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Bernie Sanders' revolution

Democratic contender Bernie Sanders vows to eject money from U.S. elections

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders on Monday proposed overturning rules on money in elections, as the Democratic presidential contender pledged to “transform our political system by rejecting the influence of big corporate money.”

Sanders, one of 19 Democrats competing to take on Republican President Donald Trump in the November 2020 election, would replace the Federal Election Commission with “a true law enforcement agency” and rid party conventions and presidential inauguration ceremonies of corporate sponsorship, according to a statement from his campaign.
“When we win the Democratic nomination and defeat Donald Trump, we will transform our political system by rejecting the influence of big corporate money,” the statement said.

Sanders also proposed a constitutional amendment that “makes clear money is not speech and corporations are not people,” intended to undermine U.S. Supreme Court decisions that allow unrestricted spending through political action committees and tax-exempt advocacy groups.
A constitutional amendment requires the support of two-thirds of both houses of the U.S. Congress and ratification by three-quarters of the states. Leading Republicans like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have opposed most efforts to restrain political donations.

The proposal comes as Sanders, 78, is recovering from a health scare that forced him to cancel campaign events last week.
On Friday, his campaign said Sanders had suffered a heart attack but that he would be back on the campaign trail soon.

Sanders trails former Vice President Joe Biden and U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren for the Democratic nomination in most national opinion polls.
But his campaign said last week it raised $25.3 million in mostly small donations in the third quarter of this year, outstripping all other Democrats in the 2020 race.

Wether you're Democrat, Republican or whatever, you should support that policy because the US Constitution says "We, the people", not "We, the corporations".
It is time for the american people to reclaim their government from corporations and lobbies that hijacked it.


Staff member


Staff member
Bernie Sanders Slams Trump as ‘a Racist, a Sexist, a Homophobe, a Xenophobe and a Religious Bigot’

Bernie Sanders Has Already Drafted ‘Dozens Of Executive Orders’ To Bypass Congress If Elected President

‘Almost as Bad as What Hitler Did’: Bernie Compares U.S. Vietnam Involvement To Nazis

Sanders Leads Biden In New Poll
I love how dems repeatedly show themselves to have no concept of freedom of belief, thought, and expression:

"What if we now live in a world where having a bullying, agro social media army running around popping anyone who sticks their head up-"

Uh, ...Chuck? We do. And they're some of your most passionate fans :rofl2:


Chuck Todd is not the only one on MSNBC who seems to be waging a war on Bernie

Chris Matthews has no idea what he’s talking about on Bernie Sanders and “democratic socialism”

Chris Matthews’ job is to provide MSNBC’s audience with political insights. He's supposed to have a lot of them; after all, he spent his career in and around Washington, D.C., power centers. But his recent befuddlement over Sen. Bernie Sanders’ self-description as a democratic socialist revealed the limits of that experience. Apparently, Matthews is bafflingly ignorant of an idea that's played a key role in the last two Democratic presidential nominating contests.

After last Friday’s Democratic presidential debate, Matthews appeared on MSNBC to analyze the results. And apparently his big insight was that Sanders’ ascendance in presidential primary polls means that old-school communism is making a comeback. Matthews’ apparent fear that he might personally have been publicly executed “if Castro and the Reds had won the Cold War,” went viral. But what he said immediately afterward was even more self-indicting.

“I don't know what he means by ‘socialist,’” Matthews said of the Vermont senator. “One week, it's ‘Denmark. We’re going to be like Denmark.’” That would be “harmless,” Matthews admitted, because the Nordic state is “basically a capitalist country with a lot of good social welfare programs.”But Matthews insisted that Sanders might secretly have something far more dire in mind. When a fellow MSNBC host argued that the senator is “pretty clearly in the Denmark category,” Matthews replied: “Is he? Are you sure? How do you know? Did he tell you that?”

Matthews’ apparent uncertainty about Sanders’ definition of “democratic socialist” is bizarre. The Democratic presidential candidate has explained the term over and over in major venues for years. He’s devoted major speeches in each of his presidential campaigns to the topic. And he’s discussed it in interviews, during several prime-time presidential primary debates, and on the campaign trail. And while Matthews suggested that Sanders’ comparison to Denmark is somewhat new, Sanders has described “democratic socialism” in terms of a Scandanavian-style economy since at least his Senate election in 2006.

To Sanders, “democratic socialism” means treating economic rights, like access to health care, housing, and education, as human rights. Its mechanisms include expanding social welfare programs, increasing the minimum wage, and strengthening trade unions. It also requires reforming the political system to make it more attuned to the public and less influenced by the wealthy and powerful.
The political thinkers he credits are not Marx and Lenin, but Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Martin Luther King Jr.

Sanders hit all of those notes in a speech laying out “the path that I call democratic socialism” last June. “We must recognize that in the 21st century, in the wealthiest country in the history of the world, economic rights are human rights. That is what I mean by democratic socialism,” he said. “As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, ‘Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all of God’s children.’”

It’s unclear what part of Sanders’ program Matthews disagrees with, if any. But Matthews’ ignorance has real consequences, especially for people who rely on his show for their political news. And some of Matthews’ programming decisions make that ignorance seem purposeful. When Sanders gave that address on June 12, Matthews basically skipped it.

Hours after Sanders spoke, Matthews hosted his campaign co-chair Nina Turner. But after introducing her and acknowledging that “Bernie gave a big speech,” he devoted the interview to the “bigger news” breaking about President Donald Trump. The next night, the speech itself again received short shrift -- rather than showing his audience what Sanders had said, Matthews instead aired a clip of a different Democratic presidential candidate criticizing it, before closing his broadcast with a monologue about socialism’s unpopularity and how Roosevelt was “not a socialist” that all but ignored Sanders’ actual argument.

Pundits can reasonably argue over whether Sanders’ vision is wise, or realistically achievable within the constraints of the U.S. system. They can mull over whether Sanders’ description actually comports with “socialism” as it is traditionally defined, discuss the degree to which Denmark’s system is actually “socialist,” and question how closely Sanders’ platform aligns the U.S. with Nordic countries.
But they can’t, as Chris Matthews does, both claim to be experts on politics and insist that Sanders’ views are a mystery.



Hiliary 2020
words words words words words. Words words words words words. Words words.
Words words? Words.

If "they" really wanted Trump gone they would be promoting Sanders period. The end.

They aren't doing this because its all a phony fake show titled Trump. The Trump Show.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
What's up with the Nevada Culinary Union and Sanders? And is this sort of thing going to become an issue with other unions that have built up their own health care benefits that they happen to like?

Why A Powerful Nevada Union Is Undermining Bernie Sanders On Medicare For All

The Culinary Workers Union has built up its own excellent health plan over the years and doesn’t want private insurance phased out.

Sounds like it got pretty testy:

Nev. Culinary Union: Bernie Backers 'Viciously Attacked' Us

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Here's what I'd like to know, or hear some opinions on: rumors are that Mini Mike Bloomberg is looking to an establishment female (Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama) as his VP running mate. His money + their connections or "street cred" = victory. But to get there, looks like the DNC is going to have to help lure Bernie into a dark room, so they can put the knife in his back (again). So how is his passionate base of supporters going to react if this takes place???

I saw something that I thought was really interesting in the Off Topic section of a trading forum I was on the other day. We were talking about products and/or companies that still have a fiercely loyal following. Of course we had Apple, Tesla, Ferrari, Rolex, etc. But someone popped up with Bernie Sanders. Now while not many (any) people on an options trading forum are going to be big Bernie supporters, we were able to agree that this guy has a real and passionate following. The Bern is darn near a brand... much more so than ANY of the other candidates (including Trump). So I want to know what you folks think: what happens if/when the DNC takes a(nother) shit on The Bern brand?


Staff member
Bernie Supporter Explains Democratic Socialism at NH Victory Rally: ‘I Stand By This Brand 100 Percent’

DNC Members Scheme to Stop Sanders at Convention

Bernie Sanders Remembers “Being Very Excited” When Castro Took Over Cuba

Report: Bernie’s Camp Ripped AOC For Encouraging People Not to Cooperate With ICE
Super Tuesday didn't turn out the way I thought it would. Did I believe Sanders would rack up delegates on Super Tuesday? Yes. Were there mistakes made by the Sanders campaign? Yes. This race is far from over. Now the work really begins and we have to fight like hell from here on out. I'm not giving up hope. Neither should you. Repost if you're with me




Staff member
Bernie Campaign Welcomes Endorsement From Group That Wants to ‘Abolish Prisons’

Bernie Sanders Boards Wrong Private Plane, Continues Life Of Hypocrisy

Sen. Sanders: Illegal Immigrants Are ‘Our People’

Bernie Sanders Praised on Front Page of Communist Cuban Newspaper

Top Democrat Leaders Reportedly Prepping Plan To Stop Bernie Sanders At Convention
Bernie Campaign Welcomes Endorsement From Group That Wants to ‘Abolish Prisons’

Bernie Sanders Boards Wrong Private Plane, Continues Life Of Hypocrisy

Sen. Sanders: Illegal Immigrants Are ‘Our People’

Bernie Sanders Praised on Front Page of Communist Cuban Newspaper

Top Democrat Leaders Reportedly Prepping Plan To Stop Bernie Sanders At Convention

And again