Theres no inferiority complex , Im a proud Scotsman and I want to see Scotland go it alone anyone has an inferiority complex its England thats why you's went around the world doing what you's did , to make yous top dog , so you's wouldnt get invaded or beaten
This bad feeling in Scotland could be ended easily by getting independece but we wont get it because in reality , you's need us more than we need you's.
As for my comment about being on the front line if it happened again , yes I would
So how is standing up for your country being pathetic? Wouldnt you do the same for England?
BTW Im just back from being across enemy lines lol guess what , I didnt paint my face blue or run around shouting freedom as I said before I like going to England and my brothers English , I have nephews who are English , my two cousins from Ilkeston in Derby are top barristers in England , I dont hate England I quite enjoy going down & London is my favourite city in the world but I do hate your history and your involvment in Scotland
Northern Ireland wouldnt be in the state its in if it wasnt for Englands interference and yes Im talking nearly a thousand years of interference trying to get them under control...
As for Scotland you's consistently raped and murdered in my country for centurys , even when we were in the union you's still killed and murdered Scotsmen , would the Highlands look as they look now if it wasnt for you's taking the land during the Empire so your nobility and rich people could have holiday hunting , deer , grouse etc , we have been second class citizens in the Empire even today we dont get shit until westminster agrees with it , you's even try shit out in Scotland first to see if it works.........Poll Tax is the last one in the late 80's , England tried to control us and when it didnt work you's done what you's you's do everywhere you's go and turn your guns on us , when all we wanted was what was ours , Culloden all these men wanted was there land they had lived and farmed on for years & years but no you's would rather kill thousands than give them whats rightfully theres but in England its classed as a rebellion when in reality it was Scots fighting for what was theres
So confuse inferiority with Proud and chip with reality because Scotland would be a completely different place if it wasnt for Englands interference
I would personally give the government £14000 to buy us out of the union , if all things were equal , I dont doubt this anti-English Authority feeling wouldnt be here but for a millenia we have been second class citizens in our own country , you's have consistently tried to invade and rule and to say most of Scotland ills arent caused by Englands history in Scotland , is pathetic
I would write a list down but I havent got all decade , maybe if some English could see by the end of there nose they would see this and I would rather fail or win being independent , rather than blaming you's but as long as you's interfere and are in control its you's who are to blame and the only reason I wrote a lengthy post was because its all true and I could have wrote even longer if I wasnt getting bored :hatsoff: