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BREAKING: Pittsburgh synagogue shooting multiple fatalities

President Trump should not speak in Pittsburgh over this. The coroner trucks had not even reached the morgue yet and members of that synagogue including it's rabbis were already politicizing it and blaming the President. Like jews haven't been hated from all quarters all over the world for centuries. Frankly, I'm shocked these attacks haven't happened more often given what opportune targets synagogues and jewish centers are in this country. President Trump was right - each of these places should have an armed presence. See Israel.
There are few Jewish places around me that have armed security. Especially around their holidays and Islamic days. Sadly s9me cities and places think having no guns allowed make a perfect fairytale land.


Hiliary 2020
President Trump should not speak in Pittsburgh over this. The coroner trucks had not even reached the morgue yet and members of that synagogue including it's rabbis were already politicizing it and blaming the President. Like jews haven't been hated from all quarters all over the world for centuries. Frankly, I'm shocked these attacks haven't happened more often given what opportune targets synagogues and jewish centers are in this country. President Trump was right - each of these places should have an armed presence. See Israel.

All part of the script. All part of the agendas they are pushing.
And all the people they are shoving in our faces regarding this have something to gain from it.
For one a big pile of money.

Surely a man of your intelligence can see what this is right?
Yes? No? Perhaps a little?
I mean they are shoving your face in it at this point.

Oh and youre shocked that more Whiteys havent killed more jews in the USA?
Well thats what a lifetime of propaganda will get ya.

Poor Jews, poor Israel, always the innocent victims.

Wake up. Wake up. You fell asleep.
Wake up.
For those including those in that congregation who are using this tragedy for political advantage and to silence President Trump and conservatives - fuck you. I fucking hate the left.

Their idea of civility is not being called out, the fucking pussies that they are. Civility for me but not for thee.



Hiliary 2020
For those including those in that congregation who are using this tragedy for political advantage and to silence President Trump and conservatives - fuck you. I fucking hate the left.

Their idea of civility is not being called out, the fucking pussies that they are. Civility for me but not for thee.


yeah but you're shocked White people don't shoot up synogogues and mass murder Jews more often.
Are you really?


Hiliary 2020
For those including those in that congregation who are using this tragedy for political advantage and to silence President Trump and conservatives - fuck you. I fucking hate the left.

Their idea of civility is not being called out, the fucking pussies that they are. Civility for me but not for thee.


For those including those in that congregation who are using this tragedy for political advantage and to silence President Trump and conservatives - fuck you. I fucking hate the left.

Their idea of civility is not being called out, the fucking pussies that they are. Civility for me but not for thee.


yeah but you're shocked White people don't shoot up synogogues and mass murder Jews more often.
Are you really? Do White Americans really hate jews that much? Do you really truly believe that?

I'm going to try one last time to get through to you.
Please indulge me. Just minute of your time sir.
And please correct me if i'm wrong about any of this.

1- A large drill is conducted in an area. Mass casualty drill with cops, fire, fake victims, ect ect.

2- Not long after in that same exact place the same exact thing happens but....."This time its real".

3- We see no action of the actual incident. No police shooting, none of the alleged shootout then went on for some time ,no injuries, no blood, no ambulances taking away victims, no tears even, in fact we don't see anything other than a shit ton of Police, SWAT, ARMY, NAVY, Marines, FBI, ATF, CIA, FEMA, DHS and you name it walking around armed to the teeth and doing absolutely nothing.
The only proof we ever get in every one of these is that the people on the TV told us what happened. They tell us a vision. And every single person involved in the event is either just following orders and doing their job and/or has a shit ton of money heading their way in the form of charity and government funds.
Am I wrong so far?

4- Immediately, and I mean immediately, every single MSM NEWS business is saying the same exact thing word for word.
Immediately every single MSM NEWS business has an endless amount of people at their studios saying the exact same things and pushing the exact same narrative and agenda. Where do these people come from so quickly? Why do they all same the same things? Every newspaper in the country is pushing the exact same agenda and repeating each other word for word.

They all know the guys name, his entire life history, even the shit he posted on social media that day. They know it all immediately.

Am I wrong yet? Is any of that untrue?

5- Just as manipulated , some people take Trumps side and other take the side of the MSM, which portrays itself as "Left".
And people begin to fight. The Fake News then reports how people are fighting and how fucked up the country is, and round and round and round.

And its the same exact template, same exact structure after each one of these mass killings.
Doesn't it seem to have an artificial feel to it? Do you ever question any of it?

So you side with Trump and say "Fuck the left".
And for every one of you there is another saying "Fuck the right".
And round and round we go until the next one happens.

Now here's the thing.
What if, just what if the whole thing is just bullshit.
A fake media event designed to do exactly what it does after every one.
Because that is exactly what happens when the government and the news media become one in the same.
That is why freedom of press is part of the 1st amendment. You control the information and you control everything because everything is a result of information.

Maybe you and I are just being manipulated to take a side and argue with the other side about whatever agenda is being pushed after each manufactured event.

Tell me Animous has this ever crossed your mind?
Is it possible this is the case?


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Who is supposed to take these pictures and videos? It's a residential neighborhood 9:45 am Saturday morning. People that might be walking their dog or mowing their lawn at the time?

Sure the police are going to get there first, they were the first ones called. Are the police supposed to let people into an area that has an active shooter? NOOOO!!! They wait till the area is safe before letting people in.

Thus the police stand around waiting for their next orders from the chief. The chief gets his collection of facts and faces reporters. Sergeants gather their people and tell them where to go and what to do. Everybody reports the same thing.

Meester, do you know anyone of a first responder? Currently or formerly employed. Volunteers count. Ask them what happens on active crime scenes. Check off everything I just written above and tell how many of those items are not on the list.


Hiliary 2020
Its not just this one its every one.
Except Vegas in which you had the sound of gun shots shooting into a crowd but not one person getting shot.
No one screaming for help and of course nobody injured.

In this one it is reported that there was an hour long standoff with gun fire being exchange.
That somehow the SHOOTER and GUNMAN actually was outside the building shooting but somehow the hundreds of cops armed to the teeth still couldnt shoot him (also notice complete lack of casings at the scene).

So an hour long standoff in a residential neighborhood where Mr Rogers used to live. 3 cops shot during this.
That is quite an ordeal is it not?

Yet again (like in every single one of these things) in this day in which every single person goes through life with a hi definition video camera attached to their hand , not one single video of the actual incident exists.
Also in an hour surely there must have been news crews there right? Yet no video.
I mean at Fort Lauderdale Airport shooting there were numerous film crews actually filming people running from the 5 seconds of gunshots seconds after it happened.....in different terminals even.
But here absolutely nothing.
Only a story being told.
And that is all we ever get- A Story.

And again all the ingredients from every single one including every single person I've seen CNN hand a microphone too showing no natural emotion at all.
Clearly reciting memorized scripts with no indication of any sort of trauma at all.
And I still haven't mentioned the enormous amount of money involved.
Or the specific agendas immediately pushed by the entire mass media after each one.

So thats my response to what you just said.

We live in a reality show in which our reality is scripted and manufactured and shoved down our throats. As hard as that is to believe that is what its come down to.

I'm out.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Okay. So if you don't know a first responder than you must know someone that has a relative or friend that is a first responder. If not, go to your local prescient or firehouse. They will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have concerning live shootings.

I packed a surprise in your lunchbox.


Staff member
The left slams the fault on Trump for the shooting like it always does for everything else in its constant imbecilic, moronic, disrepectful, retarded, racist and disgraceful behavior. Trump has members of his family that are jewish, so the left should really think before babbling such garbage.
Watch: Sarah Sanders Chokes Back Tears Addressing Trump, Jewish Family


And the fake news are also to blame for this digusting attitude, they are just worthless and gutless pieces of trash which use a tragic event to turn against a politician and people who don't share their views.


Hiliary 2020
The left slams the fault on Trump for the shooting like it always does for everything else in its constant imbecilic, moronic, disrepectful, retarded, racist and disgraceful behavior. Trump has members of his family that are jewish, so the left should really think before babbling such garbage.
Watch: Sarah Sanders Chokes Back Tears Addressing Trump, Jewish Family


And the fake news are also to blame for this digusting attitude, they are just worthless and gutless pieces of trash which use a tragic event to turn against a politician and people who don't share their views.

You still can't see its all a Phony Fake Show?

And the show goes on. The artificial manufactured scripted event and agenda.

Actors. Actors. Actors.
A half black, some children, a black guy, another half black, an old lady, A white guy, some bored housewife types.
All being paid to be there.

And more actors.

Drills portrayed as real events.

And the biggest actor of the all. The star of the show in a role of a lifetime.

Trump%20Pittsburgh_1496349884784_9889611_ver1.0_12  80_720.jpg

This is why he was installed and not Hiliary, so they could do exactly what there doing.
The whole thing was planned out years ago. They do not have your best interests.

People start using that brain a full capacity and figure it out already.
Youre good enough, youre smart enough, you can do it.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
There are few Jewish places around me that have armed security. Especially around their holidays and Islamic days. Sadly s9me cities and places think having no guns allowed make a perfect fairytale land.

I really don't want to capitalize on tragedy but my business partner and I are going to send out mailers this week to local Synagogues, Mosques, Hindu and Sikh temples or any other underappreciated/misunderstood religious centers and offer extremely discounted rates for armed security. We've already been posting up in front of a few Catholic churches in the wake of what has been happening since August. Ideally, I'd like to hire professional, capable people of any of those faiths to watch over their own, as it would make them more comfortable, but I'll do it myself if it comes to that. Churches, temples and other places of worship are supposed to be a sanctuary from such craziness.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I really don't want to capitalize on tragedy but my business partner and I are going to send out mailers this week to local Synagogues, Mosques, Hindu and Sikh temples or any other underappreciated/misunderstood religious centers and offer extremely discounted rates for armed security. We've already been posting up in front of a few Catholic churches in the wake of what has been happening since August. Ideally, I'd like to hire professional, capable people of any of those faiths to watch over their own, as it would make them more comfortable, but I'll do it myself if it comes to that. Churches, temples and other places of worship are supposed to be a sanctuary from such craziness.

I should have added the caveat, EXCEPT FUCKING SCIENTOLOGISTS. My bad. Fuck those guys.
Around my area was a robbery at a gas station. Few miles down the road was a police, swat and bomb unit training session. Coincidence? No. Wrong place l, wrong time? Fuck yeah. Anybody scream racism when the robber was stopped? Nope.

The Jewish house of temple whatever has armed security I speak of. There was a Muslim lady that "accidentally" walked around the building looking for a door and wandered all around. Security stopped her. Asked her questions. She replied: I thought this was the place that had the food pantry for donated foods.

Asked for ID didn't have any. Picked up and her family was on a list of suspects.

So fuck you Meester. Just because your isolated ass doesn't know what's going on outside your copper plated house doesn't mean Jack shit. You get out and about you will find shit goes down, shit happens and doesn't matter. You hate the political construct so much go move elsewhere. Your fucking theme is worn and played out.

Let me finish your reply to anybody here:

Ahhhhhj omg you're stage puppets and don't know Jack shit! My community college degree is the jacknuts! Stop being mean and shit!

In return. Fuck off, tinfoil condom baby
I really don't want to capitalize on tragedy but my business partner and I are going to send out mailers this week to local Synagogues, Mosques, Hindu and Sikh temples or any other underappreciated/misunderstood religious centers and offer extremely discounted rates for armed security. We've already been posting up in front of a few Catholic churches in the wake of what has been happening since August. Ideally, I'd like to hire professional, capable people of any of those faiths to watch over their own, as it would make them more comfortable, but I'll do it myself if it comes to that. Churches, temples and other places of worship are supposed to be a sanctuary from such craziness.

Yeah and I know some folks that would take them jobs on and already been. I'll send some info if you'd like for my location areas if you branch far out.
Let me know about SoCal when you get there. I know some folks out there that will have contacts.


Hiliary 2020
Was the bad mooslim lady going to hurt the poor innocent jewish people at the jewish house of temple?

Good thing they picked her up.

Bad Muslims, Bad White Racists with guns.

Who exactly is wearing a tin foil hat?

I try not to engage you because I can tell by the things you write and how you write that you have a very low functioning mentality.
Someone with a mental intelligence level clearly as low as you have giving me shit and calling me names is pretty much nothing to me.
At best its a compliment.
But it is nice to see that you have similar people as yourself as friends here.

Now watch out for those mooslums, theyre coming to get you bar-ba-ra.