Ronnie and the Ronettes. Sigh, my past fades away.
YOU'RE past will never fade away, if you don't let it it. I know what you mean.....the look on my face, the first time I heard "Cream played on the oldies station (No disrespect Bubb). and continuing up the '60's ladder....then, the knife, in my heart, and TWISTED!! Classic rock started playing "guns & Roses, You could go on the oldies station, and right after you heard a great blast from the past, you heard disco. Radio in the city of Cleveland has always been sad and pathetic, if all you wanted, was good old rock & roll. you had to have satellite, or a nice cd player. This city always has had the problem of having a good station.
SO after my little rant, I sigh, and remember the last's I've seen, and know, you've seen more. It just seems a damn shame that the ones the mattered, left us to soon.
I would bet you have a lot of good stories, I wish I had the time, and ambition to take a road trip, and buy you a nice drink of your favorite flavor of whiskey., You know, chat, chew the fat, talk some shit