Of course I did, please continue with the high fives, ass slapping, and other merry making. But no, not really, and the idea that BC is "better than me" is amusing, dude is long winded with no substance, you on the other hand, just lack substance. Both of you are playing political games instead of seeking out the best candidate, and relying on Fox News tactics to try to further your agenda. Someone told me a long time ago that when it comes to this forum it really isn't about debating each other, but about the people that read these posts but don't comment. They're the ones that really should be your audience and they know who's serious, who's winning, and who's losing. Do you really think you're "beating me" with your yappie yes-dog hit and run chickenshit? Yeah, you probably do, but that just shows little vision on your part. Accuse me of having, "just lost", yeah, that's convincing, keep telling yourself how great you and BC are, I'm more than happy to sit back and know better. Keep playing tit-for-tat, you'll eventually wear yourself out. Yeah, I know you guys have a massive Obama chip on your shoulders, that's ok, you'll get over it. Maybe under the awesome reign of some far right teabagger, but we all know that's highly unlikely. More likely you'll be addressing Madam President Hillary Clinton for eight years, not my pick, but it's looking more and more likely. Let's see how batshit insane you guys are halfway through that second term.