Dirty Sanchez
Brino said:Now I'm not going to say that Bush is like Hitler but when you think about it he's more like Hitler than Kerry is!
Wow Brino, that is easily the dumbest/scariest thing I've ever heard. I like the vids you post, but geez dude, you worry me with some of your posts. Just say you don't like Bush, that's fine. But please, your attempts to try and Bush look bad, all while trying to make Kerry look good, is silly.
BTW, caught a bit of Howard Dean's interview on MSNBC yesterday. Wow, what a piece of crap he is. What was funny, was only a little while ago, Dean was going on and on about how Kerry wasn't capable of being POTUS. I realize this happens all the time when a party is trying to find their leader. But, I don't ever recall the guy who was favoured to win, who ultimatly lost, being so public and outspoken. 6 months ago, Dean said Kerry was a terrible choice to lead the Democraps, now he is saying he is the best man to lead the US. Scary, very scary.