Norway's Filthy Manner of Life
March 1st, 1972 is the day marked in Norwegian history as the day that homosexuality became legal in Norway. That day marked the beginning of sorrows for the Norwegians because they have turned back toward the ways of their sister Sodom and have run swiftly towards the gods of their forefathers. (Jeremiah 11:10 They are turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers, which refused to hear my words; and they went after other gods to serve them: the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken my covenant which I made with their fathers.) Norway has no godly, righteous voice against the fag juggernaut and they openly support, enable and encourage that filthy behavior.
The capital city, Oslo, is full of fag bars, festivals, and communities that support and teach men and women to have vile affections and a reprobate mind and to become unclean through the lusts of their own hearts and to dishonor their bodies between themselves because they have not retained God in their knowledge. (Romans 1:24 – 32)
Child adoption is legal for any homosexuals and if you play your cards right, the government might even help you out financially.
The government is full of fags and fag enablers and they will suck up to the fag agenda for their own greedy reasons.
In 1981, Norway became the first country in the world to enact a law to prevent discrimination against homosexuals by amending Paragraph 349a of its Penal Code. Later that year they passed a law protecting them from hate speech directed towards the homosexuals. You can’t just go around hurting the little fag’s feelings, you know, by saying a little Gospel truth. In 2006 a new Anti-Discrimination Act was passed to cover any discrimination towards anyone whether it is in public or in private. The penalty may be fines or imprisonment of not more than three years, and if you get a judge who supports the fag agenda to their fullest (which isn’t hard to accomplish) you could get some large rolls of money for damages.
Abortion has been legal since 1978; in 2007, they had a 20.5% abortion rate. This country will not only raise their children for the devil, but will kill them off before they take a breath out of the womb! Abortions are being done left and right and at the fleeting of a thought. There is no reason needed for this murderous action to take place except for the greedy will of some whore. The blood of those children is on their hands.
Divorce rate for marriages are at 40.4% (as of 2002) in Norway.
These filthy people are changing their spouses almost as much as they change their under garments! There is no peace with these people unless they are constantly going for what their deceitful heart desires, whether it is chasing the lusts that are unseemly (Romans 1:27), killing off their kids or putting away the wife of their youth.
Isaiah 50:1 Thus saith the LORD, Where is the bill of your mother’s divorcement, whom I have put away? or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your transgressions is your mother put away.
Norway is a destination of sexual trafficking from all over the world and especially the surrounding countries. These people are ruthless and will chase after anything that flashes across their eyes that can’t outrun them.
Norway spends millions of dollars to prevent this from happening, and they are getting nowhere. They identified 190 victims in 2007 and only a handful received help. They expect the vile people of that nation to help with investigations, but the people are the ones committing these vile acts! Why would they stop themselves from getting exactly what they lust after?