British family tells US hotel they do not want to deal with black staff

Mr Tranchant, a US citizen, was so offended he has sought medical and psychological help, according to the court papers. He is claiming compensation.

This story is full of assholes from every direction. Only in America can a man get paid beaucoup bucks for being paid not to work for an hour. Damages? What, the potential tips from a racist family?

It's disgusting that the hotel complied, but people really need to stop and think about the concept of lawsuits that have no victim.
Case should get tossed. The waiter wasn't discriminated against as he suffered no direct loss of pay, formal duties, etc. due to the client's request.

The client has the right to request specifics about the service they receive. Even preferring against "people of colour" with accents (doesn't necessarily apply only to blacks).

No 'there' and the waiter is simply trying to take advantage of perceived public backlash and outrage to secure a settlement IMO.

Will RC now reject such requests by clientèle now? Doubtful nor should they IMO since the request doesn't directly injure any party.


Hiliary 2020
Case should get tossed. The waiter wasn't discriminated against as he suffered no direct loss of pay, formal duties, etc. due to the client's request.

The client has the right to request specifics about the service they receive. Even preferring against "people of colour" with accents (doesn't necessarily apply only to blacks).

No 'there' and the waiter is simply trying to take advantage of perceived public backlash and outrage to secure a settlement IMO.

Will RC now reject such requests by clientèle now? Doubtful nor should they IMO since the request doesn't directly injure any party.

thats about it.
gotta stop accepting these type of lawsuits.

theres no law against being an asshole., if the guy even was one.
we don't know details.
thats about it.
gotta stop accepting these type of lawsuits.

theres no law against being an asshole., if the guy even was one.
we don't know details.

Your avatar confuses the f out of me.


I don't think the hotel should have met their racist demands. Kinda betraying your employees if you ask me.

On a different note...why the fuck does racism still exist? :(
On a different note...why the fuck does racism still exist? :(

I can't speak for other countries...but I think that here in the US it's because of that whole "backwoods" philosophy that still exists. Those are the people that don't take kindly to other types and think that all homosexuals and bi girls will burn in hell. Sadly, they're teaching those types of things to their children...and we still have racism.

Sometimes it's annoying to live in a neighborhood where I'm the only white boy (the only one that acts "white", anyway :D), but I guess it's nice to know I could have a girlfriend of a different race without getting hanged from somebody's roof.
Wouldn't an American accent be considered "funny" to this British racist? :dunno:

I think this story is fake. Too many details don't add up.
Case should get tossed. The waiter wasn't discriminated against as he suffered no direct loss of pay, formal duties, etc. due to the client's request.

The client has the right to request specifics about the service they receive. Even preferring against "people of colour" with accents (doesn't necessarily apply only to blacks).

No 'there' and the waiter is simply trying to take advantage of perceived public backlash and outrage to secure a settlement IMO.

Will RC now reject such requests by clientèle now? Doubtful nor should they IMO since the request doesn't directly injure any party.

If this happened in the UK then Muslims, Pakistani's, etc would have a field day with this. The government favours the darker skin tone. They are scared of it. They give the darker skin toned folks what they want most of the time. And if they don't get it then the "racist" card or the "human rights" card is played by those who got told NO.
This story is full of assholes from every direction. Only in America can a man get paid beaucoup bucks for being paid not to work for an hour. Damages? What, the potential tips from a racist family?

It's disgusting that the hotel complied, but people really need to stop and think about the concept of lawsuits that have no victim.

No victim? That's questionable. The man was effectively told that he was beneath the guests, not even worthy to be their servant. The hotel guests and the hotel appeared to agree on that.


No victim? That's questionable. The man was effectively told that he was beneath the guests, not even worthy to be their servant. The hotel guests and the hotel appeared to agree on that.

Lame continues unabated...
Actually, the guests stated their personal preferences and the hotel one said anyone couldn't work or any such thing as falsely stated in the quoted post, the guest only stated his personal service preference.
The hotel could have said "no, take what we send you and STFU", or "of course we will try to acquiesce to your preferences". If the hotel chose the first, then they could have said "Bye bye" as the guests left for another hotel where their personal preferences would be taken seriously.
In my profession, several times older White ladies feel nervous with a trash talking Black man coming into their home, or a bad-English speaking hispanic they can't be sure is understanding what they are saying...and they request a White native English-speaking technician.
Often clients request Spanish speaking techs; in either situation I am the one sent.
No one feels unhappy, they go to other jobs and still work.
If someone requests a personal preference they are entitled to such a personal thing...and a business concerned with hospitality should take into consideration a guest's preferences.
A much as I might not want Spanish only workers coming to my house to do work...or a Black customer wanting only well mannered "educated" English-speaking workers at their house...personal preference isn't denying anyone work, just your custom.
Personal taste isn't illegal yet, PC party-poopers.:thefinger
^^^ Yeah, right philby. Just like with redlining and similar residential neighborhood real estate shenanigans, as well as "sunset towns" - it's all just a matter of "personal taste."

Not blatant racism, "personal taste."

You would've supported slavery too, and had the term "political correctness" (which has been worthless for a long time now) existed then, you'd have employed it - or your special "PC party-poopers" variant - to describe the abolitionists.


^^^ Yeah, right philby. Just like with redlining and similar residential neighborhood real estate shenanigans, as well as "sunset towns" - it's all just a matter of "personal taste."

Not blatant racism, "personal taste."

You would've supported slavery too, and had the term "political correctness" (which has been worthless for a long time now) existed then, you'd have employed it - or your special "PC party-poopers" variant - to describe the abolitionists.

Lame and lamer...your reasoning gets further and farther out there...!
Residential real estate is public area, business as it can make me sell to anyone qualified, but you can't make me put metalflake furniture in my house if I don't wanna.
Got it yet, Libby wacko?
As for slavery, none of MY ancestors ever owned slaves, or supported slavery...I know yours did. So if you wanna claim lies as truth, put up some real any?
I've read your racist comments here, and you have nothing to stand on...but if you have proof I'm a slavery supporting racist, let's hear it.:thefinger
...I don't think the hotel should have met their racist demands. Kinda betraying your employees if you ask me...

Aside from the racial iussue, I think the Ritz has been "betraying" its employees, in a manner of speaking, for some time now. The average pay rate for an employee of the Ritz' restaurant staff is $12.59/hr. (,_LLC/Hourly_Rate) while the lowest nightly room rate at the Ritz Carlton, Naples is $229.00/night when booked months in advance(
I asked a few black buds of mine about this type of thing and their consensus on this issue is summed up with a shrug followed by two words: :dunno: "Fuck 'em."


I asked a few black buds of mine about this type of thing and their consensus on this issue is summed up with a shrug followed by two words: :dunno: "Fuck 'em."

Yeah, but they most likely voted for Otrauma...fuck'em.:D