Anyone here play Final Fantasy Brave Exvius?

Thanks for the tip that it's orb based. I might have missed out on it if you didn't tell me!
Yeah, it's totally worth it! It costs no NRG, and the bonuses have no demerits.
For me I've been upgrading all my Draco Spikes for my mages and the Masamune for Sephy.
I didn't get the rare but Masamune is up to +12% ATK and the Rods are 12+ MAG so I'm not complaining!

What's the Iron Giant? I haven't run into him.
Thanks for the tip that it's orb based. I might have missed out on it if you didn't tell me!
Yeah, it's totally worth it! It costs no NRG, and the bonuses have no demerits.
For me I've been upgrading all my Draco Spikes for my mages and the Masamune for Sephy.
I didn't get the rare but Masamune is up to +12% ATK and the Rods are 12+ MAG so I'm not complaining!

What's the Iron Giant? I haven't run into him.

Iron Giant from the trials. Also the more you play the tougher bosses get from level floor 7 on up. So be careful. Iron Giant pops up and screwed unless can handle the trial. And do not forget that if you enhance a weapon it is is no longer equipped on that unit in both game and arena!
That thing appears in the tower? I guess I'm lucky I haven't seen it.
I think up to Lv7 is a joke too, and even L8 you don't need to try too hard. I'm running a OK x2 DPS so L9 I have to look out for the dinosaur since it's DEF is pretty high (just need to Break it).
L10 is the only real danger, but as long as you have status ailment protection (Petrify/Paralyze/Confuse), and a decent AOE Tank (WoL for me), it's not too bad. Also save up your LB's so you can 1TKO it.

BTW do you have a Barbie with a Draco Spike that you could put up? I'm going in for Baha and I'm going for a wind-mag killer team and I think that's all I need to complete it.
Thanks if you can~
That thing appears in the tower? I guess I'm lucky I haven't seen it.
I think up to Lv7 is a joke too, and even L8 you don't need to try too hard. I'm running a OK x2 DPS so L9 I have to look out for the dinosaur since it's DEF is pretty high (just need to Break it).
L10 is the only real danger, but as long as you have status ailment protection (Petrify/Paralyze/Confuse), and a decent AOE Tank (WoL for me), it's not too bad. Also save up your LB's so you can 1TKO it.

BTW do you have a Barbie with a Draco Spike that you could put up? I'm going in for Baha and I'm going for a wind-mag killer team and I think that's all I need to complete it.
Thanks if you can~

Yes. I will put Dual Wield on her and put Gale Rod as 2nd weapon. I am going to do a couple more runs to boost mag on Draco Spike. That was first thing I did and stopped at like level 4 from not understanding completely what was and wasn't happening in the floors.

Yeah the enemies get progressively tougher after 7. I've probably done well over 150 rounds now and yesterday I was KO twice now since started. So be careful 7 on up. Especially the Death Knight. He's manipulative. I will post here when I get Barbariccia up for you unless you see her first in game. :hatsoff:
Thanks~ I'll let you know when it's done & how it went

BTW did you know you can set a "companion party" in the menu so that your "friend unit" will always be the same no matter what your active party is?
(I didn't know so I was always switching parties to make sure the right unit was active)
Thanks~ I'll let you know when it's done & how it went

BTW did you know you can set a "companion party" in the menu so that your "friend unit" will always be the same no matter what your active party is?
(I didn't know so I was always switching parties to make sure the right unit was active)

Yessss!!!! I got my second rare for draco spike!!!

Originally it only had 4%mag and 3% spr. I have one more round so hopefully I get a 7 or 10% mag. I'll her ready for you within the hour.

As far as your question I did not know. I always picked accordingly to what was available and to already friendship points +10 for using or whatever is used for gifts on using, however that works.
My apologies my friend! I know I set Barbariccia up after I finished that 10th round and had Draco Spike enhanced. But she is up now. Sorry again. :hatsoff:
Congrats on the rare!
I got 1 rare- and it was on a weapon I didn't need it on! I was enhancing my Defender's daggers for Rem, so all I needed was SPR, and on floor 3... Boom! High tide.
I was like... why? How???

Anyways, THANKS! for the Barbie! Worked on the first try!
Do you have Baha? Here's what worked for me:
Barbie x2 w/Draco Spikes
Lexa w/Draco Spike
Shylt with 100% Elemental resistance, which wasn't necessary if you can beat him in 2 turns. If you can't, it helps a lot
Ayaka (or any healer with a re-raise)

Baha can be Spr/Mag broken, which is why I went the magic route, and also why Soleil is vital
Shylt (or Mystia) will tank the first Magaflare. I had reraise on them (still killed him twice) but I don't know if that's why no one else in my party got any damage. Probably doesn't hurt to do it though.

This was enough to bring him to 75% on turn 1
Then Soleil's full Buff/Break knocked down the rest to 0 on turn 2. Ayaka didn't even need to do anything so I just had her Libra Baha for the heck of it.
If you can't KO him on turn 2 he'll start using elementals so resistance on your tank could be helpful. But 3 Buffed Tornado/Aeroja's w/SPR break should be enough to 2TKO him.

Also, if you want all the rewards (except the last one), you don't need to beat Baha! You just start the level, and instead of going to Baha, go back to either previous level, summon an esper and boom, 20 Dark Megacrysts & lapis.
I don't see how you're supposed to get more Dragon killers unless you want to waste moogles on Shakasa though. Not sure if it's worth it since you need TWO of them.

Yeah, the designated friend unit feature is really useful when you want to have a specific friend unit up but they're not a part of your active team (eg your TMR farmers)
Thanks again and let me know if there's a unit you want me to put up!
I just reenhanced my Genji blade for Loren

I am so into this enhancement! I hope they continue once a month or something with this.

High Tide on level 3 nice! Sucks it's on something not your fancy :/

I'm not up to Bahamut yet but I think I'm close. I'm very neglectful on the story nowadays lol

But if you need a decent breaker ever let me know my Loren does well and I have CG Lid. Lid helped me out a few times already
Um... Baha is literally the first thing in Season 2 so I would recommend you catch up on the story asap. Remember:

[ 50% Trust Moogle for Completing Main Story ]
Players will be awarded a 50% trust moogle if they clear the story's 2nd Season up to Chapter 3 Part 3 by Saturday 9/1 00:59 PDT.

That's also a TON of free lapis too so you'll want that for the next step up, or whatever you need to spend lapis on. Sol is the hardest boss; no one in Season 2 comes close to him so you should be able to blow through the story, but you'll need that NRG.

Wow, you are really killing it with those enhancements! I'm happy if I get 13%+ on the attribute I want. I've just been doing 1 enhancement/weapon and not re-doing any. I figure it's better to have a whole bunch of good weapons instead of 1 great one.

How good are those breakers? My go-tos are:
WoL (doubling as a tank is nice): Full 30% break, or 45% Def/Spr or Atk/Mag break
E.Soleil: 120% buff + 35% full break in one move is pretty sweet

I haven't chased any breakers since I got e.Soleil. I think the main reason I'd want CG lid is for the victory animation with Jake LOL

Actually one day I might need Barbie again. There's a mission where you have to complete the ENTIRE Baha world in 1 go. I did half in 1 go my first try and it took me almost 2 hrs. I was going for all the treasures, but even so, you get enemy encounters every 5 steps or so, and they can be tough if they get in an attack. But the rewards are great (TONS of money) and a 10% mog is always nice. But wow, it might be one of the longest missions in the game, as it's literally 7 huge explorations at once, PLUS the boss battle with Baha
CG Lid does 40% with regular dissolve/damage moves. LB does 60% across the board. The other moves can't think of name does 50% breaks and 120% for atk or mag depending which you use. That's all I know. Loren I am not sure. I do read around about how she is still a great breaker to have, especially once her 7* releases.

Yeah I just did five sets in the story now. I don't want that 50% going to waste! Collected little over 500 lapis not counting the 100 complete lapis.

Is it just me or does the story in season 2 seem rather... meh, not all that? I just started skipping and figure I would revisit later in the omg castle.
Ohhh myyyyyy goddddddd....

Fuck realm of the dragon king! :wtf:

When does it end?????? I been here most the day cos I kept stopping and continuing. I now been playing like 40 minutes and another area lol ran into bahamut twice and I'm done
So I lost to a bomb!!!! :brick: dammittttttt screw that noise!

Anyways if you not come across yet DO NOT be in the middle of or have a run in item world enhancements during changeover!

Apparently some in JP were in middle of or had left game in while still on a run and lost their item. It took a month from Alim or Gumi to get it back. So be clear of that at reset time :hatsoff:
Yeah, Baha world is crazy long. My first try I went all the way to the bottom since I thought you would unlock all the worlds you cleared. I played for almost 2 hrs straight!

Anyways, use my Nicky and he'll restore 80MP per turn for your entire party. That should be enough for you to spam any AOE attack to 1TKO any mobs.

So did you lose your item that you were enhancing? I honestly don't remember... I think I didn't lose it, but it never occurred to me that I could.
No. I just came across that tip a bit ago. Wanted make sure you knew about it if you got on before changeover.

Well I did one last (maybe) run for item world and received 30% atk for that gun from the just cause raid that allows dual guns. I have 30%, 7% and def build up lvl 4 on it. I say this was a decent run. Didn't get high tide but no complaints.

You doing anymore before it runs up? If so good luck! :hatsoff:
So I went ahead and applied a 80% moogle for Rikku's pouch. I applied to Aranea for a decent backup ailment curing. Suffered a 15pt arm loss but meh. I also enhanced Veritas of Light and she's a beast in Arena even more! I need some more tech crysts to complete one Sunder I think.

This raid isn't all that for items. The bow is only decent to craft out of it all. I feel the raids been heavily lacking lately, eh? There might be one maybe two decent craftables. Also easy as can be and shocked me when ended at 4 rounds. Easy rewards eith points though :)

How many tickets you net from yesterday's ticket thing?
What's this about a ticket thing?

Thanks for the heads up on the equipment. It looks like it was fixed for GL, but just for fun I left a crappy dagger in there so I could get compensation if they were offering it LOL

My last-minute runs were for me were Sparky and for Mag-increasing guns for my VoL. I heard all the Veritas where getting enhanced so I figured why not?
Equip Enhancement RNG knew exactly what attributes you DON'T want, e.g. Mag/Spr on guns/katanas, Atk on Rods, etc. So I thought I'd try to outsmart it by enhancing weapons that could use those attributes that you normally don't expect (like Mag on Guns).
I also figured we'll never know when we'll be able to enhance those types of weapons again ( I assume they rotate), so I wanted to do what I can now.

Speaking of Veritas, that's one of the reasons why I'm going after the Katana in the raid. I don't have DKC so I don't have many good Dark Weapons. The earth gun is also a good option for VoL too.
I heard though that the damage calculations on the raid are bugged are you don't get credit for chaining damage, which is why they are giving us daily compensation. So if you can, it's best to use cappers as much as possible.

It was a bad day at work. So tired and angry. I really need to unwind tonight....

- - - Updated - - -

What's this about a ticket thing?

Thanks for the heads up on the equipment. It looks like it was fixed for GL, but just for fun I left a crappy dagger in there so I could get compensation if they were offering it LOL

My last-minute runs were for me were Sparky and for Mag-increasing guns for my VoL. I heard all the Veritas where getting enhanced so I figured why not?
Equip Enhancement RNG knew exactly what attributes you DON'T want, e.g. Mag/Spr on guns/katanas, Atk on Rods, etc. So I thought I'd try to outsmart it by enhancing weapons that could use those attributes that you normally don't expect (like Mag on Guns).
I also figured we'll never know when we'll be able to enhance those types of weapons again ( I assume they rotate), so I wanted to do what I can now.

Speaking of Veritas, that's one of the reasons why I'm going after the Katana in the raid. I don't have DKC so I don't have many good Dark Weapons. The earth gun is also a good option for VoL too.
I heard though that the damage calculations on the raid are bugged are you don't get credit for chaining damage, which is why they are giving us daily compensation. So if you can, it's best to use cappers as much as possible.

It was a bad day at work. So tired and angry. I really need to unwind tonight....
The tickets for what I read is spending lapis on units and getting I guess it was the special return summons banners in the standard tab. I had 18 regular tickets I believe and 1 4* ticket. I did them all and only got a couple decent dupes. So basically tmr fodder lol

I'll go for the bow. Keep everything else and maybe get couple others. Or save stuff if raid comes around again in the future. I'm not sure. Yeah I used around 50k raid points so far for summons. I'm just wanting hurry up to the king bursts :D

Hopefully you have a decent rest of your day. Nothing some FFBE can't take care of and/or a couple shots ;)
That 10+1 netted me my third CG Lid lol the rest was more tmr fodder.

how did yours treat you?
1 5k lapis draw and 4 tickets and Finally got Veritas of Flame back!!!

Time to set up a fire starter :cool: