*2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

— Mark Steyn

Problem is Trump isn't just an asshole. That's among the very least of his problems. He's also a complete absolute idiot, doesn't grasp reality well and doesn't really care to if it doesn't suit him, and probably has multiple neurosis at best if not full blown psychosis. One could make a pretty good case he has actual narcissistic and megalomania disorders of more than a marginal degree, and his lack of empathy for others or caring about right and wrong has sociopathic tendencies. He's an actual major party candidate running for president that's not totally sane!

By the way did I mention he's a complete absolute idiot. Were not talking about some evil super genius here. Really, the fact he got this far says more about the stupid and easily herded section of our society that's lives their lives ruled by fear (funny given how much they like to act tough), than anything proficient about Trump.

Then add on to that he's pulled off the epic near unthinkable feat of brazenly and blatantly lying very continuously to a degree never seen by a major American political figure, even while incontrovertible proof is plainly available and given, even to him, showing it's false. He doesn't care about things such as reality or evidence if it doesn't fit his world view or makes him look bad (It's hard to tell if he's just purposely ignores it or if he's so messed up in the head he just doesn't have the capacity to rationally think about anything that goes against his world view or against himself.) He gets upset and looses it at slight provocations. He opens his mouth before he thinks...wait, no he just doesn't think at all. He's not outside the establishment. He's some ultra rich person that's been inbeaded, interacted with, and used that "establishment" most of his life. He's gotten so bad some of the stuff he's said that would ruin other political careers people have actually forgotten about because he just says so much of it it's actually becoming hard to keep track of. Hell, he doesn't even show the slightest inclination of learning about and being proficient in the actual functions and duties of the President of the United States.

Hillary is a pretty bad corrupt politician. She's rightfully disliked...,and she's nowhere fucking close to being in a league as bad as Trump. At this point, his supporters have gotten so looney you could probably present incontrovertible proof to them he would sell us out to some invading demonic force to sell all humankind off as cattle, and they would go, "Yes,...but...Benghazi, and the e-mails, and Bill" and then bitch about some lesser flaw about Hilary for the next hour.

Do remember this if Trump badly looses this election. The Republican party managed to loose to Hillary, TO HILLARY. Just let that sink in for a while, especially if the lose is bad.

I have enjoyed watching the Republican Party tear itself apart. I'm getting great enjoyment out of it. They can't be too upset though. They are getting what they deserved. Covertly courting all those wackos over the years, and generally not giving a crap about anybody ended up backfiring. Who could have ever saw that coming?
Problem is Trump isn't just an asshole. That's among the very least of his problems. He's also a complete absolute idiot, doesn't grasp reality well and doesn't really care to if it doesn't suit him, and probably has multiple neurosis at best if not full blown psychosis. One could make a pretty good case he has actual narcissistic and megalomania disorders of more than a marginal degree, and his lack of empathy for others or caring about right and wrong has sociopathic tendencies. He's an actual major party candidate running for president that's not totally sane!

By the way did I mention he's a complete absolute idiot. Were not talking about some evil super genius here. Really, the fact he got this far says more about the stupid and easily herded section of our society that's lives their lives ruled by fear (funny given how much they like to act tough), than anything proficient about Trump.

Then add on to that he's pulled off the epic near unthinkable feat of brazenly and blatantly lying very continuously to a degree never seen by a major American political figure, even while incontrovertible proof is plainly available and given, even to him, showing it's false. He doesn't care about things such as reality or evidence if it doesn't fit his world view or makes him look bad (It's hard to tell if he's just purposely ignores it or if he's so messed up in the head he just doesn't have the capacity to rationally think about anything that goes against his world view or against himself.) He gets upset and looses it at slight provocations. He opens his mouth before he thinks...wait, no he just doesn't think at all. He's not outside the establishment. He's some ultra rich person that's been inbeaded, interacted with, and used that "establishment" most of his life. He's gotten so bad some of the stuff he's said that would ruin other political careers people have actually forgotten about because he just says so much of it it's actually becoming hard to keep track of. Hell, he doesn't even show the slightest inclination of learning about and being proficient in the actual functions and duties of the President of the United States.

Hillary is a pretty bad corrupt politician. She's rightfully disliked...,and she's nowhere fucking close to being in a league as bad as Trump. At this point, his supporters have gotten so looney you could probably present incontrovertible proof to them he would sell us out to some invading demonic force to sell all humankind off as cattle, and they would go, "Yes,...but...Benghazi, and the e-mails, and Bill" and then bitch about some lesser flaw about Hilary for the next hour.

Do remember this if Trump badly looses this election. The Republican party managed to loose to Hillary, TO HILLARY. Just let that sink in for a while, especially if the lose is bad.

I have enjoyed watching the Republican Party tear itself apart. I'm getting great enjoyment out of it. They can't be too upset though. They are getting what they deserved. Covertly courting all those wackos over the years, and generally not giving a crap about anybody ended up backfiring. Who could have ever saw that coming?

Considering the fact that wikileaks is oozing unbelievable behind the scenes information that proves how corrupt she is, and the fact that she violated the Espionage Act , it takes a special kind of wing nut to go in a rant like this about Trump. Any mental health professional would not make the diagnosis you have made without evaluating the person first hand.

Congratulations, you are at the top of the list of FreeOnes whack jobs. Quite an accomplishment.


Hiliary 2020
We got wikileak emails showing massive bribes, massive pay for play.
Showing that she is in complete collusion with Justice Dept, The FBI, and the Mainstream media.
Showing she knew Suadi Arabia and Qatar were funding terrorist groups but she still took millions from them.
Showing that she took millons in bribes from countries who fund terrorism then sold them millions in weaponry to reak havoc on innocent humans.
Showing that she has serious health issues.
Showing her hatred for the American people.
Showing that she stole the nomination from Sanders by election fraud.
Showing corruption on a scale that has never been seen before in US politics.
Showing she knew the questions in the 1st debate ahead of time.
Even showing that her teleprompts tell her when to smile.
And so much more serious stuff. Criminal stuff. High Treason against YOU.
And thats just the hacked emails.

It doesn't take much research or intelligence to understand the crimes the Clintons have done over the years.
Crimes against YOU.
All the death and misery these people have caused around the world.
The lies, the deception, the corruption. And it's not Clintons it's the entire US Government throughout.
Media censorship is on us big time right now. That is against our constitutional rights.
Our media has become a literal propaganda machine of lies that would make Goebbels envious.
Now she's leading the battlecry for a War with Russia because she says "They" hacked her emails.
That could literally mean YOUR DEATH is this sick fuck gets her way.

Then I see some of you fools who have been propagandized by the MSM to think this wackjob is actually leading.
Falling for it despite what your eyes and ears tell you.
Only weak minded idiots and the dumbest of the dumb would let that happen to them.

Most of what I have been seeing here is a bunch of clueless, brainwashed, propagandized fools who must have lost the ability to think for themselves long ago.
Must be so nice to be brainwashed and not even know it. Clueless like lamb in a slaughterhouse. Must be nice.
That would be fine but the problem is it's people like you who are going to bring us all down.


Hiliary 2020
With a few exceptions.
Some people are just too far gone to ever return to reality.
But most people aren't. Most are just lost and I hate to keep using the word propaganda but that's what it is.
Lost in a sea of propaganda that gets deeper everyday.
People gotta rip that coaxial out of the backs of their heads, get out of the pod of slime, take the red pill and see reality.
I'll tell ya. We let them steal this election from us, all of us despite who you favor and that's it.
That will be the point of no return barring a violent revolution or a foreign invasion.. All of us will pay for it especially the children of today.
Wake up.
This is no doubt the most important election in the history of the country.
If you want to live in a fascist dictatorship where the government and the big businesses have complete control and the people have no say in anything. Just be used as commodities like livestock or do you want a remote chance on that not happening, because it already has.
Just wake up.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Thing is, it is not othrs portraying Donald J Trump in a bad light, he is on vieo for over a year specifically and also there are many archived clips showing in his own words and actions.

There is no spin to that.

And now he led the Republican Party in a Civil War. Whereas it is tempting to be happy about this, it shows just how far the rot has eaten away the core of that once great party.

Mind you, he is not the only one, he is just the worst

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
He's just the worst? Really? Hilldebeast threatened, coerced and eventually paid off Bill's victims since the late 1960s. Hilldebeast has been a corrupt, evil bitch for over forty years. Whitewater. Lewinsky. Everything she's touched in the last twenty years, from healthcare reform to the Russian reset and the Arab Spring have turned to pure shit. Somehow six billion dollars of tax payers' money went missing on her watch. Pay for play. Everyone in the secret service treats her detail like a form of punishment because she's such a cunt. Her husband has cheated on her throughout their entire marriage. They're such shitty people that they've driven employees of their foundation to the brink of suicide. And this wikileaks dump is showing exactly how untrustworthy and shitty they are.

This link and its content are questionable, I admit. But I dearly hope there is so much damning evidence against her that voters won't be able to ignore the actual shitty things she's done.

Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately

People Magazine Writer Says Donald Trump Forced Himself on Her in 2005

Sexual assault/harassment is a serious issue. Is it fair to bring up Bill Clinton's past misdeeds? sure. But the problem is that Trump is not exactly the best messenger given his history. The Bill Clinton attacks would be much more effective if they came from say Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. Bannon & Co are falling into a trap here and this has Bannon written all over it, Kellyanne Conway is way too smart a political operative to sanction this line of attack. So Trump is now fighting a war on 4 fronts: HRC, Bill Clinton, the GOP and the media


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
The big picture is not: Trump is bad and Clinton is good. Thatis definitely not what is the situation

It is just that Clinton is better at being president and about what has to be done than the crazy maniac on the other side.

I know that this is too much to grasp for some of you who cannot handle issues that are beyond black & white
This election is over. They dont call the Republican Party the stupid party for nothing. They took a gimme election and nominated one of the very few people that could lose to Hillary Clinton.
Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately

People Magazine Writer Says Donald Trump Forced Himself on Her in 2005

Sexual assault/harassment is a serious issue. Is it fair to bring up Bill Clinton's past misdeeds? sure. But the problem is that Trump is not exactly the best messenger given his history. The Bill Clinton attacks would be much more effective if they came from say Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. Bannon & Co are falling into a trap here and this has Bannon written all over it, Kellyanne Conway is way too smart a political operative to sanction this line of attack. So Trump is now fighting a war on 4 fronts: HRC, Bill Clinton, the GOP and the media

Bill Clinton's history of assault has been documented and he has even settled some of them monetarily.

Trump's are allegations. He's a billionaire that surely would have been sued within the past 3 decades instead of 3 weeks before an election.

Even Bill Cosby had accusers that sought to have him charged a decade or so ago and just didn't suddenly appear with their claims.
This election is over. They dont call the Republican Party the stupid party for nothing. They took a gimme election and nominated one of the very few people that could lose to Hillary Clinton.

All of the polling data during the primaries showed most of the other GOP candidates losing to Pantsuit also.

I think a couple showed Kasich and Bush doing well against her. Perhaps Rubio.

None would be leading her in a one on one.


Hiliary 2020
This election is over. They dont call the Republican Party the stupid party for nothing. They took a gimme election and nominated one of the very few people that could lose to Hillary Clinton.

I don't know you at all but why is it over?
Because they are telling you it is?
Looks like you've been propagandized.
This is what they are trying to do to us, with visual even.
BushII once said,

But he wasn't the first.

And this also is imperative.

And he concluded that, and this is the important part

Goebbels was among other things the "Minister of Propaganda" of 1930's Nazi Germany. I'd say he was pretty much an expert.
The mainstream media in collusion with the US GOV, which are both owned by the same people, are using this tactict on us for all it's worth.
This is probably one of if not the biggest examples of propaganda the world has ever seen.
Trying to brainwash people to think the most universally hated person in the world who can't even fill half a high school gym is actually ahead in "the polls" when reality is she's at 20% at best.
The dummies are buying it. The intelligent ones aren't. But if you've bought it it's still not too late to get out of your zombielike comatose state.
Free your mind and the rest will follow or bow down before the ones you serve.....your choice people.

And one more thing I almost forgot. The Clinton campaign has admitted in many of their emails that they use this tactic.
Here is one example:


Hiliary 2020
Gotta back off a bit here I know.
Here is a link to the weekileeks twitter that shows links to many of the emails as they surface.
These are real unlike the "news" show many still watch.
One more thing, both interesting and funny and disgusting at the same time;
Here is HC reading from a script in collusion to deceive with MSNBC news which is owned by COmcast who has donated millions to the Clinton campaign.

Another sad funny and disgusting thing emails show that in her scripted speeches they actually put the word SMILE in there when she needs to smile. How fucked up is that?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I am really glad that I received the DVD of Captain America:Civil War just days ago. Now I can enjoy the shenanigans going on on the republican front all the more.

Funny thing is the republican leaders MADE Trump get on board cpmpletely. Now he wrecks the whole party and will probably take the voters hostage.

This is a MESS :facepalm:
Thursday, October 13, 2016

The full results from Sunday night’s debate are in, and Donald Trump has come from behind to take the lead over Hillary Clinton.

The latest Rasmussen Reports White House Watch national telephone and online survey shows Trump with 43% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Clinton’s 41%. Yesterday, Clinton still held a four-point 43% to 39% lead over Trump, but that was down from five points on Tuesday and her biggest lead ever of seven points on Monday.

Michelle Obama shaken to her core over Trump's tape...


Yet she has no problem inviting Jay Z to the White House whose lyrics make Trump's comments look like a commencement speech.