Just get out there and talk to girls in bars/clubs/coffee shops etc. despite what a lot of people say meeting a girl is easy if you can be confident and make them laugh. That's all there is. As for the rest whatever will be will be. I would advise against a hooker for your first time, I'm not attacking those that do use them, but if it was me I would like to think I had paid for my first ride. If you can get a girls number then you are half way there. Get a group of friends together, hit some bars, party hard and tell any girl you meet you are celebrating your birthday and straight away you have a topic of conversation. After that see where it goes, if she walks away: big deal move onto someone else, and someone else, and someone else. Don't let the fact you are a virgin get in the way of having a good time. Enjoy the company of your friends, talk to some girls and if you get laid at the end then that's a bonus, if you don't... Try again next week.
Good luck