California high court upholds gay marriage ban

SAN FRANCISCO – The California Supreme Court upheld a voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage Tuesday, but it also decided that the estimated 18,000 gay couples who tied the knot before the law took effect will stay wed.

Demonstrators outside the court yelled "shame on you!" Gay rights activists immediately promised to resume their fight, saying they would go back to voters as early as next year in a bid to repeal the ban.

Can someone please explain to me why the fuck they're gonna take this up to the voters for the fourth time? I mean, what the fuck do they expect to gain from yet another vote? Fourth time's the charm? We as voters have spoken. Build a bridge and get over it. If you want to live in a state that recognizes fags and dykes as legally married couples then move to Iowa, or Connecticut, or any of the other states that allow it, just quit wasting money on bullshit propositions that aren't gonna pass! These are the same people who will bitch about elections and demand recounts ad nauseam, and will not be content until theirs is the prevailing candidate. They claim that there's no freedom of speech and that the people don't get a say in what the government does. Guess what? The people have spoken three times. They just aren't happy because what the people want isn't what they want. :thefinger

Marriage is between a man and a woman. Thats it!!!! Not a man and a man or a woman and a woman. Thats like saying lets play golf with a bowling ball, thats just not what it is.
Can someone please explain to me why the fuck they're gonna take this up to the voters for the fourth time? I mean, what the fuck do they expect to gain from yet another vote? Fourth time's the charm? We as voters have spoken. Build a bridge and get over it. If you want to live in a state that recognizes fags and dykes as legally married couples then move to Iowa, or Connecticut, or any of the other states that allow it, just quit wasting money on bullshit propositions that aren't gonna pass! These are the same people who will bitch about elections and demand recounts ad nauseam, and will not be content until theirs is the prevailing candidate. They claim that there's no freedom of speech and that the people don't get a say in what the government does. Guess what? The people have spoken three times. They just aren't happy because what the people want isn't what they want. :thefinger

Is it acceptable to use these words here? Whatever your views on the subject I don't think so.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
apparently the majority does, in fact, have that right.

Yes, they do. It is up to the court to determine whether the law is constitutional, which evidently it is.

If you want to live in a state that recognizes fags and dykes as legally married couples then move to Iowa, or Connecticut, or any of the other states that allow it,.....

Wow. Surprising GSB....didn't know you were homophobic. :confused:

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I don't care either way, just quit wasting time and money, there are far more important things to worry about, quit clogging up the courts with this shit.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Did someone say common sense has finally taken hold in California?
The only reason this became an issue was because of the Mormon Church. They successfully and purposely distracted Californians by launching some bullshit ads connecting Gay Marriage and Education. That was what swung Prop 8 around. Before the ads hit the airwaves, Prop 8 was an 8% point loser.

Perhaps the Gay Rights groups should align with the Athiests, in retaliation, and begin the removal of all Christian and Religious iconography and statements from public buildings, currency, etc.

Most Gay couples are wealthy enough to spend a lot on weddings. California could've used the *economic stimulus* that Gay Marriage would've brought to the state.

Will the Mormon Church start a ballot prop to outlaw samesex Adoption?
Eventually, gay marriage will be legal in California, as in every state. Later generations will think of us like we think of past generations who said marriage is between one white man and one white woman.

It's taking time, but it's happening. Each generation is more and more liberal.

Personally, I don't think government should be in the marriage business at all. I think it should be a religious institution only.
I support gay marriage rights, but I don't think courts should be given power to overturn voter's decision at the polls otherwise what's the point of voting? I do hope the voters of California will be given another chance to reverse the ban but at this point I don't think they want to spend all that money for another fight at the polls.
I can fully understand why they would keep on fighting. Wouldn't anyone in their position? The fight for equality MUST never end!!

Even when equality is reached?

I think you've just summarized the main goal of most gay-rights groups. They are not only interested in achieving the same rights, they are interested in showing off their sexual preferences and constantly telling the whole world they're gay.
Showing off?!? :dunno:

Yep, showing off. I can't say I've ever heard of a "Straight Pride Parade", let alone seen one. Where as the homosexuals will gladly tell you about theirs. When was the last time you saw a "straight" sticker on the back window of a car? When was the last time you saw a damn rainbow sticker? So yeah, I'd say they show off their homosexuality.
haha...I feel no need to plan a parade. I don't think it's necessary to flaunt my straightness. But thanks for the advice.