A few years ago, about 5 streets over, a mail man was confronted by some punk giving him grief about a government check he was expecting, and when the mail man said he didn't have it, the guy snuck up behind him about a half an hour later and shot him in the back of the head with a 9mm. They did the same thing to the mail man. It turned out he was a non smoker, all around good guy that never really did anything to abuse his liver and such, so they were able to help a few people by keeping him alive for a few days, I guess you never think about it, but if you're on a list to receive a donated organ, they still need a day or 2, to cross match, and prepare for the operation. I know a girl that gave her dying mother half of her own liver, so she could live, and never knew until then, that it was possible to live with half of a liver.