— Mark Steyn
Problem is Trump isn't just an asshole. That's among the very least of his problems. He's also a complete absolute idiot, doesn't grasp reality well and doesn't really care to if it doesn't suit him, and probably has multiple neurosis at best if not full blown psychosis. One could make a pretty good case he has actual narcissistic and megalomania disorders of more than a marginal degree, and his lack of empathy for others or caring about right and wrong has sociopathic tendencies. He's an actual major party candidate running for president that's not totally sane!
By the way did I mention he's a complete absolute idiot. Were not talking about some evil super genius here. Really, the fact he got this far says more about the stupid and easily herded section of our society that's lives their lives ruled by fear (funny given how much they like to act tough), than anything proficient about Trump.
Then add on to that he's pulled off the epic near unthinkable feat of brazenly and blatantly lying very continuously to a degree never seen by a major American political figure, even while incontrovertible proof is plainly available and given, even to him, showing it's false. He doesn't care about things such as reality or evidence if it doesn't fit his world view or makes him look bad (It's hard to tell if he's just purposely ignores it or if he's so messed up in the head he just doesn't have the capacity to rationally think about anything that goes against his world view or against himself.) He gets upset and looses it at slight provocations. He opens his mouth before he thinks...wait, no he just doesn't think at all. He's not outside the establishment. He's some ultra rich person that's been inbeaded, interacted with, and used that "establishment" most of his life. He's gotten so bad some of the stuff he's said that would ruin other political careers people have actually forgotten about because he just says so much of it it's actually becoming hard to keep track of. Hell, he doesn't even show the slightest inclination of learning about and being proficient in the actual functions and duties of the President of the United States.
Hillary is a pretty bad corrupt politician. She's rightfully disliked...,and she's nowhere fucking close to being in a league as bad as Trump. At this point, his supporters have gotten so looney you could probably present incontrovertible proof to them he would sell us out to some invading demonic force to sell all humankind off as cattle, and they would go, "Yes,...but...Benghazi, and the e-mails, and Bill" and then bitch about some lesser flaw about Hilary for the next hour.
Do remember this if Trump badly looses this election. The Republican party managed to loose to Hillary, TO HILLARY. Just let that sink in for a while, especially if the lose is bad.
I have enjoyed watching the Republican Party tear itself apart. I'm getting great enjoyment out of it. They can't be too upset though. They are getting what they deserved. Covertly courting all those wackos over the years, and generally not giving a crap about anybody ended up backfiring. Who could have ever saw that coming?