The state of Minnesota is closer than they anticipated. Clinton is only up by 15 points
The state of Minnesota is closer than they anticipated. Clinton is only up by 15 points
Hiliary named as leader in the Donald Duck campaign treachary.
She is implicated directly by the president of the company she is on public record of employing.
Some may think this is no big deal but it is a crime. Illegal and unethical.
And a case can be made that if she ordered this she ordered the planned campaign violence too.
She hired these people therefore she is responsible for their actions.
She should be, by law, forced to step down over this.
Also a member of her campaign visted the White House over 300 times. Met with Oobama personally many times.
This is very illegal. If Obama wants to meet with A Clinton Campaign member he must do it at the campaign offices, not the White House.
He could be impeached from this, but that aint gonna happen.
Trump files lawsuit over this. Good, take it to a jury.
Who saw Newt demolish Megyn Kelly last night? I'm so sick of her. She can trot out that fair and balanced bs but she's part of the media establishment and Newt took her to fucking town
Another angle of why you could vote for Trump.
Despite his character flaws, he says he's actually going to do something for the working slob.
So are you going to vote for him? If dead people can vote in our elections, I don't see why someone in Germany can't. A world without borders and stuff.
"Take your anger issues and work on those." I love [NOBABE]Megyn Kelly[/NOBABE], that was almost as good as "Republican Math".
Then you must have fapped over this for days.
I <3 [NOBABE]Megyn Kelly[/NOBABE], she's a tough journalist and seeing her go after all of them is delightful.
*On Edit
Fox News just ain't the same since Roger Ailes tripped over his dick.
Yes, FNC is swiftly going down the CNN path .
Perhaps a year from now we won't have to hear you whine constantly about Fox News.