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Punch that equation as it reads into a calculator and you'll get the wrong answer.I'll have fries with that, please.
You have to learn how to read the equation before you can figure it out with a calculator, son. And everybody learned this stuff in grade school, btw!
40 + 40 = 80
80 x 0 = 0 (any number x 0 = 0)
0 + 1 = 1
i'd like to see someone prove me wrong on this, with legit proof, dont just call me stoopid
i even did it on a calculator and the answer was 1 (how can a calculator be wrong)
Are you serious? Did you go to school? Ever in your life? It's a disgrace that people don't know how to do basic math.
I'm seriously upset right now.
40 + 40 = 80
80 x 0 = 0 (any number x 0 = 0)
0 + 1 = 1
i'd like to see someone prove me wrong on this, with legit proof, dont just call me stoopid
i even did it on a calculator and the answer was 1 (how can a calculator be wrong)
Basic math skills are going the same way as basic English skills. It makes me pretty upset, too.
Funny story.
A guy I work with was recently promoted into marketing, a position a few of us applied for. When I didn't get the job, I figured they just hired the more qualified person...until I saw his thank you letter in our monthly newsletter. Worst grammar I've ever seen from a "professional"It was a good 200 words with no period, no to mention all the spelling mistakes.