“She called me, said she wanted to talk to me personally,” Rep. Pelosi said after a few moments of stunned silence. “I thought maybe she wanted to have dinner tonight or something.”
And, impressively, Rep. Pelosi improvises a two-minute long tribute right then and there about her fellow California delegate, while clearly trying to process the news.
Can Pelosi, Reed, Clinton, Boehner, McCain, Emanuel, de Blasio, Feinstein, Schumer, Bloomberg, Sotomayor and Kagan also go away?
Everybody here thinks the same thing about you. :thefinger:
Many think that about you.
Especially when you act like this.
The announcement caught Pelosi Galore off guard.
Term limits are needed.
No they're not.
Term limits are needed.
No they're not.
Yes, they are.
Then again, if term limits are good for Presidents and the mayor of NYC (except for that asshole Bloomberg who shit all over the city's charter) shouldn't they be good enough for congress? Making elected officials live under rules they impose would be a wake up call for a bunch of those clowns. Plus it would force the voting public to take an active interest in politics because they would have to learn about candidates rather than just toeing the party line and voting for the guy who's been there forever.
Without even thinking too hard I can name at least twenty people in Congress, on either side of the aisle, who've overstayed their welcome. You see a constant sub thirty percent approval rating for congress but most people vote for the incumbent thus perpetuating that loathing. By instituting term limits we could save millions of dollars on their retirement pay alone. In what other job does someone get to collect retirement benefits after 8 or twelve years? These fuckers have had it too good for too long.
And we need to repeal the 17th amendment as well.
Term limits.
Repeal the 16th Amendment
16th amendment was never ratified so it's illegal as hell.