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Anybody else think this is getting out of control?

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It NEVER fails......

Trayvon Martin Supporters Run Wild, Ransack and Loot Walgreens

Trayvon Martin admirers found an appropriate way to honor the memory of the dead thug — by ransacking and looting a store:

North Miami Beach High School students scheduled a walkout march [in honor of Trayvon Martin] in North Miami Beach last Friday.

During the march, surveillance video at a Walgreens on Northeast 163rd Street showed approximately 100 students from the school veering off and storming into the store. The students can be seen running up and down the aisles for about five minutes.

An assistant principal appears moments later and orders the students back outside.

No crimes were captured on camera; however, the floors of the Walgreens were littered with items from the shelves, indicating the students knocked over the products.

Police say some of the items were knocked over accidentally but a candle display inside the store was deliberately damaged and some merchandise was stolen. The damage is estimated at $1,000. …

“Yeah, they grabbed like bags of Skittles and stuff, throwing it at the police car,” said student protester Kayosha White.

No doubt Saint Skittles would approve.

The alliance of people like this and the still less appealing liberal fools who demand that we revere them constitutes our ruling class.

The thread is about Trayvon Martin. This is a picture of Trayvon Martin. Are you saying a picture of Ariel Rebel would be irrelevant in an Ariel Rebel thread? This picture is just a little bit harder to masturbate to.

The thread, and national attention, is on the shooting of Trayvon Martin. What purpose does posting a random picture of him flipping off the camera serve?
joilover, good link about the police report. Good read! Thanks!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I finally did what I should have done and really paid attention when listening to the youtube video of Zimmerman's 911 call and a few things caught my attention.

1. Zimmerman sounds very calm if a bit agitated during the beginning of the call. He describes Martin's clothing, expresses his concern over Martin's actions, etc in a calm level tone. He does mutter "They always get away" or something like that at one point, possibly referring to the burglaries the neighborhood had been experiencing.

2. At one point he describes Martin coming toward him and checking him out. At this point Zimmerman is still in his vehicle. Even then he doesn't sound excited or extremely concerned. You can hear a hint of anxiety in his voice, but not a lot.

2. At around 2:05 on the playback Zimmerman says "Shit, he's running" and you can hear the quality of the sound on the call change shortly thereafter. It sounds to me like he exited his vehicle as you can hear the wind noise over the phone. Also, you can hear Zimmerman panting, like he's running. Several reports now say that Zimmerman was an overweight and had asthma, which would lead me to believe he wasn't running very hard, LOL.

3. At 2:20 the dispatcher asks Zimmerman if he's following Martin. When Zimmerman says yes the dispatcher tells Zimmerman "We don't need you to do that". Listen closely after than.

4. Within just a few seconds Zimmerman stops running, you can hear it in the way he's breathing and not gasping as he talks. This shows me Zimmerman STOPPED chasing Martin as instructed by the dispatcher.

5. At 2:37 Zimmerman states "He ran." Now if he was still chasing Martin he would have said "He's still running" or something along those lines. "He ran" tells me Martin is no longer in his sight and that Zimmerman is NOT chasing him, as does the fact Zimmerman isn't breathing hard anymore.

6. At 2:40 to 2:55 Zimmerman is NOT gasping for air, his voice is calm for a man in his situation, and there is no indication he is still following Martin or that he can even see Martin at this point.

Through the remainder of the call Zimmerman doesn't express any interest in chasing Martin down. He's not out of breath and there is NOTHING that indicates he's still actively looking for Martin. He does express concern over giving the dispatcher his address out loud since he isn't sure where Martin is and doesn't want Martin to overhear him and thus get his address. A smart move as it turns out, since it appears Martin did return and confront Zimmerman. Add to this recent news reports that Zimmerman was attacked from behind by Martin, and that Martin broke his nose, and it changes the whole context of this incident. I'll reserve my final judgement for when/if we ever get all the facts (we know how factual the media is in their news reports), but this is looking more and more like a case of the liberal media twisting a story for their own agenda. A few links you might find interesting on the story.




And I'm not name calling here, but cobracom, are you fucking retarded? You asked your stupid questions and received valid answers. Just because you can't get it through your thick skull doesn't mean it doesn't matter.
I'm gonna ask one more time: how is any single one of these pictures relevant?
You mean like this one?


Imagine if the media had offered this photo of Charles Manson following the Tate / Folger / Labianca murders in 1969.


Here's what he looked like at the time of the crime.


Now do you understand?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
The timeframe above, thanks boobtoucher, 2:05-2:55 where the fuck were the cops?
You mean like this one?


Imagine if the media had offered this photo of Charles Manson following the Tate / Folger / Labianca murders in 1969.


Here's what he looked like at the time of the crime.


Now do you understand?

You just made CobraCom's point.


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
The thread is about Trayvon Martin. This is a picture of Trayvon Martin. Are you saying a picture of Ariel Rebel would be irrelevant in an Ariel Rebel thread? This picture is just a little bit harder to masturbate to.
Bullshit. The intent is obvious....

What teen doesn't take pictures of themselves doing stupid rebellious gestures? I understandwhy the media doesn't show this picture and it's because certain people will jump to conclusions and say that he was a punk criminal that deserved to get shot. The pic proves little about his disposition and how the situation went down.
As a black man, it's things like this that make me think that the biggest mistake that black america made was listening to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We should have listened to Malcolm instead. This thread has done nothing more than make me reconsider that as a possiblity. This is exactly why hindsight is a bitch.
The common law allows for a claim of self defense if someone uses deadly force to protect themselves (or others) from an assault where they reasonably believe they will suffer serious bodily injury or death. In circumstances where the person could remove themselves from the situation to avoid the possibility of injury or death, the common law required that person to do so. If the opportunity to disengage arose and was not taken, self defense could no longer be used as an affirmitive defense if the original assailant was subsequently killed.

This is the very narrow factual scenario that a "defend your ground" law is intended to address. Those laws have modified the common law to no longer require the person being assaulted to disengage from the confrontation, even if the opportunity arises where they could do so without putting themselves at any greater risk. But these laws were NEVER intended to allow a claim of self defense by the individual INITIATING the confrontation. If you initiate a confrontation, especially if you are armed and the person you have confronted is not, you do NOT get to claim the benefit of self defense OR stand your ground if that confrontation goes bad and the unarmed person is killed. But this is exactly what the police in Stanford, Fla. are allowing to happen.


I want to address Sam Fisher's obsession with race separately.

Yes race exists, and no one said otherwise. It exists along with health, taxes, the economy, crime, politics, and a million other things that we have to think about and process everyday. However, I don't obsess over any of them like you do about race. It consumes you, it owns you. You wallow in it all day, every day. You wear it openly like a festering wound.

You're always bragging about guns and some pseudo-macho platitudes of Mid Western rednecking. I've never heard you mention college, or advanced training. So, here's what I think.

High school or military service was the high water mark for you. For whatever reason, you never built on that, or carried it farther. That's all you ever accomplished, and the disappointment eats at you. We have had debates before on prosperity and accomplishment. You made it clear you have attained neither. For all this you have excuses, and it weighs you down like an anchor.

That's why you find so much solace in race. Its a great excuse for soothing under achievement. Blame someone, and something else. With race, you never have to take ownership of your failings. You never have to be responsible for your shortcomings. You're a victim, you have a reason. As the years pass, the bitterness expands and hardens, and you have to talk about race because you have nothing else. That's why you wear it so openly because its comfortable now. It defines you.

Thankfully, there are fewer and fewer racial cripples like you. There is an ever expanding and upwardly mobile black middle, and professional class. They are leaving you behind because you can't put aside all your racial baggage you cant take with you.

Everyone where you are from knows ............ Well, not everyone was given an opportunity to escape all that, and be privileged to go to a good school. You squandered an opportunity, and now you're stuck back in the same old place. The only people left are the ones with their own issues because the wiser ones have moved on to opportunity. You chose to stay behind with your race master.
And I'm not name calling here, but cobracom, are you fucking retarded? You asked your stupid questions and received valid answers. Just because you can't get it through your thick skull doesn't mean it doesn't matter.

Lol "I'm not namecalling, but I will proceed to do so."

No, the questions haven't been answered. If you had the reading comprehension to have looked through my posts, I noted that liberal and sensationlistic press are in fact guilty of posting too-old pictures of Martin juxtaposed with also too-old mugshot pictures of Zimmerman, to play up sympathy to Martin and the idea of Zimmerman being some bigoted criminal asshole.

I'm not saying that didn't happen, I'm saying reacting by posting equally-irrelevant pictures that cast Martin in a worse light is just as despicable. The fairest thing to do is to post the besuited professional picture of Zimmerman next to a more recent photo of Martin, like so:
This guy:

Killed this guy:

And we need to know more about it. But circle-jerking about liberal mainstream media and reacting by playing into race-baiting is bullshit and irresponsible.

Oh, and I am name-calling there.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Then why didn't you just post that instead of being an asshole? And I didn't call you retarded. I very politely asked if you were retarded.
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