Hiliary 2020
Here is a little something to consider.
1st, if you think the US GOV is doing fine as it is don't bother.
Many aware Americans including myself know that the US GOV is broken, as well as broke.
WE know more than ever it has been taken over by criminal corrupt politicians, the Big Banks, the defense contractors, Big businesses, mega rich foreigners, and a particular foreign country.
Many think the US GOV is in need of some serious CHANGE. I mean it's getting to a point where these people are putting all of our lives in danger.
It clearly can't continue much longer.
Many thought Obama was that change but as I said since 2007 he was never going to be that. He was already a corrupt politician long before.
Many think the US needs an outsider. Someone who is not a politician to fix the many problems that plague our GOV.
I agree 100% with that.
The average person would never have a chance. They would never have the money to run, they would never get the publicity needed for the signatures needed to run. You , me or any "everyday person" would have no chance.
It would have to be somebody very rich already(beyond movie star rich) and somebody well known. Somebody articulate and somebody who is willing to go through the stress and strain and even danger to go on the campaign trail.
I think that narrows down the field quite a bit.
I personally can't think of any outsider, meaning not a politician, other than Trump who fits this bill.
So if you think everything is fine. The US isn't heading for economic collapse or WWIII and there will be a bright future ahead than Hiliary is your candidate.
If you think otherwise ..........get the picture?
Just food for thought.
Anyway Trump is going to win by a landslide unless the seriously rig it (which no doubt they will) or cancel it.
1st, if you think the US GOV is doing fine as it is don't bother.
Many aware Americans including myself know that the US GOV is broken, as well as broke.
WE know more than ever it has been taken over by criminal corrupt politicians, the Big Banks, the defense contractors, Big businesses, mega rich foreigners, and a particular foreign country.
Many think the US GOV is in need of some serious CHANGE. I mean it's getting to a point where these people are putting all of our lives in danger.
It clearly can't continue much longer.
Many thought Obama was that change but as I said since 2007 he was never going to be that. He was already a corrupt politician long before.
Many think the US needs an outsider. Someone who is not a politician to fix the many problems that plague our GOV.
I agree 100% with that.
The average person would never have a chance. They would never have the money to run, they would never get the publicity needed for the signatures needed to run. You , me or any "everyday person" would have no chance.
It would have to be somebody very rich already(beyond movie star rich) and somebody well known. Somebody articulate and somebody who is willing to go through the stress and strain and even danger to go on the campaign trail.
I think that narrows down the field quite a bit.
I personally can't think of any outsider, meaning not a politician, other than Trump who fits this bill.
So if you think everything is fine. The US isn't heading for economic collapse or WWIII and there will be a bright future ahead than Hiliary is your candidate.
If you think otherwise ..........get the picture?
Just food for thought.
Anyway Trump is going to win by a landslide unless the seriously rig it (which no doubt they will) or cancel it.