
Since I can't be bothered to go back through every post in the thread to look for who was asking about why it's called ZIP code I'll just say it. ZIP stands for Zone Improvement Plan.


Wait, what!?
You get July 4th off and live outside America?
Why Holiday , why call it a vacation?
A holiday is July 4th; a vacation is where we go somewhere to relax and get drunk

No a holiday is were you go and get drunk and relax , the 4th of July we would call a day off

Why the hell would you get that day off?
Thats like Jews or atheist celebrating Christmas or Easter.


I never said the 4th of July was a holiday here , I just used it as an example


Foreign policy decided in England? Yes, by Scotsmen like Brown, Blair and all the rest. As for not being bothered about the Empire the Scots played a prominent part.Scotland got a terrific bargain with the Union, it gave scope for its innovative genius which would have been stifled in an independent Scotland, it kept its legal and educational systems and to a large part its identity.In any case there had been so much intermingling between the Scots and the English that the Union really made official what was already happening.
As for bullying in the days of Empire I find it difficult to see how a few thousand troops spread over 23 million square miles could hold down several hundred million subjects by force for over a century.
The Falklands were discovered by the British in 1635 , they were uninhabited and claimed for the Crown.Argentina has no justification for any claim to them except they are the nearest country-but at 300 plus miles it's not much of a reason.

Brown , Blair arent true Scotsmen if they were they wouldnt pander to the English , both are just a pair of puppets , they would rather snub their own country to please England and believe me when I say the people of Scotland were against the Union but again as usual , the nobility sold our asses down the river , we dont need England and if we failed at least we failed by ourselves............

BTW I dont hate England my brothers English , I hate being ran by a parliment in another country , years of Tory oppression , sky high oil prices and petrol when we have plenty of it , no wonder you wont give us the vote and Blair and Brown could easily sanction it , some Scotsmen

They arent Scotsmen they are British , this is whats wrong with Scotland

And yes if you go into countrys with guns , ships , armys and take over , while the people have sticks and spears for hitting back and killing the indiginous people , that is bullying..

Raping countrys and taking slaves is bullying

An Empire built on slavery and piracy , massacres from Drogheda to Amritsar , Croke Park , Ireland , Scotland , Africa , India the list goes on & on , how many people in Ireland have been massacred for your countrys fake claim to there land

As for the Falkland Islands Argentina have more claim to it , than a country thousands away from it , but as you say the Brits have been there for years and the people want British rule but if they dont like it move back , same as the Irish that want to be in the union and the Scots as well , they should all move to England if they like it that much


Hear hear habo....Excellent posts IMO. I do enjoy the bigging up of America/Neo Roman empire, Fact is China owns your ass now.
Russia I may have ran down in the past isnt militarily strong yet. Key word here is yet but they are in alliance with China and India, got a nice pact whatever its called and they struck it lucky big time in Siberia when it comes to resources, Smart resourceful people and no one knows more about rockets in my opinion than the ruskies. Chinese are kings of reverse engineering probably got alot of yank tech lying about.

Even old Gordan was over in China licking ass. The Chinese who wrote the bloody damn book on war that all the corporate toss bags consider compulsory reading are likely using this to buy them time and room to prepare themshelves for the coming resource sha bam or we might actually be moving towards OWN= One World Order, Which unfortunately to all you haters would be alot more useful in addressing the global concerns you all like to dig your heads into the ground like ostriches and ignore.....Either world community gets on or we self implode and destruct personally I couldnt give a fuck.

When next you go flexing you likely get suprised. Now dont get me wrong plenty of people would still like to go to America because even with the bad it is still represented as an place of opportunity......In fact the very reason why Obama is in the oval office is cause its essential that its portrayed as so.
In fact without immigration to do the so called "demeaning" jobs or just plain jobs peeps dont want to do you'd be fucked, The western world is all service industry this service industry that blah blah thats the truth behind economic collapse hear me now hear me now. Of course someone come on now hollering that they arent fussy and shit of course not now as its scarse but tell me this when it all picks up again....

In regards to Ireland people are just sick of the violence and want to live ordinary lives do not mistake that for defeat afterall there is one hell of a "terrorist" network these days to hook into.(CIA and Fed searched engines no doubt tracking this, err wait I forgot to include "bomb")

:2 cents:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
And then there is the really southern term "you'ens" which is ya'll plus three.:D

Then there's "all y'all" if you are speaking to a group!'s "exit", not "way out". Way out is where my head was in college.

By the way, "mind the gap" would just be "watch your step" in the US.
Brown , Blair arent true Scotsmen if they were they wouldnt pander to the English , both are just a pair of puppets , they would rather snub their own country to please England and believe me when I say the people of Scotland were against the Union but again as usual , the nobility sold our asses down the river , we dont need England and if we failed at least we failed by ourselves............

BTW I dont hate England my brothers English , I hate being ran by a parliment in another country , years of Tory oppression , sky high oil prices and petrol when we have plenty of it , no wonder you wont give us the vote and Blair and Brown could easily sanction it , some Scotsmen

They arent Scotsmen they are British , this is whats wrong with Scotland

And yes if you go into countrys with guns , ships , armys and take over , while the people have sticks and spears for hitting back and killing the indiginous people , that is bullying..

Raping countrys and taking slaves is bullying

An Empire built on slavery and piracy , massacres from Drogheda to Amritsar , Croke Park , Ireland , Scotland , Africa , India the list goes on & on , how many people in Ireland have been massacred for your countrys fake claim to there land

As for the Falkland Islands Argentina have more claim to it , than a country thousands away from it , but as you say the Brits have been there for years and the people want British rule but if they dont like it move back , same as the Irish that want to be in the union and the Scots as well , they should all move to England if they like it that much

The Union of the two nations is greater than the sum of its parts, it wasn't sold down the river by a few nobles but because it had become a non viable state. I don't know how it would survive on its own now, the claim to North Sea oil is very doubtful. It's in international waters and merely comes ashore in Scotland , the oil was allocated on the basis of the Union so Scotland would have only a pro rata share in a reallocation.
I'm not trying to claim that atrocities and massacres didn't happen during Empire but they were local and widely spaced events which weren't by any means typical of rule.The stark fact is that the power to suppress unrest simply didn't exist.We had a very small army, most of which remained in this country and the rest were spread VERY thinly over a vast area.They couldn't be reinforced quickly in any case.A quick guess places one British soldier for every 10 000 inhabitants and 500 square miles of territory.I know people of my father's generation who served in India , they spent most of their time playing cricket, often with the locals, they didn't carry arms and walked safely in the streets meeting little if any hostility.
It's also worth noting that the ex colonies choose to retain an association with the UK through the Commonwealth.
The Falklands were discovered by the British in 1635 , they were uninhabited and claimed for the Crown.Argentina has no justification for any claim to them except they are the nearest country-but at 300 plus miles it's not much of a reason.
Maybe so, but the Falklands 'War' was a pretty shameful episode in modern British history. Especially the sinking of the Belgrano.


The Union of the two nations is greater than the sum of its parts, it wasn't sold down the river by a few nobles but because it had become a non viable state. I don't know how it would survive on its own now, the claim to North Sea oil is very doubtful. It's in international waters and merely comes ashore in Scotland , the oil was allocated on the basis of the Union so Scotland would have only a pro rata share in a reallocation.
I'm not trying to claim that atrocities and massacres didn't happen during Empire but they were local and widely spaced events which weren't by any means typical of rule.The stark fact is that the power to suppress unrest simply didn't exist.We had a very small army, most of which remained in this country and the rest were spread VERY thinly over a vast area.They couldn't be reinforced quickly in any case.A quick guess places one British soldier for every 10 000 inhabitants and 500 square miles of territory.I know people of my father's generation who served in India , they spent most of their time playing cricket, often with the locals, they didn't carry arms and walked safely in the streets meeting little if any hostility.
It's also worth noting that the ex colonies choose to retain an association with the UK through the Commonwealth.

Scotland lost a quarter of there wealth on failed plantations in the Carribean , also at the time the people of Scotland were quite self sufficient , it was the nobility that lost there cash and sold Scotland for £14000 as long as they kept there titles and there land so being non viable state is bullshit believe your English history , it has been given rose tinted glasses down there

Also were did you get non viable state from? Scotland is not a state , never has been , it is a country in its own right and the sooner it is recognized as one the better , we are not a state or a region , yous have also tried to steal our identity through education , not once when I was in school did I get taught Scottish history , it was all English history , but it didnt work , it instilled an even greater hatred for the Empire and a thirst for true Scottish knowledge not an English biased view we got taught in school , everything I know about Scotland I have read from books or studied , I have also visited every important historical place in the history of Scotland , I take an interest in Scotlands history & Ive also seen English views of things that happen in Scotland because I like to get both sides of the story and as usual the English view has been distorted and twisted to suit them as if they were doing the world a favour and they were the good guys so Im just going to blow it out the water......

So here goes , the killings in Scotland werent localized nor Ireland , nor Africa , nor India they were country and continent and worldwide yous even done your best to wipe out aborigones from Australia another country use took over when yous had no right

Even the Glencoe massacre , one of the gravest days in Scottish history has English hands on it and before you say it was Scots against Scots , it was only because the English knew if they put , a Campbell in charge of a English battalion they could easily pass the blame but Campbell was following English orders , so again it was an English massacre and it was your head honchos in garrisons in Scotland who were all English , who stopped the McDonalds from getting to that meeting so yous had an excuse to kill them in there beds while they were sleeping , great country England (note sarcasm) and that was after they looked after your army gave them beds and food for over two weeks then in the middle of the night as women , children and men slept in there beds your so called fair and great army shot them all , this isnt the act of a great or powerfull nation this is just down right cold blooded murder of from lowest people who think they have the right to go around doing what they like in other peoples nations , BTW the Scottish people were not armed yet yous still shot them as they slept in there homes in which they had let yous stay , rest & sleep , fuckin wonderful your country , Im so proud to be part of the Empire (note sarcasm again)

It was also your countries policies that were behind the Highland clearances , throwing people off there land for deer forests and sheep farming also the Culloden massacre when these people fought back against English oppresion for there land and homes they lived on for thousands of years

In Africa England raped , pillaged and stole the people for slaves , this started about 1650 , 57 years before Scotland were sold down the river and joined the union

There is no need for you to give me your romanticied English history about how yous gave the world everything when yous killed , slaughtered and put people into slavery for the Empire

Also third of all African Slaves transported to work as slaves in the Americas were transported by England and it would a hell of a lot more if most didnt die on the way there

And North sea oil is Scottish , just as the oil rigs of the coast of Blackpool are English and it is in Scottish waters they are not in international waters , also Whisky is one of the biggest earners from Britain and it cant be called whisky if its not Scottish , as you should know they added an e for any whiskey made outside of Scotland also Electronics are also a massive earner for Britain and again guess were most of that is made? You guessed it , in Scotland

And I dont care if some countries stayed in British rule , plenty didnt and that was good of yous to give the Slaves , Sierra Leone to live once they were free , I mean yous are brilliant for giving them their own country back , Im sure they thanked yous for your years of tyranny , rape , murder & being transported across the atlantic in shackles and in cramped disease ridden ships with barely any water , I would say animals got better care in Africa but yous shot most of them to the brink of extinction for sport

I will say this again and this time listen

Scotland doesnt need or ever have needed England , all of Scotland ills are caused by England , from the past to the present day , if war ever broke out again against Scotland , I would be there on the front line

And the thing is you said your fathers generation in India played cricket , well this would have been well after yous murdered and killed all the people that you opposed , England even got Indians to kill Indians which you's have a history for , in Ireland and Scotland by greasing certain peoples hands and offering them the world also in India a man called Ghandi showed you's greatness and power without raising his hand in anger against English tyranny

Even America got bored with your shit and kicked your arses and while they were kicking your arses , most Scots were moving to Nova Scotia from America and Scotland because of your country

Do you know what Nova Scotia means? Its latin and it means New Scotland

If you's werent taking everything , even if we were in the so called union , there wouldnt be a Nova Scotia because they would have stayed here , they never moved because they wanted to , they moved because you's left them with nothing , no homes , no land , no hope

England are responsible for murder and being downright dirty bastards during the so called empire yous left a trail of destruction and murder were ever you's went in the world

This guy puts it pretty well , how most of Scotland feels about English rule and while you's are still influencing Scottish home rule this how most Scots feel about Scotland

Ps I havent even started on your crusades to the middle east to appease a pope in the name of religion , is it any wonder they have a hatred for everything in the west , look back at there history especially Afghanistan , then theres the opium wars in China so you's could get your grubby little hands on it anything you's wanted you's killed to get

England has blood on its hands in every country it entered even your own , killing catholics yet years before you's were murdering arabs in the name of the pope and christ ,all Englands terrorist attacks it has brought on itself from the IRA to Guy Fawkes in one way or another by doing things or being in places they had no right to be , even Scotlands greatest freedom fighter William Wallace was classed as a terrorist in your country when its you's who have been the biggest terrorists in the history of the world the only difference is you are a country

If Hitler had won the war and taken over England , would you's be terrorists or freedom fighters?

My guess is you would pick the latter

Funny how things change when the boots on the other foot :hatsoff:


You forgot to mention the fact that Australia was actually a prison lulz.

Scotland lost a quarter of there wealth on failed plantations in the Carribean , also at the time the people of Scotland were quite self sufficient , it was the nobility that lost there cash and sold Scotland for £14000 as long as they kept there titles and there land so being non viable state is bullshit believe your English history , it has been given rose tinted glasses down there

Also were did you get non viable state from? Scotland is not a state , never has been , it is a country in its own right and the sooner it is recognized as one the better , we are not a state or a region , yous have also tried to steal our identity through education , not once when I was in school did I get taught Scottish history , it was all English history , but it didnt work , it instilled an even greater hatred for the Empire and a thirst for true Scottish knowledge not an English biased view we got taught in school , everything I know about Scotland I have read from books or studied , I have also visited every important historical place in the history of Scotland , I take an interest in Scotlands history & Ive also seen English views of things that happen in Scotland because I like to get both sides of the story and as usual the English view has been distorted and twisted to suit them as if they were doing the world a favour and they were the good guys so Im just going to blow it out the water......

So here goes , the killings in Scotland werent localized nor Ireland , nor Africa , nor India they were country and continent and worldwide yous even done your best to wipe out aborigones from Australia another country use took over when yous had no right

Even the Glencoe massacre , one of the gravest days in Scottish history has English hands on it and before you say it was Scots against Scots , it was only because the English knew if they put , a Campbell in charge of a English battalion they could easily pass the blame but Campbell was following English orders , so again it was an English massacre and it was your head honchos in garrisons in Scotland who were all English , who stopped the McDonalds from getting to that meeting so yous had an excuse to kill them in there beds while they were sleeping , great country England (note sarcasm) and that was after they looked after your army gave them beds and food for over two weeks then in the middle of the night as women , children and men slept in there beds your so called fair and great army shot them all , this isnt the act of a great or powerfull nation this is just down right cold blooded murder of from lowest people who think they have the right to go around doing what they like in other peoples nations , BTW the Scottish people were not armed yet yous still shot them as they slept in there homes in which they had let yous stay , rest & sleep , fuckin wonderful your country , Im so proud to be part of the Empire (note sarcasm again)

It was also your countries policies that were behind the Highland clearances , throwing people off there land for deer forests and sheep farming also the Culloden massacre when these people fought back against English oppresion for there land and homes they lived on for thousands of years

In Africa England raped , pillaged and stole the people for slaves , this started about 1650 , 57 years before Scotland were sold down the river and joined the union

There is no need for you to give me your romanticied English history about how yous gave the world everything when yous killed , slaughtered and put people into slavery for the Empire

Also third of all African Slaves transported to work as slaves in the Americas were transported by England and it would a hell of a lot more if most didnt die on the way there

And North sea oil is Scottish , just as the oil rigs of the coast of Blackpool are English and it is in Scottish waters they are not in international waters , also Whisky is one of the biggest earners from Britain and it cant be called whisky if its not Scottish , as you should know they added an e for any whiskey made outside of Scotland also Electronics are also a massive earner for Britain and again guess were most of that is made? You guessed it , in Scotland

And I dont care if some countries stayed in British rule , plenty didnt and that was good of yous to give the Slaves , Sierra Leone to live once they were free , I mean yous are brilliant for giving them their own country back , Im sure they thanked yous for your years of tyranny , rape , murder & being transported across the atlantic in shackles and in cramped disease ridden ships with barely any water , I would say animals got better care in Africa but yous shot most of them to the brink of extinction for sport

I will say this again and this time listen

Scotland doesnt need or ever have needed England , all of Scotland ills are caused by England , from the past to the present day , if war ever broke out again against Scotland , I would be there on the front line

And the thing is you said your fathers generation in India played cricket , well this would have been well after yous murdered and killed all the people that you opposed , England even got Indians to kill Indians which you's have a history for , in Ireland and Scotland by greasing certain peoples hands and offering them the world also in India a man called Ghandi showed you's greatness and power without raising his hand in anger against English tyranny

Even America got bored with your shit and kicked your arses and while they were kicking your arses , most Scots were moving to Nova Scotia from America and Scotland because of your country

Do you know what Nova Scotia means? Its latin and it means New Scotland

If you's werent taking everything , even if we were in the so called union , there wouldnt be a Nova Scotia because they would have stayed here , they never moved because they wanted to , they moved because you's left them with nothing , no homes , no land , no hope

England are responsible for murder and being downright dirty bastards during the so called empire yous left a trail of destruction and murder were ever you's went in the world

This guy puts it pretty well , how most of Scotland feels about English rule and while you's are still influencing Scottish home rule this how most Scots feel about Scotland

Ps I havent even started on your crusades to the middle east to appease a pope in the name of religion , is it any wonder they have a hatred for everything in the west , look back at there history especially Afghanistan , then theres the opium wars in China so you's could get your grubby little hands on it anything you's wanted you's killed to get

England has blood on its hands in every country it entered even your own , killing catholics yet years before you's were murdering arabs in the name of the pope and christ ,all Englands terrorist attacks it has brought on itself from the IRA to Guy Fawkes in one way or another by doing things or being in places they had no right to be , even Scotlands greatest freedom fighter William Wallace was classed as a terrorist in your country when its you's who have been the biggest terrorists in the history of the world the only difference is you are a country

If Hitler had won the war and taken over England , would you's be terrorists or freedom fighters?

My guess is you would pick the latter

Funny how things change when the boots on the other foot :hatsoff:
You know, we didn't just leave "a trail of destruction and murder were ever (we) went in the world." I do not for one moment want to romanticise the British Empire but it is a fact that there were many positives. I reiterate that I am not defending it but your view is laughably simplistic. There are very few countries whose histories are not steeped in the blood of other nations. & I fail to see what point you are making beyond that rather obvious fact.

It also seems a tad naive, you are suggesting that no scottish person ever did a bad thing!?! I'm sure no wealthy Scottish people participated or benefited from what the English did to scotland. & you are wrong by saying that "In Africa England raped , pillaged and stole the people for slaves" & "England even got Indians to kill Indians." It was the British Empire & many Scottish participated & profited from it, in the transatlantic slave trade & involvement India. Or were they just "following English orders"? No. You can't absolve your fellow countrymen's part in The British Empire however much you'd like to.

The idea that "all of Scotland ills are caused by England" is again simplistic, but more than that its pathetic. Yes we have done some questionable things but to say that its all our fault actually denigrates you as a nation. It suggests you are a poor oppressed people who have never been capable of being in control of their own destiny, & also its a way of self mythologising, of painting yourselves as a righteous faultless nation. Worse than that though, you are collectively defining yourself & your identity by your hatred of another nation. & that sort of thinking is not only out dated & insular but dangerous as your pathetic comment about "being on the front line" demonstrates. If you as a people took some responsibility for your own nations ills rather than just blaming someone else for everything then you might move forward & be able to solve them! Rather than living in the past which will do no one either side of Hadrian's Wall any good.

Thankfully from the Scottish people I know & the times I've spent there I am grateful that your views are not held by everyone north of the border. Maybe they all haven't got a chip on their shoulder & an inferiority complex?


Do you think Britain and Americas foreign policies have worked?

You're pretty good readin, actually.:thumbsup: That was a rather nice rally you had going with our Philbert. :hatsoff:

Oh, on the foreign policy stuff, I think that the UN foreign agent lobbyist scum whores :D need to keep their noses the hell out of serious affairs i.e. when 2 or more nations clash, and take on a ''meals on wheels'' / humanitarian role, maybe act as an auxiliary red cross or some such...:dunno: Never again should the un act as the intermediator between two or more nations again because they're just going to do what they do best and extend the campaign, dump pebbles in our forces' boots, egg America and the UK's face and generally impede our ability to quickly snuff out aggressors wherever they may pop. IMO, Saddamn would have been contained for keeps back nearest the conclusion of Gulf War One had it not been for un intervention and their feckless unenforceable un resolution 1441, a provision that Saddamn basically pissed on and spat at.

Anyhow, whew !
Do you think as a country you are safer today because of foreign policies?

My answer to both of these is................No

Which is fine, but again, both the UK as well as the US of A would have a much stronger position in the world today had we not allowed the un to chock our wheels over the years, I firmly believe that with every fiber of my being.
I think that we really need to develop a rational energy policy, and develop something similar to what France has going > 75 - 80% of their electrical grid production from clean green nuclear power plants, thata way we don't have to be so damned reliant on foreign sources of energy. . . . but then the Nuclear Regulatory Commission bureaucracy must take 15 years to pull their collective heads out of their asses for approval...:1orglaugh
You just can't win, brother, their is always a bureaucrat or somebody with the authority to prevent the most rational moves on the chess board. ....damnnnnn :o

:Back to regular programming: Americanisms:
The slave trade was certainly a shameful episode though-as with the Empire itself it doesn't pay to look at centuries old actions with 21st century eyes.It must be remembered that slavery was carried out with the complicity of the Africans themselves (they were the ones who actually captured them and sold them to the slaver captains.)Many African chiefs grew rich and lived in big houses in London.

Public opinion did change though and the UK became in a few years the leading anti slavery power , a large portion of the Royal Navy was involved in intervention of the slave trade.
To our Scottish friend, the Union is just that-a union, not a takeover.In a sense though Scotland took over England in 1601 when the Scottish king was given the English throne too.

As I said, don't judge the Empire through 21st century eyes.It was generally felt to be a force for good at the time and gave rise to the Pax Britannica.

The idea of a handful of British soldiers travelling in wooden ships armed with single shot muskets being able to murder enough Indians to subject them (there were 400 million Indians over 3 million square miles) to two centuries of rule just doesn't make sense.The plain fact was that the Indians were generally highly consensual.


You know, we didn't just leave "a trail of destruction and murder were ever (we) went in the world." I do not for one moment want to romanticise the British Empire but it is a fact that there were many positives. I reiterate that I am not defending it but your view is laughably simplistic. There are very few countries whose histories are not steeped in the blood of other nations. & I fail to see what point you are making beyond that rather obvious fact.

It also seems a tad naive, you are suggesting that no scottish person ever did a bad thing!?! I'm sure no wealthy Scottish people participated or benefited from what the English did to scotland. & you are wrong by saying that "In Africa England raped , pillaged and stole the people for slaves" & "England even got Indians to kill Indians." It was the British Empire & many Scottish participated & profited from it, in the transatlantic slave trade & involvement India. Or were they just "following English orders"? No. You can't absolve your fellow countrymen's part in The British Empire however much you'd like to.

The idea that "all of Scotland ills are caused by England" is again simplistic, but more than that its pathetic. Yes we have done some questionable things but to say that its all our fault actually denigrates you as a nation. It suggests you are a poor oppressed people who have never been capable of being in control of their own destiny, & also its a way of self mythologising, of painting yourselves as a righteous faultless nation. Worse than that though, you are collectively defining yourself & your identity by your hatred of another nation. & that sort of thinking is not only out dated & insular but dangerous as your pathetic comment about "being on the front line" demonstrates. If you as a people took some responsibility for your own nations ills rather than just blaming someone else for everything then you might move forward & be able to solve them! Rather than living in the past which will do no one either side of Hadrian's Wall any good.

Thankfully from the Scottish people I know & the times I've spent there I am grateful that your views are not held by everyone north of the border. Maybe they all haven't got a chip on their shoulder & an inferiority complex?

Woop their's the voice! See previous posted video(by moi, In this thread stay tuned folks!) For further details.

Yes man you got talent, Could have used you back in the good old days eh? Obviously everyone who has a different opinion especially non brittish must have an inferiority complex and a chip on their shoulder.

I like your lovely inserts such as "denigrates" Good form old chap bloody good form! Bah superiority complex? what the fack is that? WE RULE THE WAVES!(well when we can fuel our boats)
I have a question, referring to the UK people. Hopefully you've seen the movie Greenstreet Hooligans, is soccer(football) really like that over there? With like firms and shit, and beating the ever loving piss out of each other just because they like a different soccer(football) team? Probably just some Hollywood hype dealing with movies, but maybe? I've always wondered, because I know how you brits love your soccer(football).