Actually; now that I think about it, "Pope Frankie" has a better ring to it.
I'm going to just call him Pope Frank.
Just another retared religious man.
Yeah, pretty sure someone retarded would rise to a position like this. Clearly retarded.
Actually m12 to even be ordained a Jesuit priest requires 13 years of intensive study. I've never met a stupid Jesuit priest. I'm relatively certain that any of these guys could destroy you in a face-to-face debate and would probably have you rethink your position. That's what the Jesuits have done for five hundred or so years. I'm glad they have chosen someone who will not cave in to social convention.
Actually m12 to even be ordained a Jesuit priest requires 13 years of intensive study. I've never met a stupid Jesuit priest. I'm relatively certain that any of these guys could destroy you in a face-to-face debate and would probably have you rethink your position. That's what the Jesuits have done for five hundred or so years. I'm glad they have chosen someone who will not cave in to social convention.
Please don't confuse him with facts.
Fuck you, dirk. I never said a religious retard can't be smart. Still are all religions just like any other sect. And they're retarded because they still preach and believe in things like the bible.
And what about all the child abuse and stuff they're denying and covering. And that they deny scientific FACTS!
See how smart speaking in absolutes makes one look?
Still strictly orthodox (meaning nothing will change about church's stance on same sex marriages, etc.)
WHy should it change? Christian marriage is their own marriage, it has nothing to do with the civil marriage. Governments should change about that, but a religion is a religion: you are not forced to embrace it. It's like a gentleman's club; there are some rules, if you like them you join, if you don't you join a different club. Marriage between a male and a female is one of the foundations of the Catholic religion: wouldn't they have the right to set their own rules?
Knowing Argentina and how their crazy football commentators react, I can only assume their newscasters went "POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE! POOOPE! POOOOPE DIII ARGENTINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" after the announcement