2004 General Election : Show you care, and vote!

Who's your choice

  • Bush/Cheney

    Votes: 16 35.6%
  • Kerry/Edwards

    Votes: 23 51.1%
  • Nader/Miguel

    Votes: 1 2.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • Not Voting

    Votes: 3 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Brino said:
Now I'm not going to say that Bush is like Hitler but when you think about it he's more like Hitler than Kerry is!

Wow Brino, that is easily the dumbest/scariest thing I've ever heard. I like the vids you post, but geez dude, you worry me with some of your posts. Just say you don't like Bush, that's fine. But please, your attempts to try and Bush look bad, all while trying to make Kerry look good, is silly.

BTW, caught a bit of Howard Dean's interview on MSNBC yesterday. Wow, what a piece of crap he is. What was funny, was only a little while ago, Dean was going on and on about how Kerry wasn't capable of being POTUS. I realize this happens all the time when a party is trying to find their leader. But, I don't ever recall the guy who was favoured to win, who ultimatly lost, being so public and outspoken. 6 months ago, Dean said Kerry was a terrible choice to lead the Democraps, now he is saying he is the best man to lead the US. Scary, very scary.
Brino said:
An Interesting article about Bush's church going habits
Interestingly enough Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter went to church more often than Bush!

Yes Brino, he is too busy running the Country!!!!

Dear Lord, this is what you folks have resorted to. I suppose if he went to Church every Sunday, you'd be saying he spends too much time there right? Maybe instead of wasting people's time with this crap, you, and this stupid bitch who wrote this junk, could tell us what Kerry would do is he became the POTUS, and how he would do it. Oh wait, that will never happen, so Kerry doesn't need to figure that out himself.

Vote Bush.
I really dont give a fuck about who's going to the church more often... for myself, i haven't gone to church and my life wasn't better or worse for that matter... Religion is what you believe in your heart, i do need some priest or some book to tell my what to think... I know maybe some of you will flame me for that, but i think religion is the cause of every war in history, if only one religion would exist, they would be no war... :2 cents:
There should be a new rule... If its not published information it shouldn't be used.

If its not published its bullshit.

That Moorewatch might have a lot of truths. But you really can't tell if its bull or not.

Im still Undecided... I think Kerry will be good for the Economy but I like Bush because if he stays in the Republicans are fucked for a while in this country. And Hillary will run in 2008.

Bush is also a republican and I have stock in Military Developers.
Goblin said:
That Moorewatch might have a lot of truths. But you really can't tell if its bull or not.

Would kind of defeat the purpose if you dedicate a site to debuking statements by using lies yourself.
Brino said:
Because not everybody shares your views georges! Not everybody is a right wing hypocrite. A lot of people are leftists and who are you to say their wrong in voting for somebody who shares the same beliefs as them! Do you even think before you type? :confused:

a right wing hypocrite? no i am just expressing my opinion. i know that not everybody share my views but not everybody share yours. you pass bush for what he isn't so you are an hypocrite.
comparing a president to a dictator, :wtf:are you 15 years old?next time avoid to be so childish
fighting terrorism by strong means is necessary.
Making an anti vietnam war campaign like kerry did in the past when he returned in the us after spending only three months in vietnam and negotiating with terrorists and surrendering to them is a proof of being a fucking coward.
Dirty Sanchez said:
If I remember correctly, that post was made by an anti-Bush/Moore-on supporter. Its these idiots (who will probably vote for Kerry) who always seem to mention Hitler, even though Bush is NOTHING like him. Next time you visit the site, click on the "comments" link, and then see what the board is all about.

Do the right thing folks, vote Bush in November.

i have to agree with you. These are also the same people who believe in moore's bullshit like in the holy graal
Dirty Sanchez said:
Wow Brino, that is easily the dumbest/scariest thing I've ever heard. I like the vids you post, but geez dude, you worry me with some of your posts. Just say you don't like Bush, that's fine. But please, your attempts to try and Bush look bad, all while trying to make Kerry look good, is silly.

BTW, caught a bit of Howard Dean's interview on MSNBC yesterday. Wow, what a piece of crap he is. What was funny, was only a little while ago, Dean was going on and on about how Kerry wasn't capable of being POTUS. I realize this happens all the time when a party is trying to find their leader. But, I don't ever recall the guy who was favoured to win, who ultimatly lost, being so public and outspoken. 6 months ago, Dean said Kerry was a terrible choice to lead the Democraps, now he is saying he is the best man to lead the US. Scary, very scary.

brino always refer bush as evil and his beloved kerry as a saint.
Goblin said:
That Moorewatch might have a lot of truths. But you really can't tell if its bull or not.
Im still Undecided... I think Kerry will be good for the Economy but I like Bush because if he stays in the Republicans are fucked for a while in this country.

Correction the Moorewatch has a lot of halftruths and lies.Moore's sources are more than of doubtful origin.Kerry good for the economy how do you know that, according to your krystal ball?
Oh yes always the same lame argument it is always the fault of the Republicans damn you. Republicans aren't fucked for a while:nono: Democrats are fucked for a while especially with kerry and miss hillary.Giuliani will be your president in 2008 i think, he was the best mayor of new york had (lot of good things he has done) and he is a republican.
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georges said:
Correction the Moorewatch has a lot of halftruths and lies.Moore's sources are more than of doubtful origin.Kerry good for the economy how do you know that, according to your krystal ball?
Oh yes always the same lame argument it is always the fault of the Republicans damn you. Republicans aren't fucked for a while:nono: Democrats are fucked for a while especially with kerry and miss hillary.Giuliani will be your president in 2008 i think, he was the best mayor of new york had (lot of good things he has done) and he is a republican.

Man you really don't get it, Goblin is still undecided, you know George, not everybody have made their mind yet, so don't flame the guy just because Kerry have some good ideas, if you do that, maybe we will vote for Kerry now, just respect the opinion of others and dont force your ideas into others.:2 cents:
bigdan1110 said:
Man you really don't get it, Goblin is still undecided, you know George, not everybody have made their mind yet, so don't flame the guy just because Kerry have some good ideas, if you do that, maybe we will vote for Kerry now, just respect the opinion of others and dont force your ideas into others.:2 cents:

Some people try to pass bush for what he isn't by posting caricatures, by saying that what Moore says is like the holy graal, kerry good ideas not for every one.Kerry voted against the acquisition of lastest weapons when he was senator, he made an anti vietnam war campaign when he returned in the us and he wants to negotiate with rogue states are those proofs that he is someone good. I only see weakness in Kerry. I see too many people even on another sites trying to evilize Bush and making Kerry look like a saint when it is not the case.
I don't force my ideas into others, some people here often try to force their ideas into others by posting Michael Moore's bs and evilize GWB.
bigdan1110 said:
I give up, you just dont get it...
Did you even watch the debate last thursday ?

no i didn't. but as i told you diplomatic methods don't help with dictators and terrorists.
bigdan1110 said:
The why negociate with north Korea ?

probably for avoiding war . but knowing nk regime you can all expect from them.if you want peace prepare for war.
Goblin said:
There should be a new rule... If its not published information it shouldn't be used.

If its not published its bullshit.

That Moorewatch might have a lot of truths. But you really can't tell if its bull or not.

Im still Undecided... I think Kerry will be good for the Economy but I like Bush because if he stays in the Republicans are fucked for a while in this country. And Hillary will run in 2008.

Bush is also a republican and I have stock in Military Developers.
hey goblin that actually makes some sence:thumbsup:
bigdan1110 said:
I give up, you just dont get it...
Did you even watch the debate last thursday ?

Good Dan, vote for the guy who on one night was a better debater (I still think Kerry avoided many issues, and didn't do anything to actually show the public how he'd be a better President)., instead of the guy who is a far better leader. Again, just say you don't like Bush. But don't try and make Kerry look better, because he is not. And that is the sad thing. If Bush is so bad, then how is voting for Kerry a wise thing to do, when he worse then W.
Dirty Sanchez said:
Good Dan, vote for the guy who on one night was a better debater (I still think Kerry avoided many issues, and didn't do anything to actually show the public how he'd be a better President)., instead of the guy who is a far better leader. Again, just say you don't like Bush. But don't try and make Kerry look better, because he is not. And that is the sad thing. If Bush is so bad, then how is voting for Kerry a wise thing to do, when he worse then W.

that is true voting for kerry is not voting for fighting against terrorism. i don't care if a president is a good or bad orator what i do care is that a president has a strong character and protects his nation against terrorism by all means.
Goblin said:
There should be a new rule... If its not published information it shouldn't be used.

If its not published its bullshit.

That Moorewatch might have a lot of truths. But you really can't tell if its bull or not.

Im still Undecided... I think Kerry will be good for the Economy but I like Bush because if he stays in the Republicans are fucked for a while in this country. And Hillary will run in 2008.

Bush is also a republican and I have stock in Military Developers.

the assertation that something isn't bullshit just because it's published...is bullshit!

i'm Nader but i wouldn't waste my vote on him...i will vote Kerry just to get W out of office...call me stupid or whatever i could care less really. IMO voting the man is pretty stupid as the POTUS is simply a figurehead in the bigger picture anyway, sure he has some pull but that's about as far as it goes.

As for the Bush/Hitler comparisons, Bush ain't got the balls to be the next Hitler...if he had em and would just come out with his true agenda he'd get a lot more respect from me...it's the greasey underhanded manner in which he handles his politics that keeps me from being a supporter...
As for W being a better leader than Kerry, how do any of you know that? Kerry has never led this country so it's not even a comparison that can be made...using that argument really doesn't strengthen anyone's argument to elect Bush...

in his 4 years what has he really accomplished besides getting us mixed up in all this war on terror crap?

either way you're only voting on the lesser of two evils...and yes i mean 2 cause it's a crock that we even humor the 3rd parties they have no chance and never will...which IMO is a shame...
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