2004 General Election : Show you care, and vote!

Who's your choice

  • Bush/Cheney

    Votes: 16 35.6%
  • Kerry/Edwards

    Votes: 23 51.1%
  • Nader/Miguel

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • Not Voting

    Votes: 3 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Dirty Sanchez said:
Here we go again!! What was GWB suppose to do? Jump up and run around like a maniac? The Principal at the school said Bush's reaction was very calming to every one there. Plus, not all the facts of what was going on that day were known. Would you have preferred him to take the first unconfirmed reports and make decisions with that? And Cheney, was with his wife in a (Undisclosed location) underground bunker. If you had watched a real documentary (not that piece of crap from that very fat individual) you would have a better understanding what REALLY happened that morning. The documentary was on PBS, and looked into why the towers fell. Including the info about the WTC, it showed the time line that morning. After the 3 attacks had already taken place, the Capitol building was evacuated (remember the 4th plane?). Even though it had been far more time then the 7 minutes you speak of, the film clearly shows a bewildered John Kerry wondering around like a lost puppy out side the Capitol. I'll take the 7 minutes for the POTUS to make sure the people who work for him to make sure they have the best and most current and factual information to make sure he had a clear picture of what their next steps can be.

What's more important making sure a classroom full of children are calm or protecting the country? At least John Kerry was doing something instead of sitting around doing nothing. You talk about there not being any information, well why wasnt Bush jumping out of that chair and getting information?

Umm, I'm not running to be elected the President of the United States of America. I don't blindly follow anybody. I read everything I can, and educate myself. You are willing to bash Bush, but have yet to acknowledge the mistakes Clinton made during his terms. Something happened to the USA when George W Bush was in power that had never, ever happened before. This was not something that could be figured out by some hand book. He showed leadership. He showed he is strong in the face of our enemies. He showed he was not going to let the United States of America get pushed, or threatened by anybody.

I havnt talked about Clinton because he was president four years ago, that's in the past! GWB didnt show leadership he showed ignorance over and over again. The way I hear you talk I dont think you would ever vote for a democrat so please stop saying you would.
Brino said:
What's more important making sure a classroom full of children are calm or protecting the country? At least John Kerry was doing something instead of sitting around doing nothing. You talk about there not being any information, well why wasnt Bush jumping out of that chair and getting information?

I havnt talked about Clinton because he was president four years ago, that's in the past! GWB didnt show leadership he showed ignorance over and over again. The way I hear you talk I dont think you would ever vote for a democrat so please stop saying you would.

what was kerry doing? proofs please?
and you don't have any informations too

yes but clinton could avoid that it happen but he didn't do nothing.gwb fights terrorism, clinton didn't .
Brino said:
What's more important making sure a classroom full of children are calm or protecting the country? At least John Kerry was doing something instead of sitting around doing nothing. You talk about there not being any information, well why wasnt Bush jumping out of that chair and getting information?

What is important is making sure you have all the correct information. What you don't see off camera, is the President's aides trying to get a first hand account of what is going on. The SS is also making sure the school is secure, and that AF1 will be ready for take off when they deem the roadway to be safe. Without the correct info, how in the World do you expect him to make the right choices? Imagine he ordered a plane to be shot down, because in the 30 seconds after being told of what was going on, they lost contact with the plane, and assumed it was a threat. Then what would you say? There was nothing that Bush could have done to save those 3000 people within that 7 minutes, nothing. Get the fuck over it. Tell you what, go ask your buddy to find out the Tempature in Paris, and 5 seconds after you ask him to do that for, bug him about the answer. You think he'll know what it is, and you think that you bothering him might slow down the process?

And furthermore, John Kerry wasn't doing ANYTHING!!! He wondered around Washington with a lost and bewildered look on his face. He followed other Senators out of the Captiol, he didn't lead, he didn't look to help, he did nothing (I beg of you to watch the PBS doc)

I havnt talked about Clinton because he was president four years ago, that's in the past!

Same with Bush's time in the Air National Guard eh? Amazing how the past only comes up when it suits you.

GWB didnt show leadership he showed ignorance over and over again. The way I hear you talk I dont think you would ever vote for a democrat so please stop saying you would.

Without question, Bush has shown far more leadership then Kerry ever has, and so if Bush has been this terrible leader, realize how bad Kerry would be (what I have said all along).

And furthermore, where do you get off saying he didn't show leadership? You have your blinders on to what really happened on the morning of Sept. 11, and I imagine you have bought in fully to Moore's unfounded claims in his farce of a movie.

I could never vote for a Democrap, because I can not vote in the US. But, I say again, I supported Bill Clinton, I enjoy watching Jeb Bartlett bash the Republicans on the show The West Wing.

This is about how will do a better job, not about being soley against the Democrates.
Dirty Sanchez said:
Because in all of Kerry's years in politics, he has never stepped up to be anything. Didn't become a Governor, didn't be named to heads of departments, didn't get the ball rolling on issues or events. Simply put, if Howard Dean hadn't shit the bed, you would have never, ever heard of John Kerry. What is even more distrubing, is even being the VP candidate, we know, and have seen very little of John Edwards.

okay i can see that point but before W got into office what did he do that was so miraculous? sure governor or whatever but did he really do anything with that position besides use it as a stepping stone to the white house?

If you have to ask that question, and don't know the answer, then you shouldn't be voting because you have no clue about what is going on in the World.

okay that's a silly statement...try countering with some facts not some opinions...what has he really done?

And I'm not sure how he got (us) "mixed up in all this terror crap". the events of Sept 11 were put into place long before GWB became President, and many attacks took place on American interests when Clinton was in power for 8 years, and he did nothing about it. Just because he was the one to say enough's enough, doesn't mean he goy (us) into anything.

sure it has been ongoing but up until bush's reign we continued to let it slide so he is in fact the one that got 'us' into this...but i agree that steps should have been taken in the earlier presidents terms in office, but that's beside the point really and only if someone else had stepped up would i say change my statement that he got us into it...i know that it was provocated and i agree that steps needed to be taken, i just don't like how he handles his politics.

Atleast you have the right to vote. Which funny enough, the people of Iraq and Afganistan now have.

not sure what this has to do with anything...

What scares you people, is that when this whole thing gets worked out (and the UN stops being the babies they are), George W Bush will go down in history as one of the great names. Churchill, Lincoln, Washington, etc.

lmao...i doubt that, but hey maybe i'm wrong. regardless of historical prominence i still believe he's the wrong man for the job...

nuf said


Dirty Sanchez said:
What is important is making sure you have all the correct information. What you don't see off camera, is the President's aides trying to get a first hand account of what is going on. The SS is also making sure the school is secure, and that AF1 will be ready for take off when they deem the roadway to be safe. Without the correct info, how in the World do you expect him to make the right choices? Imagine he ordered a plane to be shot down, because in the 30 seconds after being told of what was going on, they lost contact with the plane, and assumed it was a threat. Then what would you say? There was nothing that Bush could have done to save those 3000 people within that 7 minutes, nothing. Get the fuck over it. Tell you what, go ask your buddy to find out the Tempature in Paris, and 5 seconds after you ask him to do that for, bug him about the answer. You think he'll know what it is, and you think that you bothering him might slow down the process?

And furthermore, John Kerry wasn't doing ANYTHING!!! He wondered around Washington with a lost and bewildered look on his face. He followed other Senators out of the Captiol, he didn't lead, he didn't look to help, he did nothing (I beg of you to watch the PBS doc)

GWB should have been out of that classroom the moment he heard the news, period. He should have been gathering information himself instead of letting just his aides do it and he should have been doing his job. It's funny, you talk about the fourth plane and yet you dont even consider that him being there put that school in danger. After all the event that day was widely talked about and for all he knew the fourth plane could have been headed that way. All the more reason for him to get the fuck outta there.

Same with Bush's time in the Air National Guard eh? Amazing how the past only comes up when it suits you.

Ohhh please, stop acting all innocent. Who was it that brought up Vietnam in the first place, the Swift Boat liars for truth that's who. You reap what you sow!

And dont try to say it was Kerry, Kerry only talked about it because National Security is an issue in this campaign. And god forbid somebody should run off of the expierence they have in that area.

Without question, Bush has shown far more leadership then Kerry ever has, and so if Bush has been this terrible leader, realize how bad Kerry would be (what I have said all along).

And furthermore, where do you get off saying he didn't show leadership? You have your blinders on to what really happened on the morning of Sept. 11, and I imagine you have bought in fully to Moore's unfounded claims in his farce of a movie.

I could never vote for a Democrap, because I can not vote in the US. But, I say again, I supported Bill Clinton, I enjoy watching Jeb Bartlett bash the Republicans on the show The West Wing.

This is about how will do a better job, not about being soley against the Democrates.

And John Kerry will do a better job. And stop using Michael Moore as a fucking reason to attack me and other deomcrats. Ive said it before and I'll say it again, I havnt even seen the movie so your false claim that I blindly follow Moore is baseless and Unfounded. You however believe every piece of right wing rhetoric Karl Rove has ever come up with even when other Republicans say it's bullshit. Stop blinding yourself, your like a dear in the headlights.
Brino said:
GWB should have been out of that classroom the moment he heard the news, period. He should have been gathering information himself instead of letting just his aides do it and he should have been doing his job. It's funny, you talk about the fourth plane and yet you dont even consider that him being there put that school in danger. After all the event that day was widely talked about and for all he knew the fourth plane could have been headed that way. All the more reason for him to get the fuck outta there.

Ohhh please, stop acting all innocent. Who was it that brought up Vietnam in the first place, the Swift Boat liars for truth that's who. You reap what you sow!

And dont try to say it was Kerry, Kerry only talked about it because National Security is an issue in this campaign. And god forbid somebody should run off of the expierence they have in that area.

And John Kerry will do a better job. And stop using Michael Moore as a fucking reason to attack me and other deomcrats. Ive said it before and I'll say it again, I havnt even seen the movie so your false claim that I blindly follow Moore is baseless and Unfounded. You however believe every piece of right wing rhetoric Karl Rove has ever come up with even when other Republicans say it's bullshit. Stop blinding yourself, your like a dear in the headlights.

where was kerry during attacks, i would like to know. when you are in a government you always have people to back you up and help you.

Being three months on the field, cheating for medals and having self inflicted wounds is enough to see that kerry as a liar.

Kerry will do a better job, how do you know ?Kerry voted systematically against the acquisition of latest weapons when he was a senator.Was kerry efficient as a senator? no he wasn't.You and many democrats (the word leftists comes to my mouth) use Moore for backing up your arguments.stop acting innocent
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Brino said:
GWB should have been out of that classroom the moment he heard the news, period. He should have been gathering information himself instead of letting just his aides do it and he should have been doing his job..

That is his job Brino. His job is to let the specially trained and experienced people do what they are suppose to do. You think Bush has a secured cell phone in his pocket, with the numbers to all the intelligence agencies? You think Bush could make all the phone calls by himself? Please, don't be stupid. When it was time to tell the President what was going on, they did. I can tell you from my own personal experiences, that first hand information is almost always wrong, especially when you are at a different location. Don't you remember that morning? How many different reports did you hear coming over the wire? And how many of those turned out to be false?

Just admit it, whatever Bush did that morning, you'd bitch about it. Yet, you seem to overlook the actions, or lack there of, John Kerry took that morning.

It's funny, you talk about the fourth plane and yet you dont even consider that him being there put that school in danger. After all the event that day was widely talked about and for all he knew the fourth plane could have been headed that way. All the more reason for him to get the fuck outta there.

Well, first of all, no plane made its way to Florida, and so that shows the POTUS was NOT a target, the United States was (putting it that way takes the responsiblity you place on Bush away from him).

Second, while I can only offered a guess at the actual speed, I would imagine if the President was indeed a target, and the terrorists knew he was at that school, and planned on taking him out as well, I doubt they had the information or time to turn the plane around if Bush had been moved from that location. In other words, if Bush was on the list, seeing his motorcade leaving the school, wouldn't have stopped them from crashing the plane. These aren't highly trained snipers who can go in and take out the selected few people they want dead. These are people that crash planes into buildings, hoping to kill as many Americans as possible. Even with Bush out of the school (if he was a target, in which he wasn't), the school still would have been in danger.

Ohhh please, stop acting all innocent. Who was it that brought up Vietnam in the first place, the Swift Boat liars for truth that's who. You reap what you sow!

DUDE, it was Kerry who talked about what a war hero he was. He brought up his time in 'Nam. Don't get pissed when it back fires.

And dont try to say it was Kerry, Kerry only talked about it because National Security is an issue in this campaign. And god forbid somebody should run off of the expierence they have in that area.

What experince does Kerry have with National Security? He went to a war he didn't want to go to. He asked for the medals he earned for that war, only to throw them out. And then he denounced that war, and the people he served with. I tell you, that is leadership written all over it.

And John Kerry will do a better job. And stop using Michael Moore as a fucking reason to attack me and other deomcrats. Ive said it before and I'll say it again, I havnt even seen the movie so your false claim that I blindly follow Moore is baseless and Unfounded..

If better job you mean worse, then yes, you're right. Kerry, and his so called running mate, are not the answer. Just say you don't want Bush, and would take anybody over him. I can live with that. But this constant thought process that Kerry is better then Bush will get the World in a lot of trouble.

With your hatred towards Bush, I find it highly unlikely you have yet to see his "movie". However, since I asked you to believe me earlier in this post, I'll believe you. The reason you are so much like Moore, is that you seem willing to cut off your nose, just to spite your face. You seem to miss out on the actual events, and just take a little bit to form your case. You also seem to vastly over look John Kerry's short comings, and are hell bent on getting Bush out, instead of putting the best man in. You also seem to tred way off base when things don't look good for you.

I tell you what, if you are looking for a good flick, here is one that I suggest


And, if you do actually get around to seeing moore's "film", I suggest you take a look at this


You however believe every piece of right wing rhetoric Karl Rove has ever come up with even when other Republicans say it's bullshit. Stop blinding yourself, your like a dear in the headlights.

Don't have a clue as to what Karl Rove looks like, and the only time I've ever seen his name is the 2 times YOU have brought him up. Next.
I am voting for Kerry because I don't trust the republicans anymore. The Republicans gonna add this indecency bill to the Constitution; it is against free speech. That's all I have to say.


georges said:
where was kerry during attacks, i would like to know. when you are in a government you always have people to back you up and help you.

Being three months on the field, cheating for medals and having self inflicted wounds is enough to see that kerry as a liar.

Kerry will do a better job, how do you know ?Kerry voted systematically against the acquisition of latest weapons when he was a senator.Was kerry efficient as a senator? no he wasn't.You and many democrats (the word leftists comes to my mouth) use Moore for backing up your arguments.stop acting innocent

I'm seriously considering adding you to my ignore list which is a rare honor considering theres only one person on it right now.


Dirty Sanchez said:
That is his job Brino. His job is to let the specially trained and experienced people do what they are suppose to do. You think Bush has a secured cell phone in his pocket, with the numbers to all the intelligence agencies? You think Bush could make all the phone calls by himself? Please, don't be stupid. When it was time to tell the President what was going on, they did. I can tell you from my own personal experiences, that first hand information is almost always wrong, especially when you are at a different location. Don't you remember that morning? How many different reports did you hear coming over the wire? And how many of those turned out to be false?

Just admit it, whatever Bush did that morning, you'd bitch about it. Yet, you seem to overlook the actions, or lack there of, John Kerry took that morning.

Actually the funny thing is the president was doing just what I said earlier on a cell phone. In other words the president was getting information himself after he waited seven minutes in that classroom so your argument that he should have let others do it for him is flawed. He should have been out of there the moment he heard and been doing his job.

Well, first of all, no plane made its way to Florida, and so that shows the POTUS was NOT a target, the United States was (putting it that way takes the responsiblity you place on Bush away from him).

Second, while I can only offered a guess at the actual speed, I would imagine if the President was indeed a target, and the terrorists knew he was at that school, and planned on taking him out as well, I doubt they had the information or time to turn the plane around if Bush had been moved from that location. In other words, if Bush was on the list, seeing his motorcade leaving the school, wouldn't have stopped them from crashing the plane. These aren't highly trained snipers who can go in and take out the selected few people they want dead. These are people that crash planes into buildings, hoping to kill as many Americans as possible. Even with Bush out of the school (if he was a target, in which he wasn't), the school still would have been in danger.

At the very least he should have gotten out of the classroom for his own safety. Your argument that if a plane was headed that way then the school would have still been hit regardless of what the president did is true, but that doesnt stop him or the secret service from getting him out of there for his own safety.

What experince does Kerry have with National Security? He went to a war he didn't want to go to. He asked for the medals he earned for that war, only to throw them out. And then he denounced that war, and the people he served with. I tell you, that is leadership written all over it.

Look, Kerry has more expierence with National Security than Bush did four years ago. As for Kerry's expierence, Vietnam is part of it, he knows what it means to be a soldier so he's expierenced when it comes to security. Plus he's apart of the Senate Intelligence Commitee which gives him even more expierence.

Bush will get the World in a lot of trouble.

I agree! :D

With your hatred towards Bush, I find it highly unlikely you have yet to see his "movie". However, since I asked you to believe me earlier in this post, I'll believe you. The reason you are so much like Moore, is that you seem willing to cut off your nose, just to spite your face. You seem to miss out on the actual events, and just take a little bit to form your case. You also seem to vastly over look John Kerry's short comings, and are hell bent on getting Bush out, instead of putting the best man in. You also seem to tred way off base when things don't look good for you.

I tell you what, if you are looking for a good flick, here is one that I suggest


And, if you do actually get around to seeing moore's "film", I suggest you take a look at this


No believe it or not I havnt seen the movie yet (I dont spend ten bucks to go see documentaries) but I will. And believe it or not I probably will eventually see Farenhype 911 as well.

As for Kerrys shortcomings, he has some I'll admit it but Bush has so many more shortcomings than Kerry it's redicoulous that you can criticize Kerry and ignore your own canidates shortcomings.

Don't have a clue as to what Karl Rove looks like, and the only time I've ever seen his name is the 2 times YOU have brought him up. Next.

Karl Rove is the guy behind all the right wing bullshit you hear everyday, some of which you have used to attack Kerry.
Brino said:
Actually the funny thing is the president was doing just what I said earlier on a cell phone. In other words the president was getting information himself after he waited seven minutes in that classroom so your argument that he should have let others do it for him is flawed. He should have been out of there the moment he heard and been doing his job.

Who was he on the phone with? You don't know. I can't stress to you enough what goes on in a situation like that Brino. While I've never been involved with something as huge as that, please, take my word that Bush did the right thing by letting his people do their jobs. Whoever he was on the phone with, he was on because someone else located that person and made sure they were up to date, so that they weren't wasting the POTUS time.

I'll make this a little easier for you. When the planes hit the two towers, what did the PD and FD do? Well, on top of sending in people to help, the higher ups set up a command post. They wait there to collect information. By having the people in charge in a position to be told what was going on, instead of these people running around grabbing anybody they could find and demanding answers, they let their people do their jobs, and be in a position to make orders.

At that point, there was no need for Bush to jump up and act like a loney tune. Emotion was running high. Slow down, collect yourself, get the information, talk to the people who handle these things, make the right decision. Funny, seems like what Bush did. But you, a person who has NO experience with something like this, thinks he acted the wrong way.

At the very least he should have gotten out of the classroom for his own safety. Your argument that if a plane was headed that way then the school would have still been hit regardless of what the president did is true, but that doesnt stop him or the secret service from getting him out of there for his own safety.

He doesn't determine what is best for his own safety, the Secret Service does. The SS doesn't ask him to leave, they tell him, and if he doesn't listen, they move him themselves. The SS felt the safest place for him at that time was right there in that seat. The inside of the school had been deemed a secure location. With what was happening, they had to determine if the surrounding areas, the motorcade, and Air Force One were also secured. If they don't know if these places are safe, they can't move him to one of them. That's why he was left there, because until they knew for sure, he stays in the safest place. Its common sense, for some I guess.

Look, Kerry has more expierence with National Security than Bush did four years ago. As for Kerry's expierence, Vietnam is part of it, he knows what it means to be a soldier so he's expierenced when it comes to security. Plus he's apart of the Senate Intelligence Commitee which gives him even more expierence.

So I guess you are saying Clinton wasn't a great choice because he was never a soldier. Why is it you only see things a certian way when they benefit you. He was a part of a committee that is now showing they may have been wrong on their intel. Wow, looks good for Kerry.

Nice job Michael. I guess editing things is the only way to make Bush look bad. It's a shame.

No believe it or not I havnt seen the movie yet (I dont spend ten bucks to go see documentaries) but I will. And believe it or not I probably will eventually see Farenhype 911 as well.

Read this as well.


Actually, don't waste your time with Moore's work. Its all crap.

As for Kerrys shortcomings, he has some I'll admit it but Bush has so many more shortcomings than Kerry it's redicoulous that you can criticize Kerry and ignore your own canidates shortcomings.

Never have ignored them. But, at the end of the day, Bush is the better answer. Plain and simple. Put someone else up who is better then Bush, and I would support him. But, you haven't, and so I can't

Karl Rove is the guy behind all the right wing bullshit you hear everyday, some of which you have used to attack Kerry.

Right wing bullshit eh? Is that the same as the Left wing bullshit? Oh wait, Kerry's track record is fact.


Dirty Sanchez said:
Who was he on the phone with? You don't know. I can't stress to you enough what goes on in a situation like that Brino. While I've never been involved with something as huge as that, please, take my word that Bush did the right thing by letting his people do their jobs. Whoever he was on the phone with, he was on because someone else located that person and made sure they were up to date, so that they weren't wasting the POTUS time.

I'll make this a little easier for you. When the planes hit the two towers, what did the PD and FD do? Well, on top of sending in people to help, the higher ups set up a command post. They wait there to collect information. By having the people in charge in a position to be told what was going on, instead of these people running around grabbing anybody they could find and demanding answers, they let their people do their jobs, and be in a position to make orders.

At that point, there was no need for Bush to jump up and act like a loney tune. Emotion was running high. Slow down, collect yourself, get the information, talk to the people who handle these things, make the right decision. Funny, seems like what Bush did. But you, a person who has NO experience with something like this, thinks he acted the wrong way.

Let me ask you this, If you were the President and you heard that the country was under attack would you:

(a)Stay seated for seven minutes, or

(b)Immediately get up to go do your job.

So which is it?

So I guess you are saying Clinton wasn't a great choice because he was never a soldier. Why is it you only see things a certian way when they benefit you. He was a part of a committee that is now showing they may have been wrong on their intel. Wow, looks good for Kerry.

Stay focused Sanchez, your getting a little off track. The issue this election is National Security and that wasnt the issue during Clintons era though he turned out pretty good in that area.

About the Committee, is that the same intelligence Bush used to go to war!?

Nice job Michael. I guess editing things is the only way to make Bush look bad. It's a shame.

No Bush makes himself look bad, I just help him out.

Read this as well.


Actually, don't waste your time with Moore's work. Its all crap.

I'm an equal opportunity kinda guy!

Never have ignored them. But, at the end of the day, Bush is the better answer. Plain and simple.

Shows what you know!

Right wing bullshit eh? Is that the same as the Left wing bullshit? Oh wait, Kerry's track record is fact.

Yeah his track record is fact but the bullshit you hear about his track record isnt.
Brino said:
I'm seriously considering adding you to my ignore list which is a rare honor considering theres only one person on it right now.

i don't give a fuck if it makes you feel better do it.
Brino said:
Look, Kerry has more expierence with National Security than Bush did four years ago. As for Kerry's expierence, Vietnam is part of it, he knows what it means to be a soldier so he's expierenced when it comes to security. Plus he's apart of the Senate Intelligence Commitee which gives him even more expierence.

That is complete bullshit because when he was at senate kerry systematically voted against the acquisition of lastest weapons for us army. kerry was only three months in vietnam so how can you talk that he is experienced.

please mod thanks to approve attachment


  • kerrysenatedocument.jpg
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2nd part of the senate document


  • kerrysenatedocument2.jpg
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one ad made by kerry when he returned from vietnam

thanks to approve this last attachement thanks mod


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What dont you Fucking get about this georges?



There's a new movie out in select cities called Going Up River: The Long War of John Kerry I urge all of you who criticize Kerry's military service to go see it.
Brino said:
Let me ask you this, If you were the President and you heard that the country was under attack would you:

(a)Stay seated for seven minutes, or

(b)Immediately get up to go do your job.

So which is it?

With my background and training, stay seated for 7 minutes while those around me did their jobs. You have the ability to question all of this, because your desk job allows you to be an outside observer and Monday morning quarterback. Everybody has a role, and a job to do in situations similar to that. Let your people do their jobs properly, and do not for any reason get in their way.

Stay focused Sanchez, your getting a little off track. The issue this election is National Security and that wasnt the issue during Clintons era though he turned out pretty good in that area.

Actually, it is now proving to be the issue. Maybe if Clinton had spent more time dealing with that part of the World, a. Sept 11 would have never happened, b. we'd have the proper intel to know for sure whether there was or was not WMD like Clinton was so sure they had.

About the Committee, is that the same intelligence Bush used to go to war!?

Bush used Intel from a couple different Countries who all said the same thing. He also took over a job from a guy who for 8 years was sure he had what the intel was telling him. I realize it is becoming far more difficult to keep putting the blame on Bush, but come on son, wake up and get a clue.

No Bush makes himself look bad, I just help him out.

And the worse thing, he still is the better choice over Kerry. Ouch, that has to hurt.

Yeah his track record is fact but the bullshit you hear about his track record isnt.

So, he didn't protest the war? He didn't support the war, then go against it? He didn't ask for his medals, to only throw them out? (I could go on, but I'll save the bandwidth) Tell me, which of these is bullshit
Brino said:
There's a new movie out in select cities called Going Up River: The Long War of John Kerry I urge all of you who criticize Kerry's military service to go see it.

I suggest you watch the new movie called Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal. A true recount of "war hero" John Kerry's actions.