California high court upholds gay marriage ban

If you feel so strongly about it by all means start a Straight Pride Parade! (obviously you'd need to plan the route carefully so as to avoid any corners!)

But most of non-gay people don't feel strong about gay parades and similar things, in fact, they don't give a shit. And that's precisely they way it should be, IMO. I don't care if my next door neighbour prefers blondes or brunettes, big tits or small tits, milfs or barely legal ones, or anything else about his sexual preferences (unless he's a pedophile, abuses women and similar things, in which case I would inform the police immediately, but that's not what I'm talking about here). Why on earth should I care if he's gay?

But somehow, unlike people with different sexual preferences, most gays have an unsatiable desire to walk around and point out ther homosexuality, gay pride parade being the most explicit demonstration of such conduct. What's that, if not showing off?
people are going to do what they are going to do regardless of laws. its just a plain and simple fact. the majority does, however have the right to decide if it is socially acceptable and if it is recognizable publically and legally. If california had a account on this site id rep them untill the cows come home! Good job Cali! stick to your guns!
I find this too be very unconstitutional, its like segregation equal but different. Once it reaches the Supreme Court i think gay will be allowed to marry
I still say it violates the 1st and 14th Amendments of the Federal Constitution. A state's own constitution can't supersede that. Like other people have mentioned if a state made a law saying a black and white person couldn't marry each other would those same people congratulating California now be here defending it just as adamantly?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I still say it violates the 1st and 14th Amendments of the Federal Constitution. A state's own constitution can't supersede that. Like other people have mentioned if a state made a law saying a black and white person couldn't marry each other would those same people congratulating California now be here defending it just as adamantly?

1st Amendment- Freedom of religion, of speech, of the press, to petition, and to assemble

14th Amendment- Citizenship, state due process, applies Bill of Rights to the states, revision to apportionment of Representatives, Denies public office to anyone who has rebelled against the United States

Is being gay a religion? And the petition went forward and was voted down. How is that a violation? Due process? How was that violated? Your argument made me think and I can appreciate that but I think the argument would be that the 9th amendment and the unenumerated rights is the one that needs to be looked at when tackling this topic.

The people have spoken and the California Supreme Court finally listened. I'm sure they checked the Constitutionality while they deliberated and came up with the right choice. The initial reaction to their original decision was judicial tyranny when they took away the will of the voting public. That they reversed their own ruling surprised me. I'm sure we haven't seen the end of this debate but they're going to have to overcome the lack of public support and if they try to legislate this it'll be a miracle if it doesn't get vetoed.
If California rediscovers its desire to be the greatest state in the Union and, arguably, the greatest place on the planet, than Californians will elect Gavin Newsom as the next Gov.

I give Arnold credit for trying to change things, but he's pretty much a lame duck now. Californians bitched and moaned about the car tax that Gray Davis wanted to pass and recalled him from office. It must've been bitter irony when Arnold floated that idea out again. California raised sales tax, college tuition and added "fees" to cell phone bills during Arny's tenure. Arnie is forced to early release hundreds of prisoners. He's probably going to cut police/firefighters and hospitals next.

How will Californians fare with fewer firefighters to fight the annual fires? We haven't even entered the dry season yet....


as far as i'm concerned, it comes down to a basic question: do you want to live in a democracy?

if the answer is yes, then gay marriage is a no-brainer, since in a democracy, by definition, all people must be equal before the law, the state, the government. so if one group is allowed to enjoy the horrors of married life, so must all others groups. otherwise you have a two-class society, and that would be un-democratic.

then again, the US is not a democracy... it's a constitutional republic. :tongue:
Equal Rights? You people must not understand. Marriage is between a man and a woman!!!! What don't you understand? It has nothing to do with equal rights. If you have two men or two women together IT IS NOT marriage!!!! Call it something else or whatever but that is NOT marriage. Thats like saying lets make apple pie with ground beef......No that isn't apple pie.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
I believe marriage is man/woman, but people get mad when i say that. Look what happened to Ms California =(

But, thats my opinion.

Yeah, I hate religion as much as the next guy but the whole "gay marriage" thing seems like an attempt to shit on religion by liberals or whomever. Religion is against gays no matter which one it is, if youre gay and you feel "strongly about 'it'" whatever the fukc that means, you ought to start by showing respect to religious and traditional values people and ask for "legal benefits" of marriage for gay couples in a different way. As long as they ask for "marriage" and that it's allowed in churches, it will always come off as a backhanded insult to the hardcore traditional fundamentals people.

Being gay is not like being a minority because being gay means you dont want to reproduce, basically you contribute nothing and youre not willing to compromise or try to fight that, society or government dont owe you anything. Part of the reason "married" people get legal benefits is for the sake of the children. Yeah gays can adopt, but that's beside the point. Everything we do, we do to take over the planet pop wise as a species. It's a weakness not a crutch, I would not be so quick to flaunt it so publicly.
But most of non-gay people don't feel strong about gay parades and similar things, in fact, they don't give a shit. And that's precisely they way it should be, IMO. I don't care if my next door neighbour prefers blondes or brunettes, big tits or small tits, milfs or barely legal ones, or anything else about his sexual preferences (unless he's a pedophile, abuses women and similar things, in which case I would inform the police immediately, but that's not what I'm talking about here). Why on earth should I care if he's gay?

But somehow, unlike people with different sexual preferences, most gays have an unsatiable desire to walk around and point out ther homosexuality, gay pride parade being the most explicit demonstration of such conduct. What's that, if not showing off?

Why is it wrong for people to flaunt their sexuality in public? You have parade for all kinds of people, why not gays? Homosexuality has been stereotyped and looked down upon for decades if not centuries in the US, if I were a gay I want to feel proud for being a gay and let people know it's not some abnormal behavior. It's true that those Gay Pride Parade give straights the willies but so what? It's their parade and as long they stay within the law they can do whatever they want in it.
Yep, showing off. I can't say I've ever heard of a "Straight Pride Parade", let alone seen one. Where as the homosexuals will gladly tell you about theirs. When was the last time you saw a "straight" sticker on the back window of a car? When was the last time you saw a damn rainbow sticker? So yeah, I'd say they show off their homosexuality.

You are so ignorant. The reason the majority of those people who show their homosexuality do so is because there isn't equality yet. They are campaigning for equal rights. Straight people don't need to show they are straight because they have everything they want in terms of rights concerning sexuality.

Homosexual people cannot control their sexuality, and I'm sure the vast majority do not want to. The people who vote against this, just put yourself in their shoes and imagine if you were gay. Would you want equal rights to everyone else? Of course you would. It's disgraceful that even in the 21st century gay people are still discriminated against for something that doesn't even matter. I guess everyone will come around in time, in future generations, its just disappointing it hasn't happened yet.

And guys, stop with the offensive words, it's a fucking porn forum, you'd think people would be more liberal around here. Words like fag and dyke are the same as labelling someone because of their race and it's not fair. :2 cents:
I believe marriage is man/woman, but people get mad when i say that. Look what happened to Ms California =(

But, thats my opinion.



Totally agree Vicky and it is good that people stand up for what they believe. I am sure one day things may change but I am happy that for now enough people still believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.
Even when equality is reached?

I think you've just summarized the main goal of most gay-rights groups. They are not only interested in achieving the same rights, they are interested in showing off their sexual preferences and constantly telling the whole world they're gay.


Totally agree Vicky and it is good that people stand up for what they believe. I am sure one day things may change but I am happy that for now enough people still believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.

See, even people on your side are showing how ignorant you are capricorn.


Aside from all of the politics (which is nearly impossible given the topic at hand lol), I think that the upholding today was the proper interpretation under the law. The people of Calif. actually took time out to vote on Nov. 3, 2008 and today the court says that that outcome stands. :hatsoff:
I like the idea of each individual state having the right to vote independent of and free of federal govt intervention on matters such as this, or, now that I think of it, on any matter, for that matter.
Pro states rights all the way ! :thumbsup:

Personally I don't appreciate the courts' involvement in post election results as, shit shouldn't even be able to get on a ballot in the first place unless the outcome is Constitutional to begin with !

We've come a long way because, 10 - 15 years ago, marriage would have been the last thing in the world that the same sex persuasion community would have wanted. "Marriage ? That's for christians", we're pagans." they woulda said lol .
Why is it wrong for people to flaunt their sexuality in public? You have parade for all kinds of people, why not gays?

It depends on how you define "wrong", flaunting sexuality isn't (and shouldn't be) illegal, but it clearly shows a lack of good taste. That goes for straight people as well. I (and most people I know) don't like to see a straight couple seriously making out in broad daylight in front of everyone else. Ever heard of a saying "get a room"?

And yes, can you name some parades for "other kinds of people"? I somehow seem to have missed their existence.
Is it acceptable to use these words here? Whatever your views on the subject I don't think so.
Words are words. That's all. Whatever the connotation that you give them, that's up to you. That's just what I call them. :hatsoff:
Wow. Surprising GSB....didn't know you were homophobic. :confused:

Nope, not homophobic. I'm quite certain of and happy with my sexuality. I'm just vehemently against same-sex marriage.