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  1. H

    question for freeones about payones

    Re: question from freeones about payones Just a suggestion, but you should have a favorites system like at Freeones. So whenever there's a new scene with a pornstar I want to see it let's me know. Other than that I'm very happy with the site.
  2. H

    Young Americans Are Leaning Left, New Poll Finds

    "If you're not a liberal in your twenties, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative in your thirties you have no brain" Winston Churchill (The quote may not be completely accurate, that's just how I remember hearing it)
  3. H

    Your Favorite Hobbys

    Skiing, shooting, and cooking.
  4. H

    recommend any good horror flicks?

    I did, and that is the only thing stopping me from calling it a steaming pile of horseshit.
  5. H

    recommend any good horror flicks?

    Men Behind The Sun was just kind of stupid. The special effects weren't that good, and the only shocking parts were that they killed a live animal, and showed footage of a real autopsy. Kind of like Canibal Holocaust, it was shocking to be shocking and lacked a good story.
  6. H

    recommend any good horror flicks?

    I haven't seen Salo' yet, but I've heard about it. I just don't want to spend $800 to get a copy. Supposedly, Criterion is re-releasing a new remastered edition sometime this year. Another one to see for shock value alone is Irreversable. It's not exactly horror (although it is quite scary)...
  7. H

    recommend any good horror flicks?

    I would say Session 9 (Really, really creepy) Pulse (the orginal Japanese version) Event Horizon (Kind of on the gory side, but I thought it fit the story, not gore for gore's sake)
  8. H

    So you like women in black leather?.....

    She looks like a cast reject from Battlefield Earth.
  9. H

    Guns Guns Guns !!!

    I was speaking in more general terms of the design rather than period specific models. That whole debate usually boils down to .45 Vs. 9MM anyway.
  10. H

    Guns Guns Guns !!!

    Nothing to laugh about. What you have is John Moses Browning's final masterpiece. Many people believe that he created the Highpower to improve on his design of the Colt 1911. 1911 fans believe that to be his finest work, but the Highpower has a very diehard following in it's own right.
  11. H

    Guns Guns Guns !!!

    Well, what makes it difficult is that the state I'm from (NH) does not have a waiting period. I moved to RI 3 months ago, and I'm still trying to adjust to some things. Mostly the waiting period, and needing to have friends in high places to get a concealed carry license (although not being able...
  12. H

    Guns Guns Guns !!!

    I just ordered a KelTec PLR-16 on Friday, and will be picking it up this Saturday (waiting periods are an abominal pain in my ass). I've got the forend on order, some 30 round mags, and an Aimpoint red dot sight all ready to get slapped onto it. It should look something like this when I'm done...
  13. H

    Guns Guns Guns !!!

    I blew $400 on ammo and reloading supplies for the .308 last weekend, and I haven't even gotten to use any of it yet.:crash:
  14. H

    Whats every ones plans for the weekend?

    Food lineup for tommorow Breakfast Bangers Rashers Black Pudding Beans in tomato sauce to be grilled tomato Eggs Dinner and the rest of the day 1 Case of Guinness 1 bottle Seagrams 7 (1.75L) 1 big corned beef assorted veggies Soda Bread Entertainment/Movie Marathon Gangs of New York...
  15. H

    Guns Guns Guns !!!

    Indeed it is. Following my procrastinating tendencies, I decided to start doing the research on the gun after I bought it, well I found out that they can only handle 7.62 NATO spec ammo, which is loaded to much lower pressures than comercially produced .308 winchester. Well, I can't find any...
  16. H

    Guns Guns Guns !!!

    Here you go. It's a little dirty because I took the pic right after a trip to the range. [Please Note: the attachment in this post has been deleted by moderator Aegis] [Read more about the board rules: here]
  17. H

    Guns Guns Guns !!!

    I've got mostly handguns Ruger Mark II (Government Target Model) Beretta 1934 HK P7M8 Ruger P95 Smith & Wesson 19-4 (6" Barrel, target hammer and trigger) EAA Witness .45 with a .22 conversion kit Ruger 10/22 Ishapore 2A Enfield (Just picked that one up last saturday) Do any of you guys...
  18. H

    Hannibal Rising

    Two words: Michael Mann
  19. H

    Tyler Faith Goes Tit-to-Toe with Religious Nut

    That guy has been standing out in front of Alex's with his cross protesting for years. :ban:
  20. H

    Do you have a gaming problem?

    If this video hits a little close to home, you might want to seek some help. This guy needs alot of prozac.
  21. H

    Politics Test!!!

    You are a Social Liberal (73% permissive) and an... Economic Conservative (80% permissive) You are best described as a: Libertarian
  22. H

    Police State... your thoughts

    'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.' They don't say the miltia is necessary to the security of the United States of America, they said it was necessary to the security of a free state...