American Reputation

How long do whoremaker's childish, ignorant, aggressive, profane outbursts usually last? To be a flamer is to be a public failure. Can he spew more eloquent entertaining bile that is vaguely on topic? Are there periods of lucidity and reason or is this it? The mods might consider his fitness. A superficial brief cruise through his contributions doesn't help his case. Thoughts anyone?


How long do whoremaker's childish, ignorant, aggressive, profane outbursts usually last? To be a flamer is to be a public failure. Can he spew more eloquent entertaining bile that is vaguely on topic? Are there periods of lucidity and reason or is this it? The mods might consider his fitness. A superficial brief cruise through his contributions doesn't help his case. Thoughts anyone?

That you're really a silly person, and whoremaker has you pretty well correctly described?
You can leave, nothing keeping you here except your free will...:wave2:


Closed Account
American popularity peaked after WW2. Following Vietnam the US progressively began to be seen as a hubristic, bullying, ill-informed, potentially murderous problem-solver. Think Latin America. George Bush couldn't have been done better if he'd been purpose-built as an offense-giving, cowardly, torturing, war mongering, mass murdering dullard. History and nations won't forget US shame about what transpired on his watch. Failure to put him in the dock costs international respect. The price of this is high. Civilized countries prosecute political criminals to maintain their polity, cradle their esteem and retain the respect of decent nations. Outsiders love Americans individually, despise the nation for what it has become and jest over the corrupt gridlock monkeys that swing through DC creating vanity alone. Hope for renewal under Obama died at West Point and was interred with the self-serving narcissistic Nobel speech. American readers. This thread exemplifies the offensive, puerile, ad hominum attacks that prevent you from listening to each other and others and benefitting from civil discourse. Yours is an empire in decline with economic, political, moral and foreign policy decay both advanced and cumulative. Listen to outsiders who don't have or have solved similar problems. Gaze outward for view. Take small progressive steps. Organize a doctor for everyone. Wean off the war habit as killing is an unpredictable, evil, fickle mistress. Asia is the future. They read American error as their text. Earn real friendships to replace the store-bought pseudo-pals you have now. You'll need real mates when hegemony needs Viagra.

Very interesting post.
How long do whoremaker's childish, ignorant, aggressive, profane outbursts usually last? To be a flamer is to be a public failure. Can he spew more eloquent entertaining bile that is vaguely on topic? Are there periods of lucidity and reason or is this it? The mods might consider his fitness. A superficial brief cruise through his contributions doesn't help his case. Thoughts anyone?

There you go again, sputtering your wannabe-elitist gibberish. How sad. It's like watching a monkey try to use a computer. Oh wait, like... It is watching a monkey use a computer.

Honestly, your posts are like some strange bastardization of Mad Libs. No substance, no meaning, no value; just random multisyllabic adverbs strung together loosely in the hopes that the message's droning denigration of a topic which you have a tenuous grasp of, will wear out the reader and trick them into thinking, "Huh, that little guy really knows his stuff!" Instead, much like HELLDOUCHER, you simply display, again and again, that you're nothing more than a clueless, propaganda munching simpleton, regurgitating that anti-America rhetoric fed to you by your pseudointellectual idols. Forget awareness. Forget knowledge. Forget understanding. Buzz words, soundbytes and mob mentality suffice for people like yourself.

Such a sad, meaningless existence... :(

That you're really a silly person, and whoremaker has you pretty well correctly described?
You can leave, nothing keeping you here except your free will...:wave2:

Thanks Phil. :hatsoff:


How long do whoremaker's childish, ignorant, aggressive, profane outbursts usually last? To be a flamer is to be a public failure. Can he spew more eloquent entertaining bile that is vaguely on topic? Are there periods of lucidity and reason or is this it? The mods might consider his fitness. A superficial brief cruise through his contributions doesn't help his case. Thoughts anyone?

How long will you keep replying to him? If you don't like his post or what he has to say then do fucking reply to them.
I can never understand why folks are told to stop replying because they argue with someone here. Arguing is not bickering or quarreling, it is healthy and progressive and moves ideas around. Those who start making the suggestion of "stop replying" are probably more keen to back track out of an argument they're caught up in. If you find you're in that position, you probably didn't have much conviction in what you said in the first place and are finding it hard to accept what you're hearing from others.

Please don't try and kill the thread.
Sure is a lot of hate going on in here. I got one thing to say... IF YOU TRULY HATE AMERICA, YOU ALWAYS HAVE THE OPTION TO LEAVE!
I think the election of Obama (and Democrat And aan Afro-american) get the american people less hated outside america.

But the failure of the Copenhague meeting and the fact that, s now, Obama has done nothing significant about international issues get people in doubt.

Many of the people i Europe that were over-enthusiastic after Obama's election are realising that he's not a messiah, he's just the US President and his main priority is to make america and the american have a better life, even it's means to cause european people some troubles...


I can never understand why folks are told to stop replying because they argue with someone here. Arguing is not bickering or quarreling, it is healthy and progressive and moves ideas around. Those who start making the suggestion of "stop replying" are probably more keen to back track out of an argument they're caught up in. If you find you're in that position, you probably didn't have much conviction in what you said in the first place and are finding it hard to accept what you're hearing from others.

Please don't try and kill the thread.

It looks like whore and noe are going into a flame war, which is what my post was talking about.
Sgt Marine and averageJoe immediately make my point in carbon spewing neon. America is in crisis. These otherwise fine chaps refuse to see the eye-bleedingly obvious. They'd rather chant patriotic ditties than find the humility and true love of nation required to locate a piece of the puzzle and work on it. Bread and circuses, the death of empires. I'm a true friend but they can no longer distinguish friend from foe, heroically blazing away at their combat boots, demanding unearned fealty, and sycophantic compliance from others. Civil discourse quite beyond it would seem now. There are plenty of wise and well-read Americans but they can't be heard above the mob. Bombing Yemen would slake the blood lust for minutes. Why not do it? What if Faux News self-immolated as a service to the nation? How would soldiers and average folk find out what to think? Palin would still lead the charge off the cliff, of course. Tea bagging from a hairdo with glasses. Would you shave your balls for that? If the permanent war works out mommy will have nice postcards from everywhere and she'll get to choose the best coffin she can afford. Thanks for listening, thoughtful and polite. Try reading both posts for meaning several times to contain your most embarrassing instincts.

Listen if you don't like someone posts then don't read them. Instead of criticizing blindly what one posts, perhaps you should try to contribute by proving that the person is wrong with a better and much more convincing argument.
How long do whoremaker's childish, ignorant, aggressive, profane outbursts usually last? To be a flamer is to be a public failure. Can he spew more eloquent entertaining bile that is vaguely on topic? Are there periods of lucidity and reason or is this it? The mods might consider his fitness. A superficial brief cruise through his contributions doesn't help his case. Thoughts anyone?

And you what do you bring to the debate seriously? I would like to know.
Aside criticizing others what kind of contribution do you bring? Dare to tell me?
And you what do you bring to the debate seriously? I would like to know.
Aside criticizing others what kind of contribution do you bring? Dare to tell me?

I think Noeline's made some good points if you read a few posts back.
I think the election of Obama (and Democrat And aan Afro-american) get the american people less hated outside america.

But the failure of the Copenhague meeting and the fact that, s now, Obama has done nothing significant about international issues get people in doubt.

Many of the people i Europe that were over-enthusiastic after Obama's election are realising that he's not a messiah, he's just the US President and his main priority is to make america and the american have a better life, even it's means to cause european people some troubles...

The fact that Obama is a mainly community organizer make him hated inside his country (blacks voted for him because he is black), he is far to be a great leader. The People who usually hate America in Europe are the people from the left and the poor people that are mainly migrants coming from the Maghreb or the sub saharian Africa as well as retarded teenagers and non american cultured europeans who love leftists. Most of people in Europe are governed by leftist socialist governments that have a very short memory of who saved their countries asses from the Nazis. Oh but I forgot, most of teenagers buy levi's jean, buy nike shoes, drink coca cola and watch American movies afterall so a big couple of shut the fuck up is necessary for the ungrateful anti american pigs who think that America is arrogant. Also giving a Nobel prize to Obama was the dumbest and the lamest thing to do. Bailouts and free healthcare are both big failures, the change with Obama you have it up the ass.
Whoremaker and Maildude, can you stop getting mad at each other? I have known both of you as positive and contributive people so please keep that spirit you both had in the past.
The People who usually hate America in Europe are the people from the left [...]

Too general, mon capitaine! Left Europeans like the liberal side of the USA. Beat poetry, The Summer of Love, Berkeley in the Sixties, the Civil Rights Movement, the anti-war movement were great inspirations for the student uprising and eventual political and social reforms that significantly reshaped Western Europe after 1968.

What left/liberal Europeans don't like is the American mainstream represented by the political right. Not only do we mistrust American claims for superiority. It is foremost the religiosity pervading large parts of America's self-conception that estranges a continent based on secularism (especially your country, Georges ;) )

The combination of trigger happy military force and religious rhetoric of the Bush years has damaged America's image abroad. Whether US citizens care or not. For those who might have forgotten: During the Clinton years, the US were very popular amongst Europeans.

Europeans don't like Obama because they think he's a brilliant politician (most people are too uninformed to jump to any conclusions about his performance). They like him because he appears to be more modest and more sophisticated than the Bush crowd.
Too general, mon capitaine! Left Europeans like the liberal side of the USA. Beat poetry, The Summer of Love, Berkeley in the Sixties, the Civil Rights Movement, the anti-war movement were great inspirations for the student uprising and eventual political and social reforms that significantly reshaped Western Europe after 1968.

What left/liberal Europeans don't like is the American mainstream represented by the political right. Not only do we mistrust American claims for superiority. It is foremost the religiosity pervading large parts of America's self-conception that estranges a continent based on secularism (especially your country, Georges ;) )

The combination of trigger happy military force and religious rhetoric of the Bush years has damaged America's image abroad. Whether US citizens care or not. For those who might have forgotten: During the Clinton years, the US were very popular amongst Europeans.

Europeans don't like Obama because they think he's a brilliant politician (most people are too uninformed to jump to any conclusions about his performance). They like him because he appears to be more modest and more sophisticated than the Bush crowd.

I would have to agree that Clinton did seem quite popular amongst Europeans despite his philandering.
The fact that Obama is a mainly community organizer make him hated inside his country (blacks voted for him because he is black), he is far to be a great leader. The People who usually hate America in Europe are the people from the left and the poor people that are mainly migrants coming from the Maghreb or the sub saharian Africa as well as retarded teenagers and non american cultured europeans who love leftists. Most of people in Europe are governed by leftist socialist governments that have a very short memory of who saved their countries asses from the Nazis. Oh but I forgot, most of teenagers buy levi's jean, buy nike shoes, drink coca cola and watch American movies afterall so a big couple of shut the fuck up is necessary for the ungrateful anti american pigs who think that America is arrogant. Also giving a Nobel prize to Obama was the dumbest and the lamest thing to do. Bailouts and free healthcare are both big failures, the change with Obama you have it up the ass.

I can only speak for England but most of the time feelings about the USA don't break down across party lines. I can think of a number of British right wingers who would be happy to employ a similar approach to economic matters as the republican party, but in no way does stop them from disliking the USA.

On the point about african americans and their voting behaviour, are you under the impression that this segment of society is incapable of thinking about what a candidate can do if elected and can only make decisions based on visual stimuli? Again, relying on personal experiece of black people in america I have found them extremely capable of making choices that are not based on racial affiliation. Indeed I have had some very pleasurable encounters precisely because of this. Yum.
On the point about african americans and their voting behaviour, are you under the impression that this segment of society is incapable of thinking about what a candidate can do if elected and can only make decisions based on visual stimuli? Again, relying on personal experiece of black people in america I have found them extremely capable of making choices that are not based on racial affiliation. Indeed I have had some very pleasurable encounters precisely because of this. Yum.

Nobody is saying that. Blacks are just as capable as whites, or Asians, or anyone else, of making those kinds of decisions and thoughts. However, it is true that during the last election, blacks (as a voting demographic) largely voted for Obama, and indications are that the overriding reason was racial solidarity. That is simply how it happened. What is says is debatable, but I don't believe that anyone argues that is implies that blacks cannot think of grander concepts. Myself, I think it simply says that, as a group, they voted alike. Nothing more, nothing less.


Hey let's not make this to be a racial thread. We have had plenty of on here.