Who’s better? Coldplay or Radiohead


I love them both but every one always says I’m a queer for liking Coldplay but whatever. Radiohead made the best album ever! Ok Computer is genius!



There's no comparison there at all. :2 cents:
"You know how i know you're gay?"
"No how"
"You listen to COLDPLAY"
--Cal; The 40 Year Old Virgin
Dear Lord, Radiohead are by far the superior band.

1) Thom York has far stronger and more versatile vocal range than Chris Thingummy. Have you ever heard Coldplay live? The vocals are embarrasingly weak.

2) Radiohead have far more diverse musical influences, from Miles Davis and Roland Kirk to Bowie, the Pixes, Autuchre . . the list goes on. Coldplay are basically Sigur Rós Lite with a dash of (THE ALSO FAR SUPERIOR) U2 and Kraftwerke.

3)Radiohead have much deper writing

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Coldplay, and I think they have potential for the future (I liked their first album best) but they don't stand comparison with Radiohead.
Radiohead. I'm sure historically they'll be held in a higher regard than many of the other bands from their era.
I saw them on the Hail to the Thief tour at MSG a few years ago, and it ranks as one of my top 5 concert experiences of all time.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I'm not a big fan of either bands, but they both have their good songs. I honestly can't choose who is better though.
I love them both but every one always says I’m a queer for liking Coldplay but whatever. Radiohead made the best album ever! Ok Computer is genius!

I actually like Amnesiac quite a bit. At first, I was like WTH. But now that is probably my favorite Radiohead album.

Rush of blood to the head is a dope album; there are probably 3 songs I skip, but the rest is classic. No: you're not a queer if you listen to these groups.

I just hope they get back together (Radiohead) and start making albums again. It sounded from an interview I read with Thom Yorke that they are bitter at each other right now. I'm not sure if they still are.


I think Kid-A and everything since is amazing. Ok Computer was pretty good...but I'm not a big fan of The Bends or Pablo Honey. Radiohead actually has artistic and musical talent, whereas I just see Coldplay as arena rock...nothing particularly special about them.
I think Kid-A and everything since is amazing. Ok Computer was pretty good...but I'm not a big fan of The Bends or Pablo Honey. Radiohead actually has artistic and musical talent, whereas I just see Coldplay as arena rock...nothing particularly special about them.

Coldplay kind of has an emo U2 feel to them. They can have that arena rock power at times. But Chris Martin just seems a bit whiny at times. I once knew a guy that thought "Clocks" was a U2 song
the two aren't comparable.

now a question like radiohead or muse is arguable, but coldplay?

Though muse has a heavier sound then radiohead. Muse sounds more like an epic movie soundtrack while radiohead sounds like......hmmmm.....how would you describe radioheads sound?