Angelina Jolie is not attractive. Ya I said it. I don't find Megan Fox that hot either. But she's better looking than Angelina Jolie, that's for sure.
Any girl that dates Billy Bob Thornton and wears a vial of his blood around the fuckin world doesn't deserve as much press as Jolie does. Go adopt another baby.
And Megan Fox is just a bad actor getting by on her looks and has to make up a bunch of bi-sexual stories to keep herself at the top of guys fantasy lists. Also, if she wasn't in Transformers, nobody would give a shit about her.
I agree. None of them are spectacular in looks. It's the tabloids that are hyping them up.
Angelina is a GREAT actor,Megan is an AVERAGE actor.
She is riding on her looks and sex appeal for Transformers,nothing else.