Ultimately its the Yankee pitching staff or lack thereof that beats them in the playoffs every year. I'm a Yankee fan, but I'm sick and tired of Steinbrenner buying all of the has been offense in the world and then bitching because he cannot win the WS. When they won their 4 WS titles they had a pitching staff and that's how they won games. John Wetland, Andy Petite, David Cone, David Wells, Mariano Rivera. They had three or four good pitchers they could rely on and the people to back them up in the bullpin.
Then Steinbrenner has the nerve to release a press statement saying if they don't win this series, Joe doesn't have a job. Joe Torre should tell him to get bent even if he does have a job next year. How about getting some reliable pitchers to back up the offense! That is exactly the reason they are down 2-1 in this series. Pitching could not hold off the tribes bats. Even if the Yanks win, unless by a miracle they will not be able to hold off the BoSox either. It sucks, because they have an awesome offense, but no pitching to back it up.