I'm somewhat at a loss when attempting to grasp what it is that you are trying to convey here. I'm posting on a pornography website. It's a thread discussing the outpourings of a balloon headed buffoon in relation to the latest 'nontroversy' concerning the Obama administration. I'm responding to the repetitive, infantile, nonsensical, illiterate and personally insulting posts of Georges and you come on here like the style police at a fashion event to tell me I'm doing it wrong. You might be taking yourself a little too seriously. A bit.
I'm more than happy to post on here with footnotes and references to back up the points being made. I have indeed done so. Also, I have repeatedly asked to be pointed to just one article penned by any of the infotainment crowd that sets out a coherent argument and backs it up with relevant data. I've never had a reply. (Feel free to get me one peer reviewed article by Beck Hannity O'Reilly or Limbaugh - they must have 80 years of pontificating between there must be thousnads of brilliant articles out there.)I quickly realised that I was pissing in the wind. Someone like Georges is never going to read a serious book, never mind understand it. He has made up his mind on all the issues for the next seven years. He doesn't need evidence.
So I just have some fun on here. Apparently you don't like it. Fair enough. I'm still stuck though, because I consider Rush Limbaugh a master of his medium: the Phineas T Barnum of his age. Consequently I have to tell you that when an adult comes on here who takes him seriously, I picture them wearing a big red nose, with a revolving bow tie and a plastic flower that squirts water. In replying to that, what else can you do but mock?
Damn!!! MJ are you sure I'm not you?:rofl:
Someone like Georges is never going to read a serious book, never mind understand it. He has made up his mind on all the issues for the next seven years. He doesn't need evidence.
<*GASP! GASP!*> I can't breathe....I can't breathe....