Anyone here play Final Fantasy Brave Exvius?

7* today! Read carefully about STMR and using crystals for 7*. Some apparently got screwed over with missing out on stmr.

On side note a friend unit is Olive with 2200+ atk :eek:
6 million damage on raid boss lol
Sorry being off a week. Hit the side of my car when driving so tried last week and was so pissed at myself.
I've come to grips with the cost. I have an extra day off this weekend so I'm feeling a little better.

I dunno about 7* right now. The only ones I have 2 of that qualify are:

Others I have 2 of that are future 7* are:

And that's literally it.
I don't hear anyone rave about Light/Luneth, so I guess I'll hold off. I probably won't even awaken OK because the two of them chaining is enough to get me though most quests & missions.

One thing that made me feel good was the music for the Star Ocean Challenge Boss. That's an awesome song!
I got a non-friend Olive who basically carried me on my first try and I got all the missions except for the esper (she killed him too fast).
Then I got a non-friend Willhem who made the battle a joke. I took my time getting those esper orbs and completed all the missions. And I got to listen to the awesome song for an extended period of time.

Now I'm wondering if I should pull on either banner. I'm sitting on 43000 Lapis, but I'm not sure if I want to blow it on this step up. I hear Squall will be obsolete really quickly and Rhinoa's spells don't seem to mesh well with my mages.
I would get SO just for the TMR, but that depends on what I get on the raid summon. I have 400 000 raid coins, so I should get on that soon.

What's your situation?
Ah glad you're okay. I just figuring you were farming the raid and I'd see something from you this weekend.

So I went ahead and did Dark Fina 7* I used a 100% moogle to get one tmr. The other Fina had .1%. When I converted that one I had the prism and a .1% crystal which I am assuming is used for the stmr. Now another thing I read is use the original TMR when applied to the 7* of that tmr unlocks specific unit abilities so definitely go for tmrs. From what I see after conversion and awakening can still use moogles for tmr and still able work for Stmr with its own crystal moogles or whatever wanna call it. That's what I gathered so far. Correct me if I am wrong about anything.

As far as Luneth goes I have a friend unit that is 7* Luneth and seems fine. But I'd probably go for Lightning with what I have played so far between the two.

Oh and I used 2 max lvl kings on Dark Fina. I only went from 101 to 111 lol

So hoard and grind this weekend!

Aside from game related playing I have everything finished except a four more king bursts in raid and just miscellaneous stuff from KM. I actually been diligent this week with the game lol I play every day but this past week I actually played and had fun. I must have gotten out of my burned out stage I get every so often.

Oh and I decided to use another 100% moogle for Buster Style. Slapped that on Aranea and broke my first 1k attack!!! Next week I might put her back as leader.

Oh lone more, have you noticed a large amount of friend requests lately? Some seem like bots almost. But I get like 8+ requests a day for the past month all of a sudden.
Why lighting over Luneth?
I really have no idea.

All I know are Willie and Olive (& Squall and your DFina), since they're the only units I've used as friends. Willie is awesome and I'd totally go for him if I had a dupe, and Olive is an amazing capper too.
So far Lightning is proving well in the raid. Luneth has decent and I guess he chains with Orlandeau and the rest. I found myself personally using lightning over Luneth. I can make lightning but I'm holding off. It is 3million to make 7* so I'm in no rush.

I'm slowly learning the ropes of 7*

I wish still had my 2nd Orlandeau :( my friend units that have him are nice
I actually got her tmr this morning!

Yeah I'm saving moogles now. There are others I'd like but I used 300+ percent already. I did actually get a 10% on raid summon! Whooo

You get any 4* tickets from raid summons any? I only had one from a raid back in January I think.
Yeah, I saw in the feed :)
I still have to do those raid summons though.

Reminder, Mainty tonight!
I knowwwwww! I screwed myself again on maintenance!!! :(

I had raid orbs set up to replenish before bed and crap! Dang it. Maintenance tonight way to go whimsy... way. To. Go. Lol

That's a heck of a TMR reimi has. I hope to get a second one but this maintenance Just messed me up. I think I need 40% more. But shes pretty rare in summons. I get like 2 or 3 for every 80k.
Don't be too hard on yourself, I didn't know there was mainty tonight either until a friend mentioned it. Then I rushed to make sure I used everything before the deadline.

I did about 30K coins worth of raid pulls and got 1 Reimi TMR. It doesn't say anything about it being unstackable, so I assume if you can get 2 it's basically a discernment... that takes up 2 slots. But at least it's free.

I'm still debating using my tickets for the other SO characters so I can put those mogs to use. I doubt I'm getting a 5*, but Rod & Fidel should be possible. Rod's TMR is meh but Fidel's is pretty nice. Question is how many tickets it costs to get him, and how many mogs I can get as well.

Also wondering if I should go for the gunblade. I only have 1 Ramira (not even a Zell), relying on friends for their Squalls and not really planning on pulling on the banner for now.
So if I get the gunblade it will be at the expense of everything else.

How about you?
Yeah I never think of it until too late even though I should know lol

I really want all the tmrs but don't wanna waste my tickets. And I really want thst kitty cat in bowler hat on this week banner lol

That gunblade looks good but meh, I'm not worried bout it. I had over 100k but tickets and others are more. I'm more quantity over one item really.

By the way how is 5% treating you??? I been crappy blues all week lol
Oh, as for the raid summons, I don't know if I got an 4* tickets. TBH I just click through them asap because I usually to like 20 or more at a time.
I did get a bunch of 1% & 5% moggles though.

5% is crap. I haven't gotten even a single gold either, and the blues I've been getting are guys like Fang, Russell who have useless TMRs. At least I'm able to save my lapis.

Who is this kitty cat in a hat?
Pecciotta. At least he looks like a kitty.

Well have last 2 king pots and procrastinating. I don't know if I wanna use them on Dark Fina OR CG Lid.

I can't get the two 6* units in SO for their sweet tmr. I wasted enough tickets on both banners. 20 left. I'm saving again. I think my dry spell hit cos I have all blue crap unless I use 4* ticket and thst gets me nothing but useless ten fodder.

How's your rank in the raid? I'm a steady 80k lol
40K. But might as well be 80K cause I doubt I'm getting to 30K, and the difference between 40K & 80K is literally just 1 ticket :(

I'm cashing in my coins to see if I need to summon SO at the last minute. Got the bow though, so at least that's done.
Yeah, I'm not banking on teh 6* tmrs, but 40% atk is kinda nice.

Didn't even know about Pecciotta. I guess it's a natura event next?
While you might be interested in the Cat in a Hat, my eyes are on that S&M Dominatrix chick LOL
Pulled Fayt! Lmao my autocorrect changed his name to fatty!

Anyways I shall have that nice light Farewell sword. 85% tmr moogle so in can get it by end of day. Might just get a second reimi tmr too if summons are kind. I have 4 Millie charms though :1orglaugh

Haha yes femme dom unit ;) good luck on her.

I'm thinking bout 100% moogle my CG Lid after I looked more into the Invigorator. And I have three of her...

That Bow is great for my Black Cat Lid in arena actually! Mixed with Leichenpanzer or whatever costume too. Great combo I think.
Congrats on the 5*!
That sword should come in handy chaining with Excalibur, for those who can't equip great swords.

I wasn't expecting any 5*, but I did spend about 15 tix and got 2x Fidel, 4x Roddy and the raid coins got me enough for 2.5 Reimi TMRs. I pulled for Fidel since I have almost enough for 2 TMR (195%), 80% ATK is pretty sweet. I have enough mogs for 1 more Roddy, but I don't know if it's worth getting another one.
I didn't get my second reimi. I burned out last night. Only had 40% to go but wasn't wasting lapis when I already have 1 plus the 40% atm and farewell. I leveled up last night and already had 30+ extra nrg so it took me to over 250 or so. Which in turn is enough to do both new explorations and take me to 2nd to last of story event.

And a hilarious part of the story :1orglaugh


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LOL the story is one of the main reasons I play the game. The translators are really on top of their game, although there are still lots of typos & spacing errors. Yego's gender is also messed up between the story & the guide description.

Right now I'm using (wasting?) my NRG on trying to clear the bloody moon. I have a friend w/maxed out 7* Rinoa, and I'm so close to 1TKO'ing it. But since it's only the 1 friend, I need to wait several hours to try again...
Don't wait several hours. I find usually after four or five rounds of using other friends (I do however have 48 out of 60) units it is rotated right back in. I do wish FFBE was a lot like Alchemist Code in terms of using friend units. But I am looking at this 23k HP with 1400 Def to use in some trials but I don't know...

I'm waiting for my nrg to completely replenish so I can level up on a cheap mission use and double my nrg lol

This gonna be a farming week and maybe do some chamber of arms. I'd really like that Enchidna Kiss but either overkill her or use to soon for Esper and leave like 3 to 1% Where my retaliation hits kill her >_<