I don't think this issue has to do with extending civil liberties to all, it's about changing the definition of what marriage is to conform to political correctness. What rights are denied to homosexuals anyway? I mean, marriage means "husband and wife", "man and a woman", so a man can't legally marry a man or a woman can't legally marry a woman and you all are acting like gays have absolutely positively not rights at all, when in fact they have all the rights everyone else has.
Are they denied the right to free speech? No, they have gay pride parades.
Are they denied the right to keep and bear arms? No, at least not here in Texas they can own a gun like anyone else.
Are they denied the right to vote? Not that I know.
Are they denied the right to hold public office? Hello, Barnie Frank.
Are they denied the right to have a job? Hello, Hollywood and Broadway!
Are they denied the right to an education? I saw several of them in college.
Are they denied the right to have property? No, I've met gay people who own their own home and even a profitable business and I wish them the best of luck on that. And this is just a short list of all the rights I could think about now I need to go have breakfast, they have the right to that too, you know?
Thank you!! :thumbsup:
Number of Legal Benefits:
Marriage: Over 1,049 federal and state level benefits.
Civil Unions: Over 300 state level benefits. No federal protection.
I sure don't see any benefits or maybe I don't know they are out there for me. I just know that Colorado passed some sort of medical benefit law for same sex couples. I go for anything shit they hit me with red tape and I can't cry "discrimination" like gay folks do.
Tax Relief:
Marriage: Couples can file both federal and state tax returns jointly.
Civil Unions: Couples can only file jointly in the state of civil registration.
Shit it seems like I used to get more money back when I was on my own than now, so I really don't see the benefit of joint claims. Cuz if the other half has fucked up tax debt your ass is penalized too and if you want to fight it it takes a lot of red tape to get through.
Medical Decisions:
Marriage: Partners can make emergency medical decisions.
Civil Unions: Partners can only make medical decisions in the registered state. Partners may not be able to make decisions out of state.
That's why people need to be responsible and make their own personal decision on how they want to be taken care of.
Marriage: Partners can transfer gifts to each other without tax penalty.
Civil Unions: Partners do not pay state taxes, but are required to report federal taxes.
???? :dunno:
Death Benefits:
Marriage: In the case of a partner's death, the spouse receives any earned Social Security or veteran benefits.
Civil Unions: Partners do not receive Social Security or any other government benefits in case of death. In the case of the death of former Congressman Gerry Studds, his partner of 15 years was denied the government pension that would have gone to a legally recognized spouse.
Not thruth, my mother in law just lost her husband to cancer and it was a bitch trying to get her health insurance to take care of him even though she was paying for it every month on time. Once he passed away all his years of earned and deserved social security became part of uncle sam, it did not transfer to her.
Child/Spousal Support:
Marriage: In case of divorce, individuals may have a legally-binding financial obligation to spouses and children.
Civil Unions: In the case of dissolution , no such spousal or child benefits are guaranteed or required out of state.
Most hetero couples can naturally have kids, gay couples can't. Unless they adopt or have them from a previous hetero marriage then I am assuming there are some provisions for it.
Immigration Rights:
Marriage: U.S. citizens and legal residents can sponsor their spouses and family members for immigration.
Civil Unions: U.S. citizens and legal residents cannot sponsor non-legal spouses or family members.
For what to bring more gay immigrants here?? just a joke, don't really care about who they can bring or not.
Perhaps most importantly, you can marry the person you love. They can't.
I want to marry Megan Fox, but I can't. Gays think that hetero couples have it so nice and easy and it's not so. So I really don't see where I have so many "rights" beacuse of me being hetero more than someone that chose a lifestyle that has to do with his "sexual orientation" of what they do behind doors.