Prometheus which is the prequel to Covenant and both movie story lines take place before the original Alien.
Exactly and to me Covenant is just a little bit better than Prometheus in other words it is just OK not good, not bad.
Like Prometheus the movie is a little bit
boring the action starts almost at the end.
Caution SPOIL if you didn't watched and if planned to do.
It show you how the Xenomorph got created, pretty weird the first time that i see that they come from a kind of mushroom first WTF? :eek:
And then the Bot "there alway a bad robot in the Alien movies" has created them like we know them today, it made some expériences and find out that the human are good for what he searched to create.
End of spoil
If i had to rate this movie i guess i would give 13/20.
The best alien movie to me is and i guess will always be the
second one by James Cameron this one is a true masterpiece one of my all time favorite.