Cheerleading Coach Carlie Beck Fired Over Nude Playboy Photos

Should she have been fired?

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Sparks Debate Over Separation of Private and Professional Lives
Carlie Christine, Playboy's "Cyber Girl of the Week" in February, is Carlie Beck, a coach of high school cheerleaders. Or was -- a cheerleading coach, that is. When officials at San Juan Unified School District were made aware that Carlie Beck and Carlie Christine were
Cheerleading Coach Carlie Beck Fired Over Nude Playboy Photos
Date: April 16, 2009
Orangevale, CA
United States of America
the same person and that there were nude photos of her on the internet, they terminated her contract as cheerleading coach at Casa Robles High School in Orangevale, California.

Beck said she posed for Playboy before being employed by the school district, which hired her the same month she was Playboy's "Cyber Girl of the Week." The 20-year-old model said, "I feel I was honest and forthright about my modeling history before I was employed."

Carlie Beck paid a stipend to be able to become a cheerleaders coach.

Parents are shocked at the turn of events. Some support the coach, others support the school district's decision to fire her. One parent, Sue Feather, said she felt sorry for Beck but believed that her fired was a good object lesson for her daughter that decisions follow one the rest of their life.

Many students, according to, seem to find the firing unfair. Many were aware that the cheerleaders' coach, Carlie Beck, was Carlie Christine and were indifferent to it. There was a general feeling that her personal life and her professional life were two different things and that as long as she kept her personal life separate from her cheerleading job, it should not have entered into the decision whether she should retain her position at all.

Carlie Beck said she was disappointed with losing her cheerleading coach position but planned to continue modeling.

Some parents believe the controversy and the firing were a result of disgruntled parents of cheerleaders who did not make the cheerleader squad this year. There are reports that it all began not with the parents but with vengeful cheerleaders who were cut from the squad because of unexcused absences. The girls made sure copies of Carlie Beck's nude Playboy photos landed on the principal's desk.


Is somewhere outhere.
She will probably get a fortune from playboy and plenty of fame now.So I
don't think she will be really bothered about it.Unless she gets hee-haw!! :)
im not sure where i stand on this i mean she should of known better she is suppose to be a rolemodel for little girls she is suppose to help the little girls in the world keep clothes on and show them there is more to life then tits and ass

on the other hand we have men and women die every day in war so that she has the right to be free and do what she pleases with her many men and women have dreams and goals and she grabbed the bull by the horns good for her
i don't think she's superhot (she's got a big grey alien head) BUT i don't think she should be fired for this. after all, she did it before she was hired, she (claims) that she was honest about her modeling career, and she paid to become the cheerleading coach. i don't think cheerleaders are role models, thus for me that argument is shit (a bunch of chicks jumping around in skirt aren't role models). so! if all of these things are true all i can say is: apparently nudity in a magazine is a crime :D
I was wondering when this was gonna surface here, lol.
she is rather hot IMHO.

mind you, on the bigger issue, considering she is/was just the cheerleading coach, I think they could have easily glossed over the nekkid pix issue.


what the fuck you lookin at?
God I hate when shit like this fucks up someones life. So fucking what, she posed for playboy? Big fucking deal. Especially since it was before she was employed by the school. Not that it matters when the photos were taken.

People need to calm the fuck down and not get so over carried away by such meaningless shit!
Whether it's fair or unfair, I guess what I'd be more concerned is if her job contract said anything that forbade posing in playboy. If it does then she shouldn't have and too bad, if it doesn't say anything about it then sue the school or something.
If this was a public school I don't even know why they should be allowed to fire somebody for something they did that wasn't illegal.
Sigh ... she disclosed it even before being hired!

If this was a public school I don't even know why they should be allowed to fire somebody for something they did that wasn't illegal.
This is the type of response I wish people would not make! Sigh, it detracts from the legally valid arguments, like the one I'm going to make.

First off, when you are employed, you have an employee contract. I'm very sure that contract disallowed such activities. So please do not make that argument, because it doesn't apply.

Secondly, not only did she do this before she was employed, but she even disclosed it at time of her employment. Right now, the school district is in mega-trouble. I.e., if the school district "had a problem with it," then they should have not hired her when she disclosed it.

I mean ...

- Not only did she did not violate her contract by doing it while employed, but ...

- She even disclosed it at her time of hire!

That latter bullet is why the school district is dead wrong, legally.

It's one thing if she didn't disclose it, and they found out about it later, even though she didn't do it while employed. The school could have said, "oh, well if we had known, we wouldn't have hired her" and that would be an argument over if she was required to disclose it or not before hire.

She did disclose her modeling prior to employment. So now what the school district has done is breach her employment for reasons that where she was not at fault and they are not justified in doing because she made them aware. Another set of administrators fucking the tax payer over.

While I hope she sues and wins, it's sad that the tax payer has to foot the bill. Unless, of course, she's willing to go back to teaching and sue just to do that.

Will E Worm

Re: Sigh ... she disclosed it even before being hired!

First off, when you are employed, you have an employee contract. I'm very sure that contract disallowed such activities. So please do not make that argument, because it doesn't apply.

I was going to say that. If someone signs a contract they should read it.


Secondly, not only did she do this before she was employed, but she even disclosed it at time of her employment.

- She even disclosed it at her time of hire!

It's one thing if she didn't disclose it, and they found out about it later, even though she didn't do it while employed. The school could have said, "oh, well if we had known, we wouldn't have hired her" and that would be an argument over if she was required to disclose it or not before hire.

She did disclose her modeling prior to employment. So now what the school district has done is breach her employment for reasons that where she was not at fault and they are not justified in doing because she made them aware. Another set of administrators fucking the tax payer over.

If it is in the contract and she told them prior to her employment they shouldn't have hired her. But, they did.

Seems the school was trying to hide this from the parents who wouldn't have wanted her teaching their children.

Don't send your children to public schools.

My children or adopted children will be home schooled.
Its fucking playboy. The only thing more soft core is the Victoria's Secret catalog.

I was about to say the same thing, it's frickin Playboy, not Hustler or some other XXX mag. She's pretty hot too. :thumbsup: