*2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates


Hiliary 2020
Here is a little something to consider.
1st, if you think the US GOV is doing fine as it is don't bother.
Many aware Americans including myself know that the US GOV is broken, as well as broke.
WE know more than ever it has been taken over by criminal corrupt politicians, the Big Banks, the defense contractors, Big businesses, mega rich foreigners, and a particular foreign country.
Many think the US GOV is in need of some serious CHANGE. I mean it's getting to a point where these people are putting all of our lives in danger.
It clearly can't continue much longer.
Many thought Obama was that change but as I said since 2007 he was never going to be that. He was already a corrupt politician long before.

Many think the US needs an outsider. Someone who is not a politician to fix the many problems that plague our GOV.
I agree 100% with that.
The average person would never have a chance. They would never have the money to run, they would never get the publicity needed for the signatures needed to run. You , me or any "everyday person" would have no chance.
It would have to be somebody very rich already(beyond movie star rich) and somebody well known. Somebody articulate and somebody who is willing to go through the stress and strain and even danger to go on the campaign trail.
I think that narrows down the field quite a bit.
I personally can't think of any outsider, meaning not a politician, other than Trump who fits this bill.

So if you think everything is fine. The US isn't heading for economic collapse or WWIII and there will be a bright future ahead than Hiliary is your candidate.
If you think otherwise ..........get the picture?
Just food for thought.

Anyway Trump is going to win by a landslide unless the seriously rig it (which no doubt they will) or cancel it.


Anyway Trump is going to win by a landslide unless the seriously rig it (which no doubt they will) or cancel it.

It doesn't have to be rigged, he's angered most people with his offensive remarks, and has gotten a lot of bad press.
He could have made all the same promises without offending anyone.
If he loses, it will be his own fault.
Any poll that has Clinton up by +10 is an outlier. History tells us that the election always tightens the last week or two. Her real lead is somewhere around 5-7 points.


Hiliary 2020
It doesn't have to be rigged, he's angered most people with his offensive remarks, and has gotten a lot of bad press.
He could have made all the same promises without offending anyone.
If he loses, it will be his own fault.

Any poll that has Clinton up by +10 is an outlier. History tells us that the election always tightens the last week or two. Her real lead is somewhere around 5-7 points.

I didn't know they had internet in fairytale land.
I bet you think Sanders lost fair and square also.
Do yourselves a favor and wake up to reality.
It's people like you who enable the propagandists to continue the lies and deceipt.
Then again if you won't believe your own eyes how can anyone convince you of the truth.
Luckily you are in the minority now.
We don't have to worry about Jeb. Donald is going to win this thing .

Suck it Trebek.

On the day he announced too! :1orglaugh


Closed Account
[...] WE know more than ever it has been taken over by criminal corrupt politicians, the Big Banks, the defense contractors, Big businesses, mega rich foreigners, and a particular foreign country. [...]

And under Trump this would change how?

I agree with the sentiment of what you say. I'm not a fan of Clinton, nor am I of Trump. But if you want to 'start afresh' so to speak, wouldn't you want a president that leads by example? Trump isn't exactly one to bring a wind of change either based on everything he said or did.

Anyway Trump is going to win by a landslide unless the seriously rig it (which no doubt they will) or cancel it.

Ah yes, the famous self fulfilling prophecy: when evidence bears the conspiracy theorist out, he’s right, and when the evidence proves the conspiracy theorist wrong, it’s because there’s a coverup to hide the truth. The classic lose-lose situation.




Hiliary 2020
And under Trump this would change how?

I agree with the sentiment of what you say. I'm not a fan of Clinton, nor am I of Trump. But if you want to 'start afresh' so to speak, wouldn't you want a president that leads by example? Trump isn't exactly one to bring a wind of change either based on everything he said or did.

Ah yes, the famous self fulfilling prophecy: when evidence bears the conspiracy theorist out, he’s right, and when the evidence proves the conspiracy theorist wrong, it’s because there’s a coverup to hide the truth. The classic lose-lose situation.

Its simple GE. Hopefully he wouldn't take bribes from them, start wars for them and pander to them for starters.
I see no indication as of yet that shows he would.
Hopefully he will appoint honest people to important positions are get rid of them if there is any evidence they become corrupt.
Hopefull he will surround himself with the same in his cabinet and advisors and top military brass.
He can't get rid of all the vipers in the Senate and Congress, that's our job, but he can call them out and make it very difficult for them to continue their criminal ways.
It's not that hard really.
We have been conditioned to believe and accept that our GOV is supposed to be how it is now and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it.
But it's not supposed to be what it's become and there is something we can do about it and the first step is awareness of the problem, which most people have no clue thanks to a MSM that has become nothing more than a propaganda machine for the GOV.
If everybody became aware of what's really happening instead of blindly believing what these traitors tell them despite what they can see with their own eyes things would change. If they don't it's not gonna last much longer.

Part 2?
It goes to back again to believing your own eyes and ears or believing what the propaganda machine tells you.
Of course these elections and polls are rigged and fake.
Can anybody say with a straight face the HC won the democratic nomination in an honest election?
That was as rigged as it comes and her emails show that. Despite having the media campaigning for her and most of the delegates in her pocket she still couldn't pull it off legitimately.
That election was so obviously rigged on the truly naive couldn't see it.
The same is happening now but even more so. The elections are rigged. But they can only rig it so much.
If you or anybodystill doesn't believe that there is little I can do to convince you.

Lead by example? Like how?
I feel he does lead by example by telling people the truth about the massive corruption in the GOV, the entire economy that's on artificial life support, the senseless wars and their massive cost, the state of the areas where minorities live, and basically everything that needs to improve NOW.
Maybe people don't want to hear it. Maybe they'd prefer to keep living in willful ignorance instead.
As for me I'd rather hear the truth no matter how unpleasant it is rather than be lied to 24/7 from cradle to grave.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Concerning Stein and Johnson - it appears you just have the one choice - Clinton or Trump.

And, well, you know what I think about the latter

Clinton Holds 11-Point National Lead Over Trump: NBC/WSJ Poll

Hillary Clinton holds 4-point lead over Donald Trump with 3 weeks until election

Trump leads Clinton by 1: LA Times/USC Tracking

Clinton leads Trump by 2: Rasmussen Reports

Clinton holds 8 point lead over Trump: GWU/Battleground

Trump +4 in Ohio:CNN/ORC


Staff member

Your beloved socialist swine and pathological liar will lose because of this










http://www.govtslaves.info/watch-cn...illegal-to-read-the-wikileaks-hillary-emails/ what did I tell in the past? CNN= Clinton News Network



http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nake...a-to-campaign-for-hillary-clinton-oct-20.html I am astonished? Not really


Let's hop she rots in jail,the place where she belongs


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