Action Allie / Natalie Sparks / Wild Natalie


Patience guys... good things come to those who wait... and Natalie's pussy is DEFINITELY a good thing!!! ;) I'm sure it won't be longer than another week. :cool:
i absolutely love pierced nipples...i think i remember her saying the holes were still there and i may have seen a fairly recent one with them in...i know id like to see more of them pierced


i absolutely love pierced nipples...i think i remember her saying the holes were still there and i may have seen a fairly recent one with them in...i know id like to see more of them pierced
She hasn't had them pierced since her Allie days so you haven't seen any recent pics with them in. She has said a few times that they were fun but she kinda regrets getting them because they messed up her nipples... even though I think her nips are just fine. I doubt the holes are open but you can still see them in close-up pics. I don't really care for pierced nipples. I dated a girl a while back that had her nips pierced and I hated the way they felt in my mouth. Then again, I love a girl with a pierced clit... now that is sexy!!! ;)
does any body got the stuff of her latest web site
Her site hasn't opened yet buddy.



I guess she got held up on the launch.. but will still happen by the end of the month... here is the email she sent out!

I hope you have enjoyed the emails I have sent in the past couple weeks with the free pictures ( ) and the free videos ( & )

I really appreciate you guys being patient with me getting the rest of the site up! We are pretty much ready to go, however we are now waiting for the site to be approved by the powers that be so we can launch! So we are only days away from letting you have access to all the new pictures and videos of me! I am SOOO excited for you to see the new stuff, arent you!!?

If you havent checked out the tour yet, please do!

You cant join yet, but you can view the 3 preview videos on the tour pages and many preview photos that are on the tour!

Be ! sure to check back at my page regularly and share it with your friends/post the links on forums you might be on to help spread the word!:)



PS Make sure to follow me on twitter at for more exclusive pics and brief updates!

PPS Bookmark my site on sites like,, and other social bookmarking sites or by emailing my links to your buddies to help them have a good day with pictures of a naked girl! thanks so much!

Any questions or comments feel free to reply to!

Here were all those links

and I do web work also and it will REALLY help her out if you go and bookmark her site on social bookmarking sites like Digg and other big ones... and especially if you post her link in emails to your friends or on your facebook/myspace/ twitter statuses... :)


I just got an email back form her! she said things are moving forward and scheduled for launch right at the end of this month!!! FUCK YEAH!

Wild Natalie

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Hey Natalie
Dumb question but is your chest real and can we get a closeup of your nipple

Hey!!! Your wish is granted :) Heres a close up boob picture for you!

I probably wont taken anymore pics with nipple rings in.. I dont even know if I can put them back in ek! Might hurt


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Wild Natalie

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
So I just shared a wild sex story with another forum and didnt want to leave you guys out :) so here ya go.....
I had sex in the middle on the street in maui.. It was late at night and I was walking home with this guy.. we were really wasted and we watched to fuck and couldnt wait sooo we said fuck it and fucked in the street... Im talking about right in the middle.. Then cars started passing by so we moved over to a parked car in someones driveway and fucked on it.. cars were passing it was funny.. and one car even stopped and watched.. the guy I was with.. stopped fucking me looked at the car and said.. what?!? This is a dick and your looking at it.. lol it was a car with 3 guys in it.. and good thing they werent real hawaiians or else he probably would have got his ass kicked lol and he was half naked. ahh thats a good memory.

Wild Natalie

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
OK ok one more thing!!! If you havent already signed up for my email list you need to!!! Because I will be spending out discounts for when the site does open :) There gonna be good ones too :)


Hey Natalie, it's good to see you on here!!! Damn, that is a sexy story!! I knew you had fun in Maui but I didn't think you had THAT much fun!!! Nice pic!! I love your tits... so nice!!! So, I got your newsletter yesterday and I guess it's going to be closer to the end of the month. That's okay.. I can wait. ;) That's awesome that you are giving discounts!! I'm glad I was one of the firsts to sign up! ;) I'm really looking forward to your site. :D

Wild Natalie

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Thank you So Much!!! Will you be doing a swimming pool scene on your new site?

Of course! I already have a pool in mind :) I love water, wet pictures.. looks good when my pussy isnt the only thing wet ;) I think I should oil myself up too.. mmm getting horny just thinking about it