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Attacks in Paris

Sadly, I would even go a step farther than that. Even preventing the actual acts of terror is extremely hard to the point of being impossible to stop every mass killing. Sometimes good intel can stop them, but just as much it seems when they do fail it's because of pure luck or gross incompetence by the terrorist. That's not always going to be in our favor. There are just too many soft targets that are too easy to kill, and it will always be that way as there is nothing realistically we can do to protect ourselves from people that determined to kill others. It's happened now. It will happen again in the future. Totally altering our society in a futile attempt to do so would just hurt us, and us becoming just as bad as them for the sake of vengeance or false justice just hurts the world that much more.

It's also bad the terrorist don't realize they aren't any closer to winning than they were before. Scaring people and killing a few hundred isn't going win a war one wants to wage against a gigantic portion of the planet. It just pisses more people off against them because they want to kill a bunch of innocent people in vain.

True. It's like they say, the terrorists only need to be right one time while we need to be right 100% of the time
This might be hard to swallow for some, but we're never going to "destroy" or "eradicate" ISIS. There will be no "mission accomplished" in the war on terror. Obama will say that we're going to destroy them but he knows that's not true and that that is just something you have to say because that's what the American people want to hear. We can prevent the actual act of terror but we'll never be able to prevent extremism, which is what causes these people to go out and produce acts of terror.

Sadly, I would even go a step farther than that. Even preventing the actual acts of terror is extremely hard to the point of being impossible to stop every mass killing. Sometimes good intel can stop them, but just as much it seems when they do fail it's because of pure luck or gross incompetence by the terrorist. That's not always going to be in our favor. There are just too many soft targets that are too easy to kill, and it will always be that way as there is nothing realistically we can do to protect ourselves from people that determined to kill others. It's happened now. It will happen again in the future. Totally altering our society in a futile attempt to do so would just hurt us, and us becoming just as bad as them for the sake of vengeance or false justice just hurts the world that much more.

Well put.



Official Checked Star Member
This might be hard to swallow for some, but we're never going to "destroy" or "eradicate" ISIS. There will be no "mission accomplished" in the war on terror. Obama will say that we're going to destroy them but he knows that's not true and that that is just something you have to say because that's what the American people want to hear. We can prevent the actual act of terror but we'll never be able to prevent extremism, which is what causes these people to go out and produce acts of terror.

Sadly, I would even go a step farther than that. Even preventing the actual acts of terror is extremely hard to the point of being impossible to stop every mass killing. Sometimes good intel can stop them, but just as much it seems when they do fail it's because of pure luck or gross incompetence by the terrorist. That's not always going to be in our favor. There are just too many soft targets that are too easy to kill, and it will always be that way as there is nothing realistically we can do to protect ourselves from people that determined to kill others. It's happened now. It will happen again in the future. Totally altering our society in a futile attempt to do so would just hurt us, and us becoming just as bad as them for the sake of vengeance or false justice just hurts the world that much more.

Well put.


You're right. You're never going to eradicate ISIS (muslims). But we can keep them thousands of miles away from us to host the liberal western bitches who like a real man who treats them like a "real" woman. Do what you want at home. Do what i want at mine.
Gov. Kasich is calling for President Obama to invoke Article V of NATO. This was done for the very first time right after 9/11 and it's called for now.
Dear nightwanker-

Cry me a fucking river.
Gov. Kasich is calling for President Obama to invoke Article V of NATO. This was done for the very first time right after 9/11 and it's called for now.

Only France can invoke Article V. But I don't think they will invoke it. They don't need to. We're already attacking Daesh. France would be better off forming a coalition than work through NATO, which can be slow moving. Plus, France doesn't need the political legitimacy of NATO.
Only France can invoke Article V. But I don't think they will invoke it. They don't need to. We're already attacking Daesh. France would be better off forming a coalition than work through NATO, which can be slow moving. Plus, France doesn't need the political legitimacy of NATO.

That's true, and Kasich shouldn't have said that or I misheard him this morning. And Article V would mainly be symbolic as each member state is not even mandated to provide military support. It would be a show of solidarity with France.

And speaking of what France will do now, Hollande has declared this an act of war by ISIS and that France will wage a "pitiless" war against them. I hope that's true, but haven't we heard this before, most recently by the King of Jordan who promised to rain down all the fires of hell or something to that effect after their pilot was burned alive? Jordan had massed troops along the Syrian border but whatever came of that? I hope France does take the gloves off and is the instrument of ISIS' demise (because it ain't gonna be us) but I doubt it. What's more likely is that they'll increase their air strikes in Syria and maybe do a few sweeps of the islamic radical types throughout their country.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Collateral damage is acceptable. Babies , women all of them. We didn't cause it, the Jihadists did.

Basically, I have no mercy on them . They want to kill every westerner they see and this is a never ending war so take it to them. And deport every one of them that are here illegally. Fuck 'em.

I can't imagine a good ending to such a policy.
They want to live in the 7th century bomb them so they can realize their dream faster. Collateral damage is acceptable. Babies , women all of them. We didn't cause it, the Jihadists did.

Believe me, I understand that sentiment. It's one that I'm hearing more and more after these attacks. But then how does that makes us any different than the terrorists? Why do you want to stoop down to their level? The fact that we don't do that is what makes us the United States of America. That is what makes us superior than them. That is what makes us the greatest country on earth
We will never end their anti- western sentiments. The west is either predominately Christian, Jewish or secular atheist. None are acceptable to Islam so the infidel must be eliminated.

We are not obligated to accept immigrants. Sorry, but we are not. The other Arab countries won't take them, neither should we. We do so at our peril.

They want to live in the 7th century bomb them so they can realize their dream faster. Collateral damage is acceptable. Babies , women all of them. We didn't cause it, the Jihadists did.

Basically, I have no mercy on them . They want to kill every westerner they see and this is a never ending war so take it to them. And deport every one of them that are here illegally. Fuck 'em.

Do you know what's the consequences of collateral damage ?
What do you think teenage syrians will do if us or french bombs kill their brother/sister/father/mother/uncle/aunt/friend/wives ? They will join those who fight those who killed their relatives. They will join ISIS.

More collateral damages = More ISIS fighters



Closed Account
Do you know what's the consequences of collateral damage ?
What do you think teenage syrians will do if us or french bombs kill their brother/sister/father/mother/uncle/aunt/friend/wives ? They will join those who fight those who killed their relatives. They will join ISIS.

More collateral damages = More ISIS fighters



Postal Paranoiac
France just bombed Syrian ISIS targets today. Fugitives still sought.
The thing is, this is a war that can't be won short of total annihilation of the enemy. Even that is practically impossible. These beliefs of hate and martyrdom can be adopted and are encouraged to be, by the youngest of the next generation. Frighteningly, these extremists know this...and it doesn't matter to them. In many ways their beliefs are akin to devout nationalism. But even worse in scope. I see arguments breaking off over this into religious factions: My God vs Your God vs No God. That's way off target. Religious belief is not at the core of this. It's just a tool. Otherwise, bin Laden would've blown himself up long before we got to him. What's at the core of this is evil. And as we know, evil comes from all sides, and it's present on all sides.


Official Checked Star Member
France just bombed Syrian ISIS targets today. Fugitives still sought.
The thing is, this is a war that can't be won short of total annihilation of the enemy. Even that is practically impossible. These beliefs of hate and martyrdom can be adopted and are encouraged to be, by the youngest of the next generation. Frighteningly, these extremists know this...and it doesn't matter to them. In many ways their beliefs are akin to devout nationalism. But even worse in scope. I see arguments breaking off over this into religious factions: My God vs Your God vs No God. That's way off target. Religious belief is not at the core of this. It's just a tool. Otherwise, bin Laden would've blown himself up long before we got to him. What's at the core of this is evil. And as we know, evil comes from all sides, and it's present on all sides.

Of course it's a religious matter. What else? We haven't learned anything from history. These people is not the first time that attempt to annihilate our culture and civilization and to submit us. They did it in the name of their prophet then and they are trying to do it in the name of their prophet now. The core problem is exactly the religion. Until we will keep denying this, they will put roots in our countries more and more and when they will be able to bring their people into our governments it will be too late. Keep dreaming coexistence with the adepts of a religion which forbids them to coexist with us. There is only Islam for them, moderates or radicals. Paradoxically it's the moderates who are fucking us making some believe that there can be coexistence while getting privileges and protection. Rest assured: when the time will come, they will fuck us without lube. Mix withe them, gain their trust, then it will be easier to submit them: this is what's going on. It's a damn mystifying inside job. Go on Time Square and burn a Bible. Then go back the day after and burn a Quran. Let me know if you can avoid being arrested, if you are still alive, after you have burned the mohammed book. Do you want to bet me?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Stop saying “Islam” is about peace and love. It’s not. It’s about submission; the people who really get this are the ones who launch these attacks in the name of their religion.

Stop supporting politicians like Obama, who insist that Islamic nations like Iran have our same fundamental values and can be trusted with billions of dollars in unfrozen assets (Obama’s treaty), and who don’t mean what they say when they want to wipe Israel off the map.

Stop saying we don’t really need a strong military and we cannot, under any circumstances, use the full might of our military arsenal to do things to stop militant Islam in its tracks, to quite literally scare the Allah out of these people.

Unless or until you start to rethink your stance, you have no business expressing compassion towards the victims of people in attacks whose perpetrators – knowingly or not – you aid and support via your positions.

The president of France calls the attacks in Paris by militant ISIS supporters an “act of war.” Excuse me? Haven’t we been at war since at least 9/11? Even going back as far as 1979, when the first openly organized Islamic government, Iran, took Americans hostage and brutalized them for a year before setting them free?

We’re not supposed to admit we’re at war with Islam. But Islam has been at war with everyone else for decades now. And it’s not going to stop.

I am so sick of people saying, “We can’t fight terrorism with violence. We have to understand them and figure out what makes them act this way.”

Envy, brutality and collectivist/social/racial hatred are what make them act this way. They’re not going to change, and they’re not going to stop. By trying to appease and understand them every chance we get, they interpret this as weakness, because it is, from their point-of-view. They respond with more brutality. They’re not ever going to stop, any more than Hitler and the Nazis would have stopped if, instead of taking them on directly, we had said, “Let’s try to understand them.”


Do you know what's the consequences of collateral damage ?
What do you think teenage syrians will do if us or french bombs kill their brother/sister/father/mother/uncle/aunt/friend/wives ? They will join those who fight those who killed their relatives. They will join ISIS.

More collateral damages = More ISIS fighters

You could just as well say that it's the touchy-feely BS that the US and the rest of the West has pulled that has led to the problems. Saddam had no problems with Islamists because they knew what would happen if they made a fuss. After Mother Russia laid all her love on Chechnya it has been relatively quiet on that front. In the end they got the message. The only message that we have broadcasted to terrorists and those who sympathize with them is that we are a benign and safe enemy.

As far as hearts and minds go, always remember Machiavelli's maxim that if you must choose between being loved and being feared you should choose being feared. Niccolo knew what he was talking about.

If you hold a society collectively responsible for the actions of its individual members that society will be incentivized to check unwanted behaviors. That, incidentally, is also the very foundation of Arab culture.
During the Soviet era the Russian captured Arab-terrorist relatives and kill them if the Arabs made a terrorist attack.