steadily headed in the wrong direction getting dumber and dumber.

This thread is about what are the chemicals being sprayed, why are they being sprayed, and what are the long-term and short-term health consequences to people and the environment.


I've seen this picture many times in the videos. Pretty scary looking. Do you know what it is? That's how they test commercial aircraft to simulate human body weight. The liquid shifting back and forth is more accurate than if solids were to be used. The Alex Jones's and producers of those clips don't tell you this. FRAUD AGAIN.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Ad Hominem troll

If you were going to attempt to make some type of intelligent contribution to this thread…you would be wise to start at the point where NASA scientists and military insiders have already admitted to spraying the aforementioned chemicals in the air,,,that it is documented in the information already provided…you have referenced no materials in support of your claim, and even if you did, it wouldn't refute anything in this thread…so again you are a day late, a dollar short, and steadily headed in the wrong direction getting dumber and dumber.

This thread is about what are the chemicals being sprayed, why are they being sprayed, and what are the long-term and short-term health consequences to people and the environment.

Did you watch the videos that you posted? Did you see this same picture? I did. I supported my claim. Those videos claim that those barrels have chemicals. Fraud. As said before, there are shitty military and NASA people employed. Do you dispute this? Does everyone that works for these organizations know what they are doing and all are without question of their working? What do you think? No one has ever been fired from these places because they are incompetent? Do your own investigation. Question what you have been hearing.

Okay, why are they being spread? Don't post another video, tell us what you think.
Did you watch the videos that you posted? Did you see this same picture? I did. I supported my claim. Those videos claim that those barrels have chemicals. Fraud. As said before, there are shitty military and NASA people employed. Do you dispute this? Does everyone that works for these organizations know what they are doing and all are without question of their working? What do you think? No one has ever been fired from these places because they are incompetent? Do your own investigation. Question what you have been hearing.

Okay, why are they being spread? Don't post another video, tell us what you think.

Yeah, there is no question wether the chemicals are being sprayed. As for why, that is the central question of this thread presented as part of my thesis statement, that preceded the posting of any videos, in the initial post of this thread. Between the alternatives I posed, based on my research, it would be for the sinister ultimate purpose of control, with may subsidiary equally nefarious experimental purposes.
Chemtrails are real, they are part of the plot to convince people that we landed on the moon in '69. Coupled with the fluoride in tap water it makes for a powerful mind control serum.


Closed Account
Yeah, there is no question wether the chemicals are being sprayed. As for why, that is the central question of this thread presented as part of my thesis statement, that preceded the posting of any videos, in the initial post of this thread. Between the alternatives I posed, based on my research, it would be for the sinister ultimate purpose of control, with may subsidiary equally nefarious experimental purposes.

Ok, you had me till the part I put in bold. I thought you were one of those guys who believes all the conspiracy theories, the goverment killed Kennedy, NASA faked the moon landing, Bush/Cheney destroyed the twin towers, and the goverment is spraying chemicals on us. Now I know you don't believe the stuff you are posting. It is just your little act, because provoking people is how you get your giggles.

I'm getting old, is my only excuse for not spotting that sooner. For future reference it was using the word Nefarious that gave your little game away. Though that had me laughing so hard I damn near wet myself. :)
At first glance, you don't strike me as a person smart enough to even understand the part of my quote you highlighted, much less have enough knowledge to disagree with me in any way….but by all means giggle away, that is what clowns do best !

Ok, you had me till the part I put in bold. I thought you were one of those guys who believes all the conspiracy theories, the goverment killed Kennedy, NASA faked the moon landing, Bush/Cheney destroyed the twin towers, and the goverment is spraying chemicals on us. Now I know you don't believe the stuff you are posting. It is just your little act, because provoking people is how you get your giggles.

I'm getting old, is my only excuse for not spotting that sooner. For future reference it was using the word Nefarious that gave your little game away. Though that had me laughing so hard I damn near wet myself. :)


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Remember when I told you to familiarize yourself with this link? You should have taken my advice.


The ‘Chemtrail Conspiracy’

Dave Thomas
Volume 18.3, September 2008

Why are some people afraid of contrails? Why would the appearance of water vapor in the exhaust of a jet inspire feelings of illness and dread? It all began in the 1990s when “investigative journalists” like William Thomas began describing purported plots by the government to inject poisons into the atmosphere via the exhaust trails of jet planes. Chemtrails are defined on the Web site of Internet pundit Jeff Rense (formerly of the “Sightings” Web radio show, which was connected to the “Sightings” television program produced by Henry Winkler):

Chemtrails (CTs) look like contrails initially, but are much thicker, extend across the sky and are often laid down in varying patterns of Xs, tick-tack-toe grids, cross-hatched and parallel lines. Instead of quickly dissipating, chemtrails expand and drip feathers and mare’s tails. In 30 minutes or less, they open into wispy formations which join together, forming a thin white veil or a ‘fake cirrus-type cloud’ that persists for hours. . . . (Thayer 2000)

“Chemtrails” have been described as either a means of carrying out biological warfare upon the citizenry of the United States or as a method of weather modification, perhaps related to mitigation of global warming. The subject was popularized by late-night radio host Art Bell over a decade ago and is still hyped as a daring and dangerous conspiracy by numerous Web sites.

In 1999, the New Mexico Attorney General’s office contacted New Mexicans for Science and Reason (NMSR) member Kim Johnson to help answer questions from constituents regarding the alleged dangers of “chemtrails.” After his investigation, John*son told the Attorney General,

I have viewed a number of photos purporting to be of aircraft spraying the chemical or biological material into the atmosphere. I have also discussed these letters with another scientist familiar with upper atmospheric phenomena from Sandia National Laboratory and a retired general and fighter pilot who is an Air Force Hall of Fame Member. . . . In summary, there is no evidence that these “chemtrails” are other than expected, normal contrails from jet aircraft that vary in their shapes, duration, and general presentation based on prevailing weather conditions. That is not to say that there could not be an occasional, purposeful experimental release of, say, high altitude barium for standard wind tracking experiments. There could also be other related experiments that occur from time-to-time which release agents into the atmosphere. However, not one single picture that was presented as evidence indicates other than normal contrail formation. . . .

“Chemtrails” are said to last much longer than normal contrails from before 1995, but proponents are curiously oblivious of photographs of long-lasting contrails from as far back as World War II. The supposedly ominous “grid patterns” of contrails are easily explained as the expected effect of wind movement across frequently used east/west and north/south aircraft travel lanes. And one of the defining characteristics of “chemtrails”—gaps in the trails, supposedly caused by turning the “sprayers” on and off—is quite simply explained as normal humidity variations in the atmosphere. The sky often displays varying levels of humidity with spotty clouds, and the same conditions apply to the clouds condensing from jet trails. And, as far as attacking the populace with biotoxins, what dispersal vehicle could be less effective than a craft spraying indiscriminately at 35,000 feet? A low-altitude crop duster or a land truck spraying for mosquitoes would be far better at such a task.

One of the most strident promoters of “chemtrails” is Santa Fe’s Clifford Carni*com, who maintains the “Aerosol Operation Crimes and Cover-Up” Web site (Carni*com). His site is a frantic hodgepodge of pictures of alleged spray attacks, appeals to media and government officials to take the issue seriously, and detailed “analyses” of metals like barium in the “trails.” While Carnicom bemoans the fact that the media won’t give him his due, he turned down a 1999 invitation to speak to NMSR, which could have attracted some of the media attention he was demanding so shrilly. Incensed that NMSR had published a joke linking “chemtrails” to the threat of “Dihydrogen Monoxide” (i.e., H2O), Carn*icom refused to even acknowledge the invitation. Anyone who doesn’t buy into the conspiracy theory is treated as an active member of that conspiracy. Conversely, anyone who signs on to “chemtrails” is em*braced as a fellow traveler, no matter what their other beliefs. And so, Carnicom has formed a mutual admiration society with “Naturopathic Doctor” Gwen Scott, who writes on Carnicom’s site,

My interest is, primarily, finding natural medicines that can help ALL people mitigate the devastating effects of a multi-leveled assault on human health. Mr. Carni*com has provided immeasurable help in identifying contents so that I may design some natural medicine protocols around them . . . it is important that you understand one of the founding principles of natural medicine . . . Herring’s Law of Cure. This law presents that your body will rid itself of anything unwanted (diseases, etc.) from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, and in the reverse order in which it entered your system. As you will see, much of the work on my own body follows this law exactly. . . . (Scott 2008)

(Whew! I’m glad she cleared that up for us!)

Since NMSR hosts some skeptical articles on chemtrails (Thomas), I often get e-mails from angered readers. One person demanded that I watch a YouTube video of a November 9, 2007, “Chemtrails” report by Louisiana station KSLA, in which investigative reporter Jeff Ferrell discussed tests the station had conducted on supposed “chemtrail residue” collected in a bowl by a farmer outside his house. Ferrell said, “KSLA News 12 had the sample tested at a lab. The results: A high level of barium, 6.8 parts per million, (ppm). That’s more than three times the toxic level set by the Environmental Protection Agency, or EPA.” I had to inform my angry correspondent of a problem—the actual video clearly shows 68.8 µg/L (micrograms per liter), or equivalently, 68.8 ppb (parts per billion). The reporter overestimated by a factor of one hundred, because he read the “68.8” as “6.8,” and also confused million with billion. The measured levels were far less than EPA limits. When I asked my correspondent why I should be convinced by such poor reporting, he just repeated his insistence that I take down my “stupid website.”

I’ve also been e-mailed photographs of the interior of planes filled with large containers connected by tubes, accompanied by the exclamation that “This is the spraying equipment!” But these photographs turned out to be pictures of ballast tanks used in flight testing of new airliner designs; the tubes simply allow water to be pumped from tank to tank, simulating passenger motion in the cabin for the aircraft test. Kennedy assassination and 9/11 conspiracy theorists are mere pikers compared to “chemtrail” buffs. You will rarely find a more virulently self-deluded group, anywhere.


Carnicom, Clifford. “Aerosol Operation Crimes and Cover-Up.”
Available online at www.carnicom.com.

Scott, Gwen. 2008. “Morgellons . . . A Natural Medi*cine Approach.”
Available online at www.carnicom.com/natural2.htm.

Thayer, Toni. 2000. “Chemtrails—Frequently Asked Questions.”
Available online at www.rense.com/general4/fre.htm

Thomas, Dave. “Chemtrail Fears Thrive on Internet.”
Available online at www.nmsr.org/chemtrls.htm.

More where this one came from- http://www.csicop.org/search?cx=par...gpkyf&cof=FORID:10&ie=UTF-8&q=chemtrails&sa=»


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
So how come people aren't flying bunches of planes through these chemtrails and gathering the stuff?
Remember when I told you to familiarize yourself with this link? You should have taken my advice.

The skeptical inquisitor, huh lol… figures a dim-wit like you would post some dumb sellout crap like that. Further evidence that you have done no research on the topic yourself, because the analysis presented is totally incomplete and pathetic, and would only be persuasive to somebody who knew absolutely nothing about the subject matter, but instead relied on someone else to do his thinking for him…..Get a clue you fucking idiot and stop spamming my thread with your uninformed lame brain stupidity.

Definition – B: Defined as an “exotic weapon” in HR 2977, Space Preservation Act of 2001. (Gov. Doc – PDF)
In 2001, US Rep., Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 2977 “Space Preservation Act of 2001″. The text of the Bill defines Chemtrails as an ‘exotic weapon”
Origin: Department of Defense title to a chemistry manual as required study for future pilots enrolled at the US Air Force Academy.
A Microfilm copy of “Chemtrails” is available through the Inter Library Loan system (ILL).* Exhibts and chain of custody is included below.
The complete 202 page Chemtrails manual is available for download

Rep. Kucinich's HR 2977
Names Chemtrails As
An 'Exotic Weapon'

By Lorie Kramer

After years of denial from government, military, and environmental agencies, the reality of the controversial issue regarding the covert programs known as Chemtrails has been acknowledged.
On October 2, 2001 Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Ohio introduced H. R. 2977 during the 1st Session of the 107th Congress of the United States. The "Space Preservation Act of 2001" seeks to "preserve the cooperative, peaceful uses of space for the benfit of all humankind by permanently prohibiting the basing of weapons in space by the United States, and to require the President to take action and implement a world treaty banning space-based weapons."
In the bill Chemtrails are listed as an "exotic weapons system". Ironically in Section 7 - Definitions. The complete text of the bill may be found at Clifford Carnicom's website, "Chemtrail Crimes and Coverup Documented".
The bill also addresses such things as particle beams, electromagnetic radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation, and mind-control as weapons. All of these areas have been researched and pondered by those investigating chemtrails and working to gain accountability for those programs.
They can't have it both ways. Water vapor is not a weapon.
This is a call to all those of conscience. This is a time when action is needed. It is time. The lies have gone on long enough. We can tell the Air Force and the Navy and the other agencies involved in this criminal activity, "No, You may NOT own the Weather ...Period!" We may not have another chance.
On behalf of the members of Chemtrail Tracking USA, Clifford Carnicom's Board, Chemtrail Central and the many other groups and individuals working diligently to get accountability, we urge your listeners to respond. Contact government and media, demand answers. If not now, when?
We know what we see. We did not consent. We want it stopped.
To see text of HR 2977:
Rep. Kucinich's Bill is also listed at this US Government site:
Note regarding particulars of HR 2977 -
The 'Space Preservation Act of 2001' deals mainly with space as defined by ALTITUDE. Granted, we don't receive reports of chemtrails or contrails in space.
The bill states "SEC. 7. DEFINITIONS. In this Act:
(1) The term 'space' means all space extending upward from an altitude greater than 60 kilometers above the surface of the earth and any celestial body in such space."
However, in Section 7, 2 (C) it states.
"The term 'exotic weapons systems' includes weapons designed to damage space or NATURAL ECOSYSTEMS (such as the ionosphere and upper atmosphere) or CLIMATE, WEATHER, and tectonic systems with the purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population or region on earth or in space." (emphasis added.)
This would definately include the altitude at which chemtrails are found.
In addition, in Section 7 - Definitions, it is stated in (2)(A) "The terms 'weapon' and 'weapons system' mean a device capable of any of the following: (ii) Inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person)--(III) by expelling chemical or biological agents in the vicinity of a person."
Here, of course, the word "vicinity" would need further definition. But chemtrails fit the bill (pun intended) as a weapons program that is threatening the biological life, bodily health, mental health, and the physical and economic well-being of millions of people.
HR 2977 has a lot to be desired as a bill in relation to chemtrails. This in no way negates the fact that chemtrails have been named as an exotic weapon in a congressional document.
For battle weary chemtrail researchers and activists, this is very important. Whether Rep. Kucinich intended it or not, he has handed us the can opener to the biggest can of worms he has probably ever seen. We intend, with our flags in hand, and as loud a voice as can be collectively gathered, to open the can. -LK

Chemtrails are sometimes referred to as "Operation Cloverleaf". Saskia Massager suggests this unique
and highly robust bacterium could be the source of the qurious nickname. *High on the list for probable
bio-engineering by the military, *Deinoccoccus radiodurans has uncommon resistance to ionizing radiation
and can self-repair damage to its own DNA. *Research into artificial life forms is famously underway in the
laboratories at Craig Ventor Institute in the US. *****SOURCE **VIDEO *SOURCE

May 29, 2010, Ghent, Belgium: *The Belfort Group hosted an *international symposium titled:
The Illegal Spraying Of Harmful Substances In The Atmosphere By Airplanes Also Known As 'Chemtrails'.

Peter Vereecke, the former mayor of Evergem, Belgium told attendees, "Don't confuse this with contrails. Those are
harmless condensation trails that are only visible for a few seconds. On the other hand chemtrails are clouds of
chemicals." ... "Far from harmless, contrails are significant contributors to global warming."

Highlight was the presentation of "Case Orange". This 300-page scientific report (with 177 footnotes) was
commissioned by the *Belfort Group. In the absence of legal protection for whistleblowers, an international team of *
"inside experts", remained anonymous in order to safely and effectively author the most useful data possible to the
public domain.

Vereecke has personally delivered the "Case Orange" document to the Brussels headquarter of UNO and NATO, as
well as the embassies of the USA, UK, Germany, France, Iran, Russia, China, Venezuela and elsewhere.

On August 17, 2009 Peter Vereecke "personally lodged a complaint with the Belgian Justice department
against the intentional and systematically spraying of heavy metals, chemical substances and virological filth into our
atmosphere." **As a result of Vereecke's activism, *there is "an ongoing investigation into the Chemtrail issue.

Aerospace engineer, Dr. Coen Vermeeren presents an informal peer-review of the 300 page research document
"Case Orange", commissioned by the Belfort Group. *(Dr. Vermeeren's Bio)

There is virtual unanimous consensus within the Belfort Group to the conclusions and recommendations
prescribed by the authors of the 300 page "Case Orange" report.


When combining the knowledge of the formation of contrails, the effects of Cirrus clouds on climate, the historical
records of weather manipulation programs, the scientific studies on geo-engineering through modification of Cirrus
clouds, the available and patented technology coupled with reactions of pilots on the internet one can only come to the
following conclusions:

1. ***Manipulation of climate through modification of Cirrus clouds is neither a hoax nor a conspiracy theory,
but currently the best option in geo-engineering considered by decision makers to counter global warming. The impact
of production of artificial Cirrus clouds on temperature and precipitation patterns is supported by adequate hard
scientific evidence.

2. ***The ambition of the United States is to control the weather by the year 2025, both for civil and military purposes
(offensive and defensive strategies). This research paper contains a proven track record to support that statement.

3. ***The technology to organize spraying actions on a global scale is widely available. Both civil and military aviation is
used for that purpose. The mix, containing oxides of metals and chemical components, can either be dispersed through
special designed pods or directly incorporated into the jet fuel. This research paper is well documented in this respect.

4. ***Since the patents are owned by the main defense contractor for the U.S. armed forces (Raytheon) or the U.S.
department of defense itself and given the history record it is obvious that current climate manipulation programs are
organized and directed by the United States government.

5. ***The spraying actions in Europe are only possible with prior approval and intense co-ordination on top government
level and industry on executive level. The general public is intentionally kept unaware of the existence of such projects.

6. ***Although the spraying actions may be considered legal these actions may have a potential detrimental effect on
health. There is sufficient scientific evidence available in this research paper to support this thesis.

It is not the purpose of this research paper to give a moral appreciation of these actions. Nevertheless the
investigation team unanimously comes to the following recommendations for the future:

a) *Artificial Cirrus clouds should be classified as a separate cloud genus by the WMO. Additional scientific research
with the effects on nature and public health on this subject should be considered. Results -whatever the outcome-
should be made public.
b) ***It is unacceptable that the Awacs aircraft fleet under NATO operates under a Luxemburg civil registration without
complying with civil aviation regulations. This is a flagrant violation of the law and this should be corrected in the near
future. Given the very unfavorable engine emission ratios of this aircraft retrofitting of these engines should be
considered as soon as practical.
c) *When considering a legal case it is better to sue an industrial group, such as Raytheon, rather than a government
agency. It is clear for us that the responsibility of Raytheon in this respect is far reaching with the creation of a
monopoly in climate modeling and weather as a geo-engineering or military instrument. If possible an international ban
should be placed on such weapons.
d) ***Although the existence of weather modification projects have been illustrated in an adequate way in this research
paper it is now the duty of a serious politician on any level to make enquiries to the government for public release of
these spraying schemes through aviation. It is mandatory that such statement should include the reason why such
operations are conducted. It is not an option to hide behind the motive of national security.

Journalist, *Desiree Rover speaks on the consequences of Geoengineering with Chemtrails. Rover's
presentation is well-sourced, This powerful presentation is not to be missed.

Saskia Messager is recovering from what she believes is a Chemtrail related illness after discovering the suspected
bacteria and heavy metals are sprayed from jet aircraft. *Doctors gave up on her diagnosis and treatment as
"incurable". *Determined to recover, she searched the internet to discover a clue to her condition was associated with
biological agents and compounds in chemtrails. *She believes Clifford Carnicom's website (Carnicom.com) provided the
information necessary to begin a recovery to full health.

Saskia points to photographs showing small nozzles located in the engine cowling ahead of the turbo-fan that she
believes could be part of a Chemtrail delivery system. *Working with little more than quriosity, she appeals to an aircraft
engine mechanic to help identify what could be another chemtrail clue.

Comparing the profit margins of low fare airlines reveals sizeable disparities between carriers. *Saskia's *preliminary
calculations suggest further investigation could find companies with covert geoengineering contracts could be receiving
substantial adjustments on fuel costs as "payment". She challenges these low cost carriers to explain how they can
survive with fuel costs with fares that frequently dip below 5 Euros.

Saskia *also believes that "Operation Cloverleaf" refers to a biological experiment associated with engineering of
artificial life forms derived from Deinoccoccus radiodurans - an unusual bacteria that looks like a "cloverleaf" under the

5/29/2010: *Micheal Murphy fields questions after showing a few out-takes from his new documentary "What in The
World are They Spraying?" released in October, 2010 and produced by G. Edward Griffin and Michael Murphy

CASE ORANGE is a *300-page research report commissioned by the
Belfort Group on the topic of Geoengineering with "Chemtrails". **
In the absence of
whistleblower protection an international team of "inside experts" remain anonymous in order
to safely and effectively author the most useful data to the public domain.




New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
The skeptical inquisitor, huh lol… figures a dim-wit like you would post some dumb sellout crap like that. Further evidence that you have done no research on the topic yourself, because the analysis presented is totally incomplete and pathetic, and would only be persuasive to somebody who knew absolutely nothing about the subject matter, but instead relied on someone else to do his thinking for him…..Get a clue you fucking idiot and stop spamming my thread with your uninformed lame brain stupidity.

Hold it right here, hoss, you're now guilty of what you accused bob of.

Ad Hominem Argument of irrelevancy - general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument.

You refuse to watch videos I posted that are indirectly related, reducing your comments to ignorant rantings, and now you're engaging in the same ad hominem's you accused bob of. You must enjoy being as dumb as a box of nails.
An Ad Hominem fallacy exists when a person attempts to refute an opponents argument based on irrelevant facts about the speaker rather than the argument itself. That's what Bob does every time he posts. Although I see you have never pointed that out in addressing any of his posts.

In contrast, I read that entire Skeptical Inquisitor article, and although I think the source is no more credible than the National Inquirer or some other rag, my comments were based entirely on an analysis of the content of the article itself.

Hold it right here, hoss, you're now guilty of what you accused bob of.

You refuse to watch videos I posted that are indirectly related, reducing your comments to ignorant rantings, and now you're engaging in the same ad hominem's you accused bob of. You must enjoy being as dumb as a box of nails.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
So what about flying planes into these chemtrails? Has this been done?


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Sorry, double posted. There needs to be something done about this problem that frequently comes up on these FreeOnes boards.