British family tells US hotel they do not want to deal with black staff

Face palm smiley needed here....


Hiliary 2020
man so many, too many love a good white racist story.
if someone posts a thread about racism coming from anybody other than a white many get defensive and even angry.

enjoy yourselves.

but, big deal, some british guy asked not to have a black or foriegn waiter.
stop the presses!
this means nothing, affects nothing , it is nothing.

not that its right or wrong, but its just soo miniscule.
man so many, too many love a good white racist story.
if someone posts a thread about racism coming from anybody other than a white many get defensive and even angry.

enjoy yourselves.

but, big deal, some british guy asked not to have a black or foriegn waiter.
stop the presses!
this means nothing, affects nothing , it is nothing.

not that its right or wrong, but its just soo miniscule.

*checks watch* Right on time. I knew you wouldn't be late.:wave: Now the party is complete.
Lame and lamer...your reasoning gets further and farther out there...!
Residential real estate is public area, business as it can make me sell to anyone qualified, but you can't make me put metalflake furniture in my house if I don't wanna.
Got it yet, Libby wacko?
As for slavery, none of MY ancestors ever owned slaves, or supported slavery...I know yours did. So if you wanna claim lies as truth, put up some real any?
I've read your racist comments here, and you have nothing to stand on...but if you have proof I'm a slavery supporting racist, let's hear it.:thefinger

Whoosh - feel the breeze as You Missed the point there???

I don't think you would ever (openly) support slavery today. I'm just betting that if you lived in, say, America in 1855 that you would. And you'd defend it as a benign cultural preference.

You carefully calculate your racism for the respectable mainstream world.
As much as their carefully considered reply to the situation you supposedly described to them...:rolleyes:

You make absolutely no sense here. :dunno: This article didn't even mention anything about President Obama or who voted for who. I sent them a link to the story and asked their opinion of the matter. They told me that they really wouldn't give a damn if they had been in that position. The consensus I got for them was all of them taking a "Well, Fuck you too. I am gonna go over here and drink my beer and watch some porno. No sense in letting someone else ruin my time so long as they aren't fucking with my money directly" attitude to the situation.

What the hell are you talking about? Better yet, what the hell are you smoking?


Whoosh - feel the breeze as You Missed the point there???

I don't think you would ever (openly) support slavery today. I'm just betting that if you lived in, say, America in 1855 that you would. And you'd defend it as a benign cultural preference.

You carefully calculate your racism for the respectable mainstream world.

You are such a limp-dick wuss in every situation..:D
You can make up anything you wanna and post it here, but you can't back up any of the lame crap you say...and never do.
My history in racist times has always been on the side of the angels, and I have no time for your lefty Liberal brand of benign racism; any kind of bullshit chaps my ass.
White folks are a great bunch of people...but you aren't a good example.
So...where are your links to posts I've made that show I carefully calculate my racism for the respectable mainstream world? That's a specific statement...back it up, LDW.

I know you have nothing going on except have a chance to show what you got...back up your statement or STFU.
^^^ No one will ever know what philby smokes...

Anyway, while I can, given the overall context of the situation, understand a black person shrugging this off as "just another racist asshole" sort of thing, it strikes me as a new low.

The more typical racism enjoys the hierarchy, embraces it and revels in it. "I'm superior to blacks, so they should serve me." This almost makes it worse, possibly. "Blacks are inferior to me, but so much so that they're not even good enough to bring me my food and drinks. I shouldn't even have to see them."

I tried to imagine these people as making some ANTI-racist statement, but I know that must be wishful thinking...
White folks are a great bunch of people...but you aren't a good example.


So, what do you think of the non-white "bunch of people"??


You make absolutely no sense here. :dunno: This article didn't even mention anything about President Obama or who voted for who. I sent them a link to the story and asked their opinion of the matter. They told me that they really wouldn't give a damn if they had been in that position. The consensus I got for them was all of them taking a "Well, Fuck you too. I am gonna go over here and drink my beer and watch some porno. No sense in letting someone else ruin my time so long as they aren't fucking with my money directly" attitude to the situation.

What the hell are you talking about? Better yet, what the hell are you smoking?
Unlike yourself, I don't smoke...

I asked a few black buds of mine about this type of thing and their consensus on this issue is summed up with a shrug followed by two words: :dunno: "Fuck 'em."

This is what you posted...made no sense or difference either you post some long story with discussions, lengthy conversations and no are a liar, a bullshitter, or a bad writer...whichever it is you posted a completely different description of the same event and act surprised and confused at my response post...whatever floats your misguided boat.
Tell the truth occasionally and you'll feel better.:thumbsup:


Hiliary 2020
*checks watch* Right on time. I knew you wouldn't be late.:wave: Now the party is complete.

yeah, i'm as bad as alot of you, but for different reasons.

i try to show the true meaning of an issue and not just how they programmed me to think in school and from the media.
an issues true colors.

the real, true racism here is that this is even a story.
also the fact that people love a story like this.

why is it a story?
why do people eat it up?

because those people are the true racists., the ones that consider race in almost every aspect of life.

these people love it only when its white on black, and even if its not a crime.
if you bring up a black on white crime or racial issue the same ones deny it, get angry and call you a racist for even thinking that race was an issue.

why the double standard? because the true racism lies with them.

either you get it or you don't
Unlike yourself, I don't smoke...

This is what you posted...made no sense or difference either you post some long story with discussions, lengthy conversations and no are a liar, a bullshitter, or a bad writer...whichever it is you posted a completely different description of the same event and act surprised and confused at my response post...whatever floats your misguided boat.
Tell the truth occasionally and you'll feel better.:thumbsup:

First of all, I dont smoke. Women are my vice, friend.:D Secondly, just because you can't read between the lines doesn't make me a liar. This is what I get for taking advice from an English professor and try to edit myself. I said that the overall consensus that sums up what they felt was "fuck em". I then went on to explain the situation further since your head is so far up your ass that it makes it near impossible for you to hear anything other than utter bullshit. You went on to talk about voting as if it were the subject of this topic. WTF? And you call me a bullshitter? Just because I don't share your views and am a little more open minded to things doesn't make me a liar. This sort of thinking seems to be prevalent on those who only listen to one side of an argument and don't know the meaning of the word compromise. In any case, I am done with this particular topic. Have a nice day.:)


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I wonder what would happen if I went to a Taco Bell and asked not to be served by Mexicans...


First of all, I dont smoke. Women are my vice, friend.:D Secondly, just because you can't read between the lines doesn't make me a liar. This is what I get for taking advice from an English professor and try to edit myself. I said that the overall consensus that sums up what they felt was "fuck em". I then went on to explain the situation further since your head is so far up your ass that it makes it near impossible for you to hear anything other than utter bullshit. You went on to talk about voting as if it were the subject of this topic. WTF? And you call me a bullshitter? Just because I don't share your views and am a little more open minded to things doesn't make me a liar. This sort of thinking seems to be prevalent on those who only listen to one side of an argument and don't know the meaning of the word compromise. In any case, I am done with this particular topic. Have a nice day.:)
Too bad, doof...learn to write clearly and tell the truth.
No between the lines reading said, and I quote,
I asked a few black buds of mine about this type of thing and their consensus on this issue is summed up with a shrug followed by two words: "Fuck 'em."
[I don't believe you don't brought it up, it's your world.]

If the extent of your analysis is so simple that their reply is a shrug and "fuck'em", then it leaves unanswered the question fuck who? And what does that mean exactly? And if they are your black buds and they reply with shrugs and profanity that clearly indicates a less than intellectual slant on things, so of course they must be production-line Black guys who voted for Otrauma 'cause he's Black. So yeah...fuck'em.
Anything else meant by the BS you posted after that 1st lame post is made up by you and isn't believable in the huge scope of the suddenly deep, meaningful, and extensive debate you seem to have left out of the original post...and the 2nd set of responses that suddenly isn't a shrug and 2 words but a buncha words and no shrug. And completely made up, mos likely...
Like I called it the first time...BS. :bs:


No, fuck that. I want my burrito.

Learn to live in the real world...go to the Ritz, or any high-end hotel, and ask for a burrito, but stipulate no Mexican, Columbian, Peruvian, Argentinian, Guatemalan, Honduran, Nicaraguan, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Bolivian, Chilean, Haitian, Dominican, Caribbean Islander of ANY kind, West Indian, heavily accented dark skinned people of any kind serve you...and I'm sure you will be accommodated.

Otherwise...suck it up with the rest of the world. And eat shit...literally.
Taco Hell??? Really?