Anyone here play Final Fantasy Brave Exvius?

By the way, are we going to have another friendship point moogle summon???? Cos we are getting 2k a day now.
There's an event right now where you get rare units (Gil snappers & Cacts), so if you're not looking for TMRs, it might be a good time to use those FPs

Nicky is Lv 100 & I'm just running through the maze to get enough pot to LB 20 Ayaka, but in the meantime I'm also thinking of hitting the new espers, or maybe some of the fallen as both are reduced NRG. (If you have a plant/beast Mag killer I would ask you to put in on your Barbie so I could try it sometime).
There's an event right now where you get rare units (Gil snappers & Cacts), so if you're not looking for TMRs, it might be a good time to use those FPs

Nicky is Lv 100 & I'm just running through the maze to get enough pot to LB 20 Ayaka, but in the meantime I'm also thinking of hitting the new espers, or maybe some of the fallen as both are reduced NRG. (If you have a plant/beast Mag killer I would ask you to put in on your Barbie so I could try it sometime).

I'll set Barbariccia up for you. I'll put strongest mag equips I have. I do not have Mab tentacle or anything but I can prolly get to 8 or 900 for ya. I wish she could be enhanced :(
Nevermind. She best at 776mag. Ramuh esper. I need to get Ifrit for the killer plus. These three stars take a lot lol
Just finished Carbuncle in just under 100 turns using the Setzer cheese.
Good god that was tedious.

Do you have a chow? If you do, I can put up my Setzer who is built specifically for the cheese (FD/Beast killer). You would need a Chow (for stop resistance/magic tank) and 2 chainers, like lexa or shantoto so you can max the double dice damage.
I made the mistake of using 2 vickys and was getting recked when he went into "dark mode".
No I have no Chow :(

Wow. Glad you have Carbuncle.i still need Ramuh, Shiva and others. I tried Shiva again but got destroyed at 20% if only >_<
I know you want to do it on your own, but You Might want to consider a carry while people are offering them. There were semi-carries (you still needed decent units) for Shiva/Ramuh when they came out, and now those people are offering carries for Golem/Carby.
These 3* espers basically REQUIRE 150%~200% resist at a minimum because of their crazy imperils on top of an evade tank.

I just finished another marathon session with Golem. I was going for the 5 member mission at the same time as the tetra mission, so all I had was my Lexa twins tornado-ing. But since one of them had tetra, she kept dying so I spend so much time trying to keep both of them alive on the same turn. DC tornado can do about 5% damage, so it's not as bad as cheesing Carby, but wow it was still tedious.
I finally got Ayaka's LB to Lv20 so I finally awakened & Lv100'd her and she paid dividends. You will learn to hate Golem's Mag8/Fraggle Rock.

And as I was writing this I knocked that french helicopter into the volcano.
Proud to say I did that all by myself. All you need for it is a semi-decent tank and Shylt for break protection, and it's a cakewalk. Let me know if you need help on it.

I can finally rest easy knowing that everything is done before Wed Maintenance :p


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I need to get some better resistance tmr and/or gear. I'm thinking about using my moogles for some tmrs finally. I have nice atk and mag, but not a whole of def equipment or tmrs. Nice comic lol yeah I have some whale friends thankfully. Always have crazy new units before the first day is over with.

I'm glad you been enjoying Ayaka! How you have her set up?

So the free summons a day, I thought they were all gold or rainbows. Until today when I received my first blue. The game has been heavily generous. Makes me scared I will end up in a dry spell for a couple months now.
Yeah, my free pull after Aya-chan was... a Russel. But I love her so much even he can't ruin it!
I have her built with the highest SPR, with my best LB cryst enhancers. But you really can't go wrong with her.
The best thing is her LB though. All you need to do is make sure she has a re-raise on her, and when a trial boss wipes out your party - BOOM! Re-raise her + LB = Everyone's back at 100% health (once I finish those last 5 LB levels). It's called a "reset button" for good reason.

So you've saved up your 100% moggles? That's like me too!! (until recently)

I kept them until there was a TMR I fully understood or I really needed for a boss.
So once I got Sephy that's when I pulled the trigger on Buster Style & Masamune. And of course when I got Aya-chan that was an instant grab. Rikku's pouch & Kefka's ribbon were also a must haves.
I think those that give unique abilities are much more important than those that just give you a straight Stat increase.

So now I'm trying to decide what to use the rest on: I really want an evade tank, but then I'd have to get multiple 20-side dice, Cyan evades or Shine Attacks, since I don't have any more Noctis. Or do I hold out for that extra Noctis because that ring is the best for evades?
I'm not sure, so that's why I'm still holding on to some of those mogs.

How about you? What are you looking to finally spend those moggles on?


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I have so many TMR to choose from but like 500% worth of moogles. I am a particular kind of hoarder, I won't use any until I am able to get 3 TMRs and still have a good bit left. So around 8-1000%

So I deleted my game because it was up to 2.5GB. Downloaded it again and game itself is only 118mb. Download what was needed and now only 1.3 something. Better than what it was. I hate every other week downloads. Guess I'll do that every other month or so.

Guess I'll have my CG Fina or Lid up. Speak of which Lid, I have all five lids now. I'm thinking of starting a troll all Lid Arena team lol
I'll put up my Nicky for the event too. Although it might become a TT if I'm running the story & I forget to change it back :p

Do you have a ribbon? If you don't , CG Fina's TMR is something you should consider. It's a lifesaver for the arena.

I finally beat Bullwinkle (that Rocky Moose). I was always getting so close with my Lexas running Tornado x2, like down to 2-10% before it raged.
Then I found out Tornado+Aeroja is much stronger and I threw in 2 Shantoto's as well, running Tornado+Aeroja x4 with a Solei 120% buff, and that was finally enough to even weaken it to finish it off with a LB.
The rewards are pretty handy for your tank or anyone who can equip light shields, so I'd try it out if you haven't already done so, esp with the 1/2 NRG.
I already cleared event. Have bout 30k to spend. I might actually try to get dual wield, the tickets and couple them items. This was a easy event. I kinda wish they added something else to the mix. They been off on overlapping the events.

Yeah I hate that moose. Wiped my team out went back to 100 HP. Ugh. I just recently found out (duh on me) tornado and aeroja. Not tornado twice following double aeroja. Or if I use a friend's Barbariccia I will use mine for tornado/aero following double friend unit aero. I'll try tonight again when my nrg recovers.

I pulled 2 chizuru today. I now have 6 lol

I do have Kefka but never focused on tmr. I should have bought one during that one raid event :/ and kept my dupes
Oddly enough the event is a little challenging for me. (ELT/LGD)
Mainly because the only CG characters I have are a Nicky and... a Jake. Who was at Lv1 since I really didn't think I was going to use him. So No DPS.

I had a Lv 100 Chiz, but my others were still 3~4*, so I awakened one of them to Lc 100 and another to Lv 80
With that setup it's hard to 1TKO the worm, so I have to decide if I try to upgrade Jake/the other chiz, or maybe I will pull another CG? I have a ton of 10+1 tickets (I've only ever used 1), and now seems like a good time to use them.

I did a full run with full energy running the best team I had and had enough to get DW off the bat. Got it right away, I'm surprised it didn't cost more.
I always try to go for all the exclusives since you never know if something will be useful in the future, plus the 10% Mog and those 4* tix. That brings my minimum total to 75K, so it looks like I'll be grinding a bit...
I will set my CG Sakura up for you if you'd like to keep one in rotation. I don't see how you'd need my Fina eith having Ayaka.

I don't know if there was a glitch or what happened, but on legendary I was getting over 10k bonus and now I am getting around 3k or so if I remember right. I just leveled up so my nrg practically doubled. Might get some them unit specific moogles now.
Not sure which is better for me tbh. Obvs Sakura does more damage, but fina is a nice backup with the revive & that sweet LB.
Whatever you feel is best!

I'll keep Nicky up since I don't think you want a Lv10 Jake LOL

Speaking of moggles, did you see that the friend point summon is going to give 3* moggles next week?
It's an absolute crap shoot, but if you're pulling hundreds of times you're bound to get some TMRs you need!

So either you pull this week if you need Cacts/Gil, or Next week if you want moggles.
I'll jeep Fina up for the LB. She saved me 100 lapis few times already! Just screwed me out of no ko on Legendary, the only mission I still need. I manage to die right at the end. Oh I did manage to come across three lucky bunnies. That was nice.

No I didn't actually see about that eith friendship points. Great! I have like 77k or more last I checked. I'll go through all that asap lol
Yeah, you just tap on the notices icon on the main screen. You should check it out, it tells you everything about the anniversary event and what to expect in the coming weeks.

Sorry, i just have to say how great it is to FINALLY not be terrified of the high rank players in the arena. Ayaka is literally the only way to counter a stop-spam team, and it's really showing.
I don't think I'll be in the top 3K because that takes some major refreshes, but at least my streak won't be broken.

So how's the event? I think it's funny that for the first time, EVERYONE on my companion list, including Friends AND strangers are putting up 100% bonus units. I don't think that's ever happened :)
Yeah, you just tap on the notices icon on the main screen. You should check it out, it tells you everything about the anniversary event and what to expect in the coming weeks.

Sorry, i just have to say how great it is to FINALLY not be terrified of the high rank players in the arena. Ayaka is literally the only way to counter a stop-spam team, and it's really showing.
I don't think I'll be in the top 3K because that takes some major refreshes, but at least my streak won't be broken.

So how's the event? I think it's funny that for the first time, EVERYONE on my companion list, including Friends AND strangers are putting up 100% bonus units. I don't think that's ever happened :)

If you want to keep up with arena wait for the Friday refresh. Keep on it for most the day and you can stay consistent on at least staying under 20k. One week I did that and managed to get a 18k ranking. But too burned out for the following week to keep up lol

Boast away about Ayaka. I want to know your progress with her as you build her up. I'm hapoy you got a coveted unit. So brag away my man... not gonna bug me.

Yes same here and I can actually use bonus units and still survive in the event. So I am going five strong. I only kept my TT for chaos wave damage. I can coast through rest the event. I only have moogles now. After that I'll focus on the materials for unit awakening.

Have you conquered elite?
Yes, I can finally run ELT with my most "efficient" team, which is: CG Nicky, CG Jake, 2x Lv 100 Chiz & Lv 60 Chiz + Friend Unit which gives a total of 525%. The difference was that I gave the Chiz's DW + a Kazekiri so their double phantom shadows chain elementally. I also enhanced jake enough to get dueling, which is better than the pathetic normal damage he was doing at L7.

I got all the missions done for LGD, but that with my 2x OKs + Sephy. It still gave a bonus of 300% (w/Friend Unit), but I found the rewards were basically the same as running ELT with the 525% team. So it made sense to just run ELT since it cost less NRG, even with the slightly lower chance of getting bunnies.
Speaking of which, you are so lucky! I've only seen 1 rabbit, total. And I forgot to libra it! But the one time I did get it the rewards was 12K bokken, which was crazy!

Yay, thanks for being cool about arena & Ayaka. Maybe this will give you some hints too?
I'm always making sure I have 5 orbs at the refresh (not just Friday, but everyday), since I want to make sure I get the coliseum quest, otherwise I just only run the arena.
Staying under 20K isn't an issue, I'm usually between 10K-15K. Right now I'm at 6K, and that's from only going against the top team on my list. But the jump is CRAZY getting to 3K; I just don't know how many refreshes they go through to get those kind of numbers. It doesn't seem that worth it for just 2 more mini-pots. Going for 30K, that's definitely worth it with the King Pot, and achievable without paid refreshes.

So my Ayaka is geared with Rikku's Pouch and Frozen Hurricane. That's really key. The rest of the team is Amielia & Emilia, Rem & Noctis.
My current setup basically can cover any week because the restrictions have little effect on them. Ayaka & Rem have ribbons.
The sisters run with ricochets, with Man-killer + ice elemental chains they can do more than 999 dmg, and inflict stop at the same time.
Rem is a total MAG build and just constantly Siphon Delta's the enemy to neuter them. Unless they have over 650 MP or so, they're all drained to 0 MP after the first attack.
Noctis runs blizzard flask with Ayaka's Frozen hurricane.
So basically you have 4 elemental chaining multi-attacks which all stop-spam. Unless they have an Ayaka they're all frozen and drained within 3 turns or so.
If ice attacks are banned Noctis goes Fire Flask and Ayaka throws chaos grenades. If the enemies don't have ribbons the fight is over right away.
The only counter to this is LBs, i.e. CG fina's. She's the only real threat since her counter gives some serious LB crystals, and she can spam her LB almost every turn. But even if something happens Ayaka can heal status ailments with Rikkus pouch (because Esunaga doesn't cure petrify)or raise the entire team if they were wiped, so there's really nothing that I can think of that can counter this. Even 100% evade teams can't handle this since all the attacks are abilities

The best part is that you can just hit repeat, so you can literally go do something else while running arena. The only time you have to do something is if someone gets petrified/etc, the you just use Rikku's pouch, then go back to Ice attacks. I'm debating whether to get a 3rd ribbon for one of the maids. In any case it think it's my "perfect" setup because it's effective and basically runs itself.
How's your strategy?
Whoa that's a great idea for Chiziru on elemental damage. If you have any water based weapons apply them. Because that stupid ass worm insect is water weak by 50%. That's the bastard I have problems dying on. Only that stupid little worm lol

My Arena strategy is almost the same: Veritas of Light blowback, set up TT mag for chaos wave, Aria with def for all, CG Fina with light all attack and Loren doing def and spr dmg. I weaken the whole party, boost mine with VoL blowback and I rarely ever make it to the third round. I have taken out some serious high rollers in there. However it also comes down to that damn spinner sometimes. That's usually my biggest reason for losing. I went once on four turns being second and only reason I lasted that long was CG Fina counter heal.

Thankfully so can still use TT dual chaos wave cos it's an ability lol

Once I get a auto limit each round ability I'm slapping that on CG Fina! Reraise every round lol
You could also imperil the worm so you can use whatever elemental weapons are your best. Just don't use earth/fire of course.

I just OBAMA'd Levi 2*, although I had to cheat with a 100 lapis continue. I had him down to 5% and I really wanted to get those LB/Esper missions on 1 go so I didn't have to go through all of it again, so it was worth it.
It wasn't 3* hard, but he was still TOUGH! Even with the anti-water magic team of Nicky/Aya/Shylt he still managed to wipe my team a couple times and it was only the reraise that protected me.

Now I'm just looking at Fenrir, Firebird 2.0 or ... bahamut. Have you done any of them?