All I care is about fantasy football!! Who do you take if you have the #1 pick- Adrian Peterson's stock has slid a bit- I might go with Arian Foster, Andre Johnson..or maybe Aaron Rodgers..decisions decisions..
All I care is about fantasy football!! Who do you take if you have the #1 pick- Adrian Peterson's stock has slid a bit- I might go with Arian Foster, Andre Johnson..or maybe Aaron Rodgers..decisions decisions..
None of those. You take Michael Vick LETTS GO EAGLES! (or the safer choice of tom brady)
and keep your eyes on those lions and eagles and their Defenses, i expect some big things
None of those. You take Michael Vick LETTS GO EAGLES! (or the safer choice of tom brady)
and keep your eyes on those lions and eagles and their Defenses, i expect some big things