No, they won't. I trust the american people to remember what their country stands for, what they stand for. I trust the american people not to suurender itself to fascism or theocracy.
But if it were to happen, I may start storing my urine in jar as you suggest me : who know, I might get an opporunity to throw one of these jar to the face of the US Duce or the US mollah.
Everything we stand for is in the constitution and it is under assault. We remember what this country stands for and Obama had given us a constant reminder everyday for the past 7 1/2 years. Wanna see fascism? Look at the scum disrupting political rallies because they are shitting their pants that open borders will end. That the Supreme Court will have justices that interpret the constitution not write law.
You don't know anything about my beloved country except what you think it should be based upon your own fucked up country.
This tsunami as Ani put it, is happening because of leftists policies and a leftist president. You wingnuts have nobody to blame but yourselves for the changes getting ready to take place.