Yes, that is what I asked you. What would be anything of proof in a picture or video that would provide evidence that a shooting would be actual and not staged?
You like playing games right bob?
go around in circles. Play dumb.
make posts with no content.
In fact that is mostly all I see here.
In fact thats about all I get after all of these fake shows.
I post content which is designed to engage others with a question of some sort, and all I get back is a bunch of words none of which engage the question, only tell me I am wrong and crazy.
So bob, anybody?
Do you think that rabbi is telling the truth?
That he just ran out of the room all by himself and let the other people stay and be killed?
Does that make sense?
Does he seem to show any emotion? At All?
And finally,is he and his church, and other jewish churches going to receive a huge payday from this?
I'm not talking a little, I'm talking enough to fill the synogogue.
And this thing:
Her brother was just horribly murdered right in front of her.
Could you imagine seeing that. Plus for some knowing your next.
Most people with the exception of some psychopaths would be so affected that they would be shaking and could barely speak without crying.
But this one, this one cant stop laughing. Cant keep a straight face.
(and her script actually has the balls to say that her brother saved her life because the time THE GUNMAN spent shooting him gave her time to escape).
And she is in a studio where they surely did multiple takes plus editing and they still cant get her to stop smiling.
Then they spend the next few minutes explaining why she is smiling instead of letting her continue.
10 years ago I saw a dog i'd never seen get hit by a car and still have anxiety when I think of it.
When do we ever see actual tears bob?
Compared to either witnesses showing no emotion and clearly saying a memorized speech or people actually laughing and smiling while recalling what should have been a extremely traumatizing thing.
I could fill 20 pages of MSM video of that. Its called dupers delight.
In fact they now limit the amount of actual witnesses to these weekly events for that reason.
Its just hard to get good crisis actors.
So got anything of substance bob or just more stalling?
Lets move on, I say its fake and provide reasons.
You say its real and provide nothing other than Anderson Cooper said its real.
Same as always.
Lets move on. Where and when do you think the next one will be?
A school?
A church?
Lessoned learned from this one.
White People Bad.
Jews always innocent victims of non jews.
Support Israel no matter what they do.
Country of USA is a mess.
Be afraid, especially of white men.
Its all TRumps fault.
Not much talk about GUN CONTROL in this one, not on the agenda.