If we see someone taking a header down 4 rows of seats with his 8th beer in his hand, it'll be you.
But you're probably right, if we see someone acting the fool while taking advantage of yet another screen to hide behind, yes that will probably be you too. A chickenshit blowhard like you sure as hell wouldn't do anything in front of anyone.
And that piece-of-shit whose poster you kiss every time you walk by, he's getting his ass kicked in the polls....in your state. And that's not going to change. Because your Klan meeting of a state just had its racist voter ID laws punted. But the good news is that every organization in the world, including the NCAA, NFL and every rockstar worth seeing (except that half-trained chimpanzee, Ted Nugent...who is not worth seeing) has told your homophobic hayseed state to go fuck yourself until you join the rest of us here in the 21st century. I mean seriously, when the concussed Mongoloids in the NFL are wondering what your fucking problem is, you really need to start asking yourself some fundamental questions.
And your desperately feeble responses all up and down this board have not exactly furthered the cause of Shitkicker, America.
But other than that, things are going well for you this week. Enjoy your rally. :thumbsup:
Let's get a couple of things straight fuckface.
My state joined the 21st century on January 1. 2000.
Your home state has progressively been working itself back to the great depression since 1970.
One of the highest if not the highest taxed state in the union.
So many god damn Yankees found life unbearable there that they came here instead.
The former Democrat governor did such a piss poor job and left us in such a financial mess that she didn't even seek reelection. The governor ( also a Democrat) before that was indicted and convicted.
Was NC a member of the human race when it voted for Obama in 2008?
Now with a Republican Governor and legislature and senate we have a surplus, higher teacher pay and fifth in job creation.
As for HB-2 ( not that I would expect a mouth breather like you to actually know what the bill is called) doesn't restrict transgender as long as their birth certificate states their gender. It is easy to do and nobody is checking anyway.
But flatulence scientists like you think someone should be able to to say they are a woman on Monday and a linebacker on Thursday.
Now I know you like to get in touch with your feminine side (it is on full display here more than we care to see), but we will keep our bathrooms just the way they are genius.
Now I can see how you'd like to be whatever pops into your little brain on any given day isn't that right G.I. Faux? Hell you can be George Patton one day, Westmoreland the next.
You've been awful upset ever since I called you out about being a fucking soldier wannabe and the butthurt is understandable, you've invested a lot into trying to make people believe you actually served.
As far as we can tell ( and a lot of people are starting to notice) you're just a loud mouthed full of shit up to your eyeballs card dealer that probably didn't make it past the 9th grade. Still dream of your mail order bride eh?
So we can continue these exchanges and I will continue to ram a red hot branding iron up your ass.
You seem to like it, dontcha fat boy?