California high court upholds gay marriage ban

Being gay is not like being a minority because being gay means you dont want to reproduce, basically you contribute nothing and youre not willing to compromise or try to fight that, society or government dont owe you anything.


Following that "logic", you'd then have to deny the right to marry to heteros who chose not to reproduce, or who biologically can't.

Seriously, you anti-gay marriage folks need to lose the "reproductive imperative" argument. It's as full of holes as swiss cheese.



Following that "logic", you'd then have to deny the right to marry to heteros who chose not to reproduce, or who biologically can't.

Seriously, you anti-gay marriage folks need to lose the "reproductive imperative" argument. It's as full of holes as swiss cheese.

Not really...since the basic structure is in place for reproduction and family unit propagation, whether or not children are reproduced is irrelevant, a toss of the dice.
Homosexuality is a biological abnormality, and even though the modern Western societies are excessively tolerant of all lifestyles and personal aberrations, except the obvious exceptions, demanding the act of traditional Marriage be applied to homosexuals is asking for too much too soon.
I don't care if gay couples want to pretend they are perfectly normal in the grand scheme of things, but demanding deep-seated feelings from literally thousands of years of tradition be cast aside in one specific instance and a supposedly sacred be cast aside to represent any and all couples bonding is asking way too much of the 2009 world.
Equal rights does not mean equal nomenclature...and that's a fact, Jack.
The majority has the right to change the law of the land as it sees fit.

You could not be more wrong. What if the there was a vote to allow all guns?

A: the courts would say its un- constitutional to deny someone there 2nd amendment rights.

Back 40-50ish years ago, the majority of people in Southern States didn't want African-Americans in their schools, but that is un-constitutional, so the schools were desegregated.
Yeah, I hate religion as much as the next guy but the whole "gay marriage" thing seems like an attempt to shit on religion by liberals or whomever. Religion is against gays no matter which one it is, if youre gay and you feel "strongly about 'it'" whatever the fukc that means, you ought to start by showing respect to religious and traditional values people and ask for "legal benefits" of marriage for gay couples in a different way. As long as they ask for "marriage" and that it's allowed in churches, it will always come off as a backhanded insult to the hardcore traditional fundamentals people.

Being gay is not like being a minority because being gay means you dont want to reproduce, basically you contribute nothing and youre not willing to compromise or try to fight that, society or government dont owe you anything. Part of the reason "married" people get legal benefits is for the sake of the children. Yeah gays can adopt, but that's beside the point. Everything we do, we do to take over the planet pop wise as a species. It's a weakness not a crutch, I would not be so quick to flaunt it so publicly.

Are you always high when you post??


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
It depends on how you define "wrong", flaunting sexuality isn't (and shouldn't be) illegal, but it clearly shows a lack of good taste. That goes for straight people as well. I (and most people I know) don't like to see a straight couple seriously making out in broad daylight in front of everyone else. Ever heard of a saying "get a room"?

And yes, can you name some parades for "other kinds of people"? I somehow seem to have missed their existence.

I really and truly hate to see metalheads in bleached jeans and muscle-shirts, or fat people, especially if they wear leggins and even more hate to see catholics, bishops, the pope and stuff.

Let's see if we can banish those too.

Flaunting religion is offensive. Practise that stuff at home.

Sounds crazy? So does your point of view, mate, so get over it.

Doesn't your country call itself 'The Land of the Free'? Where do you draw the line? What if flaunting your sexuality in the internet would be banished next? No more FreeOnes? I believe you would not like that :2 cents:


why you gotta go and imply something liek that, what you quoted is my honest to god real oppinion I really think gays are fags

Well, while I do think that comment was a bit harsh, since faggots are logs used to feed a fire, or cigarettes in the UK, or a bit of a derogatory reference to gays, saying gays are fags is like saying burros are asses...yeah they are...are you aware you are not saying anything with "gays are fags"?
Being homophobic requires a bit of work...maybe a bit of pre-thought as well?
The only reason this became an issue was because of the Mormon Church. They successfully and purposely distracted Californians by launching some bullshit ads connecting Gay Marriage and Education. That was what swung Prop 8 around. Before the ads hit the airwaves, Prop 8 was an 8% point loser.

Perhaps the Gay Rights groups should align with the Athiests, in retaliation, and begin the removal of all Christian and Religious iconography and statements from public buildings, currency, etc.

Most Gay couples are wealthy enough to spend a lot on weddings. California could've used the *economic stimulus* that Gay Marriage would've brought to the state.

Will the Mormon Church start a ballot prop to outlaw samesex Adoption?

Um yeah, Mormon's and....African American's. But the left leaves them alone for some reason. Why would that be? i can't imagine.

Maybe Jesse Ventura was on to something recently. Let the government only recognize civil unions, leave marriage to the church's.
Well, while I do think that comment was a bit harsh, since faggots are logs used to feed a fire, or cigarettes in the UK, or a bit of a derogatory reference to gays, saying gays are fags is like saying burros are asses...yeah they are...are you aware you are not saying anything with "gays are fags"?
Being homophobic requires a bit of work...maybe a bit of pre-thought as well?

Tell me more about being homophobic and what it requires, Philbert.
You could not be more wrong. What if the there was a vote to allow all guns?

A: the courts would say its un- constitutional to deny someone there 2nd amendment rights.

Back 40-50ish years ago, the majority of people in Southern States didn't want African-Americans in their schools, but that is un-constitutional, so the schools were desegregated.

If there was a vote to allow all guns(?), and it passed, then that would be the will of the majority. Period, no questions asked. If after that passed someone got enough signatures to put it back on the ballot, then go ahead, but don't be so fucking stubborn that you can't accept the will of the majority and bring it up time and time again. It's a waste of taxpayer money to keep bringing up proposition that get repeatedly shot down by the people.

As for segregation being unconstitutional, it's unconstitutional in the present constitution. If the issue came up as a proposed amendment, and it was approved by the majority, then segregation would be constitutional.
I decided to look up Marriage in the Webster's dictionary. "a legal union between a man and a woman as husband and wife." I'm sure that will rile some people up, but that's what the definition is.
Besides the Christian conservative wackos, why does anyone want to stop gays from getting married?:yinyang::dunno:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Its not just the wackos, apparently. Seeing as how it has been defeated by popular vote and I don't think the majority of the populace would categorize themselves as such.
I decided to look up Marriage in the Webster's dictionary. "a legal union between a man and a woman as husband and wife." I'm sure that will rile some people up, but that's what the definition is.

So, instead of upholding equal rights under the law, the courts should be a place where people drag a dictionary to for the court to determine how society can or should use those words in popular culture?