Agree 100 pct. They ask her a personal belief question (presumably 1 side or the other would be acceptable), she gives a personal belief answer and is criticized on it because she gave the politically incorrect answer.
I guess they expected her to say she does believe in gay marriage so they could all then cheer??
They should stick to asking these bimbos what their favorite color is and questions that illicit the ubiquitous response, "world peace" and everything should be okay.
Personally, I criticize her because of her rationale (or lack thereof). Saying she doesn't believe in gay marriage is fine, but the rationale of "that's how I was raised" is hogwash. It's tantamount to saying saying "I can steal because everyone does it".
As much as these pageants are meaningless in the long run, her title carries enough prestige in this day and age to merit formulating a simple sound argument for her position. Matter of fact, as an
adult she has the responsibility to do so. Instead, she's giving an opinion and then basically saying, "don't hold me accountable for it, or criticize me for it, I just learned it from my parents!". It's a simple diffusion of accountability that I find makes her opinion stupid.