American Reputation


I never met a Euro who didn't have something to say about the USA.
I just never found many that had something interesting to say...or knew anything about what they were babbling about.
Some...but they were more international than specifically nationalistic.
I just don't care if millions of opinions are negative...considering the source.


Not liberal conspiracy theory, well documented public record.

A timeline of CIA atrocities

If you aren't convinced by any of that can you can research and cross reference it all. It's well documented. It's 101 to most people who live outside the US.

Anytime someone uses the word "atrocities" connected with various American activities, I ignore what is obviously an agenda-driven rant by some lame anti-American.:thefinger
Atrocities are like... Rwanda, or Pol-Pot and the Cambodian slaughter...
American popularity peaked after WW2. Following Vietnam the US progressively began to be seen as a hubristic, bullying, ill-informed, potentially murderous problem-solver. Think Latin America. George Bush couldn't have been done better if he'd been purpose-built as an offense-giving, cowardly, torturing, war mongering, mass murdering dullard. History and nations won't forget US shame about what transpired on his watch. Failure to put him in the dock costs international respect. The price of this is high. Civilized countries prosecute political criminals to maintain their polity, cradle their esteem and retain the respect of decent nations. Outsiders love Americans individually, despise the nation for what it has become and jest over the corrupt gridlock monkeys that swing through DC creating vanity alone. Hope for renewal under Obama died at West Point and was interred with the self-serving narcissistic Nobel speech. American readers. This thread exemplifies the offensive, puerile, ad hominum attacks that prevent you from listening to each other and others and benefitting from civil discourse. Yours is an empire in decline with economic, political, moral and foreign policy decay both advanced and cumulative. Listen to outsiders who don't have or have solved similar problems. Gaze outward for view. Take small progressive steps. Organize a doctor for everyone. Wean off the war habit as killing is an unpredictable, evil, fickle mistress. Asia is the future. They read American error as their text. Earn real friendships to replace the store-bought pseudo-pals you have now. You'll need real mates when hegemony needs Viagra.

Blah blah blah blah blah. Nothing but Eurotrash, pseudointellectual, rhetorical vomit. You have no basis for any of your drivel, no supporting foundation. You're nothing more than another malcontent grasping at straws, desperately trying to bolster what you know is an untenable, baseless belief system springing form your own deep seated insecurities. Grow up, pull your head out and get some educated, enlightened perspective.


Anytime someone uses the word "atrocities" connected with various American activities, I ignore what is obviously an agenda-driven rant by some lame anti-American

Even when it's an American making the criticism?

Making a conscious effort not to read any criticism of your country might suggest that you are scared it may be of substance and subsequently threaten some deeply held beliefs...
I don't think I'm wrong in saying American wealth is created primarily from exports. Without the outside world the US economy would be very different. However, things do seem to be changing. Economists have suggested there will be an end to the Dollar being the international currency in the near future, both Russia and China have made the proposal for a replacement.

Philbert, most people I know would be embarrassed to know little of the outside world, not proud, I think maybe this is one of the major dividing lines. If you think of it in terms of business you could quite easily do more if you know the market, I think that's a manner people could easily agree with.
Why is it almost always white southerners that try to act superior to the rest of the world, and then brag about how little they know of the rest of the world?

God, I love William Tecumseh Sherman.
I am European but I am pro American because a part of my family lives in America. I like America a lot.
I am European but I am pro American because a part of my family lives in America. I like America a lot.

Hi Georges, this isn't supposed to be a Pro or Anti American topic really. I wondered whether the reputation of the country or the way those outside considered the US was changing any.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement

Fuck everyone else. Do you really thin Germany, France, Italy and Russia are sorry for the shit they did or do? No they ain't

Oh yeah, they aren't sorry at all... :rolleyes:

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
How come everyone forgets that the French kicked Germany's ass in World War I?

I thought they were freedom fries.

WTF? When did France kick Germany's ass?

At the outbreak of the First World War, the German army (consisting in the West of Seven Field Armies) executed a modified version of the Schlieffen Plan, designed to quickly attack France through neutral Belgium before turning southwards to encircle the French army on the German border. The plan called for the right flank of the German advance to converge on Paris and initially, the Germans were very successful, particularly in the Battle of the Frontiers (14 August–24 August). By 12 September, the French with assistance from the BRITISH forces halted the German advance east of Paris at the First Battle of the Marne (5 September–12 September). The last days of this battle signified the end of mobile warfare in the west.