yes, i argee. . . if the Sox put a crap team that only won 60 games, attendance would dip. Here's my problem. go to Wrigley, and only about a third of the "fans" are true, hardcore fans. the ballpark fills up with those there for the "experience" not because they care about the Cubs. they are more concerned about which bars to hit in the neighborhood. and those people call themselves "true" fans. that's why their fanbase gets labeled so. They sell out even when they have a shitty team because people go for the party/frat boy environment that has become going to a game there. it was a cash cow for years and years, with so-called "die-hard" fans that showed up to "support their team." yes, some fans are true and loyal, but its just as every other organization. the TRUE fans were upset when they lost and demanded a better, more competent team, not a half-hearted effort. that's why i think the worst thing for that franchise was coming sooo close but failing. if you can sell out with a payroll of 70 Million, why put out a team with a 120 Million in salaries?!
yes, i am biased. this town, as zell stated, treats the Cubs like they can do no wrong, yet berates the White Sox any chance they get. although the Sox' ownership hasn't been outstanding either, the moment we could compete atop the division, our owner has tried everything to give the team a fighting chance and WIN. that's what puts people in the stands.