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He is that guy. But mind you that he provides rock solid evidence. An expert in the field with scientific analysis and observations.

Well that changes things, I'm going to stock up on this over the weekend.


Do you think the spray cap it comes with is good enough, or should I pour the bottle into a super soaker for increased range?


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Well that changes things, I'm going to stock up on this over the weekend.


Do you think the spray cap it comes with is good enough, or should I pour the bottle into a super soaker for increased range?

Eco-friendly, non toxic, that should be enough to keep them away. It is made by experts in fields ranging from aviation science and engineering to medicine and nuclear energy. These individuals have been investigating lizardmen all over America and in many foreign countries for at least a decade. The old formula had barium in it but only the government uses that.
Eco-friendly, non toxic, that should be enough to keep them away. It is made by experts in fields ranging from aviation science and engineering to medicine and nuclear energy. These individuals have been investigating lizardmen all over America and in many foreign countries for at least a decade. The old formula had barium in it but only the government uses that.

LOL Your little pathetic Ad Hominem minstrel show is somewhat entertaining, however, still irrelevant and unpersuasive to anyone but the complete dumbest of the the dumb. Try Again.

Russell L. Blaylock is an American retired neurosurgeon and author. Working with Jeff Elkind, Blaylock introduced a new treatment for a subset of brain tumors, as well as improving certain operations treating water on the brain.
Blaylock was a clinical assistant professor of neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi Medical Center and is currently a visiting professor in the biology department at Belhaven College.[1] He is the author of a number of books and papers, including Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills (1994), Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life (2002), and Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients (2003), and writes a monthly newsletter, the Blaylock Wellness Report.
Blaylock has endorsed views inconsistent with the scientific consensus, including that food additives such as aspartame and monosodium glutamate (MSG) are excitotoxic in normal doses and that the H1N1 influenza (swine flu) vaccine carries more risk than swine flu itself



Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Holy shit! It's a war against the farmers. No wonder my heirloom tomatoes didn't produce much, the government found them and sprayed them. I watched your David Icke video and you believe him to be a credible source of information. Watch the below video and tell us how much of that shit you believe to be rock solid.

Ad Hominem ain't going to work for you since you demanded and used David Icke as a credible recourse.
It's painfully obvious to me now that you still, even after 9 pages, really have no fucking clue, whatsoever, what Ad Hominen even means. LOL So sad. As it relates to this thread and the issue of chemtrails, it doesn't matter what he thinks about any other issue other than chemtrails. And 99% percent of all of his statements regarding this topic of his lectures is supported by official de-classified government documents as evidenced within my previous posted videos.

Further, let me add that I never paid much attention to who Icke even was until you began to seemingly be so fascinated by him for whatever reasons, but now that I know who he is, I will say that he seems, to me, to be a Shaman such as myself, eventhough he may not know it himself. As such, as a shaman that is, I consider him to be my brother, and I accept and endorse everything, within my current knowledge, that he says, or has ever said, knowingly within the public domain, without reservation.

Additionally, as you seem intent on trying to insult him, then I retaliate equally against you 10 times over. And so evenstill again, you have made no valid point and your response is insufficient. Try Again.

Holy shit! It's a war against the farmers. No wonder my heirloom tomatoes didn't produce much, the government found them and sprayed them. I watched your David Icke video and you believe him to be a credible source of information. Watch the below video and tell us how much of that shit you believe to be rock solid.

Ad Hominem ain't going to work for you since you demanded and used David Icke as a credible recourse.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Re: Chemtrails : Aluminum & Other Poisons Falling From The Sky

Wow you introduced me to a new word. Shaman:

"A member of certain tribal societies who acts as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world and who practices magic or sorcery for purposes of healing, divination, and control over natural events."

That's a lot more about you then we previously knew. Thank you for opening up to us about that.

"Shamanism is a practice that involves a practitioner reaching altered states of consciousness in order to encounter and interact with the spirit world and channel these transcendental energies into this world."

Do you do this too? Practice Shamanism?
Re: Chemtrails : Aluminum & Other Poisons Falling From The Sky

Do you do this too?

Yeah there is no "too" because, as I said, I don't think that Icke refers to himself in that way, it is not really a religious practice that is, to my knowledge, germane to present English/European culture, although that is what he is in my estimation.

But I definitely am...So what. You gotta a problem with that, what do you believe in ?, because I would take the word of a world renown author and lecturer David Icke over some anonymous asshat pornboard fucktards with clown avatars any day.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Re: Chemtrails : Aluminum & Other Poisons Falling From The Sky

I would take the word of a world renown author and lecturer [...] over some anonymous asshat pornboard fucktards [...] any day.

The irony of this post is priceless. Edited for universal application.
Re: Chemtrails : Aluminum & Other Poisons Falling From The Sky

Yeah there is no "too" because, as I said, I don't think that Icke refers to himself in that way, it is not really a religious practice that is, to my knowledge, germane to present English/European culture, although that is what he is in my estimation.

But I definitely am...So what. You gotta a problem with that, what do you believe in ?, because I would take the word of a world renown author and lecturer David Icke over some anonymous asshat pornboard fucktards with clown avatars any day.

Got to say reading this post has made my day. Fucking classic. What asylum are you in Eric? I want to send you a turquoise shell suit.
Pretty much what I would expect from the usual suspect ding-bat atheist losers, you guys make Icke look better and better every time you open your mouths… I endorse everything Icke says, within my current knowledge, without reservation, but Icke isn't a scientist ….Yet and still none one of you brain dead idiots have made one valid point in any way contradicting the scientific evidence presented within the previous 9 pages of this thread because you can't.

Just a bunch of defeated inept dim-wits reduced to hurling petty insults because you aren't intelligent enough to do anything else…keep up the dumb comments though, I love feeding off your stupidity lololol


In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
-Mark Twain


Drinking Water Test Result In California | May 3, 2006

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The California State Department of Health, Drinking Water Division, Sacramento, California, collects all of the water test data from every public drinking water source in the State of California. These tests are required by the EPA and the State of California, due to possible health effects, when various metals, herbicides, pesticides and other substances are found above state or federal standards in drinking water sources.

A review of all water tests in the State of California between 1984 and 2006 was conducted over a six-month period. Every water test result was analyzed and checked to find any unusual water contaminant data. The results of this search yielded some unusual statistics here in Mendocino and several other Northern California Counties.

It was discovered that Barium, Magnesium, Lead, Manganese, Aluminum, Iron, Sodium, and Specific Conductance (the ability of water to conduct a charge), were being found under unusual circumstances in our drinking water supplies. Unusual spikes were occurring in almost all drinking water sources in Mendocino County and in other counties throughout the State of California.

Prior to 1990, these spikes were not evident in drinking water tests results (most tests results were -0-), unless there were historic levels in the water shown by test results each year from 1984. The test results do show that in non-spike years these contaminants were not found in most water sources. Why?

These specific spikes started in 1991, and have continued in certain specific years through 2006. The interesting part of these water spikes is that these contaminants almost always spike at the same time and in the same year. If, for example, Specific Conductance is high, then all or almost all the other test results are high at the same time. (Other test results revealed that Boron, Silver and sometimes Zinc were also present during these spikes in some water tests.)

The Albion Mutual Water Company East Well, used as only one example, shows Specific Conductance spiking in 1995, along with Magnesium and Lead. Again in 2001, Specific Conductance spikes and so does Magnesium and Manganese. The years prior to and in between these dates show -0- results. The Albion Mutual Water Company West Well, for example shows all -0- readings until 1998, when Specific Conductance, Magnesium, Sodium and Aluminum all spike.

The Calpella County Water District has definite spike patterns of Magnesium, Barium, Iron and Manganese in the years 1995, 1998 and 2001. The Covelo Eel River Charter School Well 01, shows Magnesium, Barium, Iron, Manganese, Zinc and Specific Conductance spikes in 1999 and 2001, with Specific Conductance reaching a high of 5,390.

In 1999, the Fort Bragg CSP-Mackerricher State Park Lake Cleone Intake Supply Raw, water tests show spiking in 1999 for Specific Conductance (1290), Magnesium (20), Chloride (325), Barium (54) and aluminum (64). Note that test results are in parts per billion. What is interesting is that Iron (1600 ppb) spikes in 2001, along with Manganese (2200 ppb), in this raw water supply.

The unusual part is that these water test results are consistent in almost every single public drinking water source in all of Mendocino County, whether in Ukiah, Fort Bragg, Hopland, Laytonville or Willits. The spikes are consistent in some years; vary in parts per billion (ppb), but show that something unusual is happening to the air in Mendocino County which is impacting the quality of our water. Since these diverse water sources are not connected it is believed that air pollution is the major source of these contaminants in our drinking water supplies.

Why are these spikes only found since 1994? Why do these contaminants only spike as a group and not, in the majority of cases, independently of one another? And why is every single public drinking water source showing some form of this spike pattern? The California Air Resources Board Statewide Summary for Iron, Aluminum, Iron, Zinc, Manganese and Barium, also show positive air test results between 1989 and 2001. Our water test spikes appear to correlate strongly with California Air Quality test results. Why?

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What is causing these water spikes in Mendocino County? How is this impacting the quality of the water we drink? What impact do these spikes have on public health, the quality of our water, our air, soil and trees? What is the source of these pollutants? Industry, jet fuel emissions…what is happening in Mendocino County and in other counties throughout California? There are many questions and few answers. Why are the California Air Resources Control Board Air Testing Results correlating in some respects with our positive water test results?

(In an article in the Sunday, February 23, 2003, edition of the Sacramento Bee, written by Chris Bowman, it was noted that Tungsten (not normally tested for in public drinking water supplies), was found in Elk Grove, Sacramento, in drinking water supplies, and in tests conducted on trees rings in that area as well. Similar results were found in Fallon, Nevada and Sierra Vista, Arizona.

The trees tested in this pilot project included Redwood trees and showed huge increases in Tungsten in the past ten years in tree ring tests. It would be interesting to determine whether Tungsten, a potential carcinogen may be found in Mendocino County trees, air or public drinking water supplies.

Why hasn't the California State Department of Health or the EPA taken action to find out why we are having these water test results in Mendocino County, especially when some of the test results are above both state and federal standards? If these contaminants are being found in public wells in Mendocino County. Does this mean that contaminants are also being found in private wells? Are similar patterns found in Humboldt, Lake, Sonoma, Napa and other Northern California Counties? I believe that the answer is yes! Why?

There are many unanswered questions about these test results, this unusual spiking pattern and the variation in test results. If you would like more information please contact your local, state or federal elected public representatives and/or the California State Department of Health. If you are interested in an inexpensive and fast way to obtain these results for your individual water supply please contact your local water district, like the City of Ukiah, or your county water district or drinking water supplier. They order the tests, which are subsequently sent to the California State Department of Health, Drinking Water Division, Sacramento, CA, to be recorded on their CD. These historical and current water test data results are available to the public in California under the California Public Records Act. These test results are available to the public in every state under EPA Rules and Regulations.

Extracted from NBC4, Special Report- “Toxic Sky”, May 3, 2006


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Thank you for answering my question. Now can you tell me where theses specially equipped planes can be rented?
Thank you for answering my question. Now can you tell me where theses specially equipped planes can be rented?

C'mon Bob, again with your chemtrail plane scheme…it's not going to happen…now go do some research and ask me a real question…I've got to go get ready for my Ashiatsu Massage Appointment with my pretty asain friend whose parents own one of the local wine and spirits stores…

By the time I get back I want all of you to be smarter and say smarter things !


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
You mentioned the plane and I am interested in learning more about it. Please share this information.
Pretty much what I would expect from the usual suspect ding-bat atheist losers, you guys make Icke look better and better every time you open your mouths… I endorse everything Icke says, within my current knowledge, without reservation, but Icke isn't a scientist ….Yet and still none one of you brain dead idiots have made one valid point in any way contradicting the scientific evidence presented within the previous 9 pages of this thread because you can't.

Just a bunch of defeated inept dim-wits reduced to hurling petty insults because you aren't intelligent enough to do anything else…keep up the dumb comments though, I love feeding off your stupidity lololol

This is just brilliant.

Damn ! all day with mon ami of the asian persuasion and this is all you boys got for me ! All this little cartoon crap is insufficient and has no bearing on the subject of the thread, As I said the scientific evidence provided by me is rock solid and you boys obviously have no contrary evidence regarding anything, so you idiots need to just sit back, stfu, and learn, otherwise you need to actually do some research and try to sound intelligent when you try again.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I am doing more research. I am asking you for more information about those planes that are equipped to detect the contents of chemtrails and can be rented. Who has them?
I am doing more research. I am asking you for more information about those planes that are equipped to detect the contents of chemtrails and can be rented. Who has them?
Well, Bob, I certainly don't mind you asking me intelligent questions based on the materials which I provide, but we discussed the whole chemtrail flight thing like 5 or 6 pages ago. You thought it sounded like a good idea and thought it was possible. I indicated that I thought it was a bad idea, and stated my reasoning for that determination.

As for the very few non-military planes with sufficient research capabilities that could possibly be rented by a common citizen for chemtrail penetration and exploratory analysis, I reiterate that those planes do exist, but as I said previously, I'm not going to elaborate any further in providing any information regarding the subject because I do not endorse it, I think it is dangerous, a particularly bad idea, and unnecessary. Again, my reasoning for this has been previously stated.

However, if you would like to offer more evidentiary support for your belief that this scheme would work, I would be glad to discuss with you, and determine the validity of, whatever information you provide. But I, in no way, support your chemtrail flight scheme, and I will not provide any information regarding, and/ or supporting, any aspect of it.