American Reputation


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement


they were on the winning team... but it was a war of attrition, and germany couldn't possible win, especially after the austrians chickened out on us, and the russians made peace in the east. ah well, never trust an austrian. we learned that right then and there! and we never trusted one of them again... oh, wait...
Our reputation according to rest of the world? Who cares what they think! I don't give a crap at all.

You think other countries are sitting around thinking if we like them or not? Nope, most likely not. They are thinking of ways to sneak in here and to have it good as the majority of lazy Americans have it. For those who say they don't give a crap, too bad, none of us cares at all. You just realized you're not going to live here, stuck where you are at, accepted it and decided to not, indeed, give a crap. You accepted reality of where you are and are either content or pissed off.

If this country is so bad why are other country's citizens abandoning their home country to try and sneak in to America? For the big three: Opportunity, education, medical; all in the name of living a better life!

Sadly, we have those who will do it illegally, hindering those who want to come over legally and have to go through hell to do it. Those legal immigrants need to speak up and fight back against the illegal immigrants. Same vein in the moderate (peaceful) Muslims should speak out against the Jihad Muslims if they want to see some improvement.

For those who want to kill us or see us fall. Well go shit a brick! Find something else to complain about in life.

Just live life and be the best you can. As far as reputation goes: who cares?

No one is going to like every one or every thing! Simple fact of life! The sooner we understand that the sooner we can accept each other a little bit more in life.
American popularity peaked after WW2. Following Vietnam the US progressively began to be seen as a hubristic, bullying, ill-informed, potentially murderous problem-solver. Think Latin America. George Bush couldn't have been done better if he'd been purpose-built as an offense-giving, cowardly, torturing, war mongering, mass murdering dullard. History and nations won't forget US shame about what transpired on his watch. Failure to put him in the dock costs international respect. The price of this is high. Civilized countries prosecute political criminals to maintain their polity, cradle their esteem and retain the respect of decent nations. Outsiders love Americans individually, despise the nation for what it has become and jest over the corrupt gridlock monkeys that swing through DC creating vanity alone. Hope for renewal under Obama died at West Point and was interred with the self-serving narcissistic Nobel speech. American readers. This thread exemplifies the offensive, puerile, ad hominum attacks that prevent you from listening to each other and others and benefitting from civil discourse. Yours is an empire in decline with economic, political, moral and foreign policy decay both advanced and cumulative. Listen to outsiders who don't have or have solved similar problems. Gaze outward for view. Take small progressive steps. Organize a doctor for everyone. Wean off the war habit as killing is an unpredictable, evil, fickle mistress. Asia is the future. They read American error as their text. Earn real friendships to replace the store-bought pseudo-pals you have now. You'll need real mates when hegemony needs Viagra.


FTW, America is the best you can all suck her ass! We ain't gonna to be sorry for anything. Obama is just another liberal toolbag that thinks we owe the world a ig "I'm Sorry" It would have been 10x better if Obama would just be like " Hey Europe :thefinger"

Semper Fi Motherfuckers.
America (and England) have always been viewed negatively by the rest of the world. It's mostly due to jealousy due to our successes, even poor lower class blue collar people like me have a lot compared to third world people, THEN we have our strong military. We have the MONEY AND POWER. As well as the most beautiful women.

Pacino said it best in Scarface:
"In this country, You gotta make the money first"
"Then when you get the money, you get the power"
"Then when you get the power, Then you get the woman"



America (and England) have always been viewed negatively by the rest of the world. It's mostly due to jealousy due to our successes, even poor lower class blue collar people like me have a lot compared to third world people, and our strong military. We have the MONEY AND POWER. As well as the most beautiful women.

"You gotta make the money first"
"Then when you get the money, you get the power"
"Then when you get the power, Then you get the woman"

money and power? where have you been for the whole 2009?
money and power? where have you been for the whole 2009?

Ok, I will include myself as an example. Since you brought up the recession...

I have been unemployed since September... but I haven't lost anything... I have cleaned out my savings, some of my 401K, sold stuff, borrowed from others, etc, but I still haven't lost anything. And yes, I know others aren't that fortunate, some people live beyond their means, then when they lose their job, the shit hits the fan!

I made $40K a year as an auto mechanic before getting laid off. My wife makes $25K a year as a grocery cashier. We are struggling now with only her income coming in, but creditors ARE WORKING WITH US. We still have our home, nothing fancy, it's an old house 1200 sq. ft. built in 1890, with additions done in the 80's. We have a 2006 Ford Taurus, and a 2007 Ford Sport Trac. Both are very nice, my truck is all modded out, 20" wheels, chrome, etc. We have a big TV, a nice surround sound with big speakers, PS3, this computer, cell phones, etc. People in third world countries sure don't have that stuff. Because they make a lot less money doing the same jobs, is that fair, no, but that is AMERICA.

And due to the economy problems, our military is growing stronger. Lots of people signing up. It's a guaranteed job with good money! I have even debated it myself. But I don't know if I want to risk getting killed by an American hater in Afghanistan or Iraq, because that is where I would be sent!

So there is the money and power, America may be in trouble financially right now, but we will come back. And we still are the richest nation in the world, even in recession.

and that is why we are hated...




Fuck everyone else. Do you really thin Germany, France, Italy and Russia are sorry for the shit they did or do? No they ain't.

Right or wrong America is my country and I will defend her till to my last fucking breath in my Devil Dog body.

It's time for this PC, liberal, world peace bullshit to stop.

Time to stop kissing everyone ass for shit that happened, get the fuck over it. It happened nothing you will do can change it, move the fuck on.
You can have a reputation for what you've done and then you can have a reputation for what you're doing.


and that is why we are hated...

nah, people just don't like self righteous dickheads who can't put themselves in other peoples shoes.

do you honestly believe that having your whole neighborhood wiped out by a US bombing raid or having your friends, family and collegues rounded up and tortured, imprisoned and dissapeared by a despotic regime being given money and support by the US government, is NOT a good enough reason to be the slightest bit critical of the United States?

There are plenty of nations critical of the United States that have just as much wealth and oppertunity, so that should give you some idea that it's not about being jelous...
nah, people just don't like self righteous dickheads who can't put themselves in other peoples shoes.

do you honestly believe that your whole neighborhood wiped out by a US bombing raid or having your friends, family and colleagues rounded up and tortured, imprisoned and dissapeared by a despotic regime being given money and support by the US government, is NOT a good enough reason to be the slightest bit critical of the United States?

If it isn't, then what is?

... and here we go with the politically correct liberal conspiracy theory BS. :(

Has America attacked the whole world? Are you saying all the wars we have been involved in are unjust? Let Palestine take over and kill the Israeli people, fuck them. Oh yeah, the 9/11/01 attack on America never happened. The Iraq war is just for control of the oil... never mind Saddam's genocide on his own people. We should have let Saddam take over and slaughter the people of Kuwait in the first gulf war. We should have just told South Vietnam and Korea to go fuck themselves when they asked for our help. Dec. 7, 1941 and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and Hitler's genocide was all made up. World War 1 was America and Great Britain just going on a killing spree. Hell, for that matter we should have just bent over and let Britain control us in 1776!

And what despotic regime are you referring to?
Ugh. Well this thread is going to go downhill faster than a oiled up sled in snow.


... and here we go with the politically correct liberal conspiracy theory BS. :(

Has America attacked the whole world? Are you saying all the wars we have been involved in are unjust? Let Palestine take over and kill the Israeli people, fuck them. Oh yeah, the 9/11/01 attack on America never happened. The Iraq war is just for control of the oil... never mind Saddam's genocide on his own people. We should have let Saddam take over and slaughter the people of Kuwait in the first gulf war. We should have just told South Vietnam and Korea to go fuck themselves when they asked for our help. Dec. 7, 1941 and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and Hitler's genocide was all made up. World War 1 was America and Great Britain just going on a killing spree. Hell, for that matter we should have just bent over and let Britain control us in 1776!

And what despotic regime are you referring to?

Not liberal conspiracy theory, well documented public record.

A timeline of CIA atrocities

If you aren't convinced by any of that can you can research and cross reference it all. It's well documented. It's 101 to most people who live outside the US.

you leave yourself open to the charge of hypocrisy re Israel/Palestine- You say the world was right in not letting Saddam take over and slaughter the people of Kuwait- guess what was happening in Palestine in 1948?