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  1. JD

    Bryci (

    Here's a screen cap from the latest Bryci video that JUST went live on her website. *small* video sample can be seen here... hope you guys like! (the video sample is somewhat cropped so there is black at the bottom and sides.. but the video in...
  2. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Bryci Content! This was cold outside for this... Bryci was squeeling!
  3. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn Fresh Ava Dawn Content!
  4. JD

    Bryci (

    Yes, we didn't shoot on her bday, it was the day before. :) We're both very laid back, yeah. Life is too short to be uptight and stressed about things. We're pretty chill, it's more fun. :glugglug:
  5. JD

    Bryci (

    Wow, thanks for the kind words guys :) Just wait until the third Bella Girl goes live in late December... Bellapass will make you smile that much more mnwild :) Bryci can't wait to shoot with these ladies and I can't wait to shoot them!
  6. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn Fresh Ava Content! Hope you guys like!
  7. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Content! Today (Monday the 30th) is officially Bryci's 24th Birthday! We had a blast shooting this and if you think my mouth was watering shooting this, you'd be right! Hope you guys like!
  8. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks guys, makes me smile that this assclown with no spine needs to create a new account, but being a fucktard, he forgets his ip address will show his other account as well, thus resulting in him being banned. I've turned this over to Petra. Keyboard warriors are angry little men, kind of sad.
  9. JD

    Bryci (

    A real woman never tells her true age? Where did you get that? An Oil of Olay commercial? lol Real women aren't afraid to admit the real age is more like it. :)
  10. JD

    Bryci (

    Yup, but it's personal.. non web stuff =) I would know, aaaand you would too if you'd ever looked at her website. :rofl: It shows her age on her site, 23... she turns 24. :glugglug:
  11. JD

    Camerella Cams / GND Kayla

    Re: Busty Kayla from GND It'd be great if she did anything for this. I have emailed, IM'd you name it to tell her of this thread and what is going on. Why she hasn't come in and dealt with it or at the very least, contacted those of you needing to be contacted... is beyond me. Just know that...
  12. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks man. I do come in and post every single pic that is made available but I guess some people just want to draw attention to different pix. :) That or they are webbies trying to snag some affiliate sales. heh :hatsoff: More coming on Monday.... Monday is Bryci's Birthday! =) :nanner:
  13. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh content of Bryci!
  14. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn Fresh Ava Dawn Galleries!
  15. JD

    Bryci (

    hope you guys like!
  16. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Bryci content!
  17. JD

    Nikki Sims / Next Door Nikki / Nikki's Playmates

    Re: Next Door Nikki /Nikki Sims/Nikki's Playmates Haters are so fucking lame, funny though. awwww sad face real life girls won't talk to me :( :( :( i know, i'll go hate on internet models. LOLOLOL Nikki is the fucking BOMB. LOVES HER!!! She is awesome and those that feel otherwise, well...
  18. JD

    Bryci (

    Soon you'll see Bryci spreading and showing more? ummm.. don't hold your breathe dude. :2 cents: If you've been watching, people have been saying the same thing for the past nine months and well, their predictions are way off base. :) Believe it or not, not every model is desperate and will do...
  19. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Bryci content! You like Transformers? How about black knee high socks? How about PINK CONVERSE CHUCK TAYLORS? heh This set was a lot of fun, hope you guys like it!
  20. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn Fresh Ava Dawn Content guys! Ava shot this herself, playing with the camera at home. Always good to see a girl taking her own pix sometimes. Keeps us all guessing!
  21. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn why you gotta be all disrespectful? you feel more like a man now? grow up dude.
  22. JD

    Bryci (

    If that is exciting for you, I am guessing you missed the latest promo set...
  23. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn Glad you liked the girls :) and the "Bryci Bangs" as many people have referred them as (or a fringe cut) is gone, she tried the hairstyle once, then went to side swept, then tried it again because many wanted it back.... and she just isn't liking it so yeah, her hair is back to...
  24. JD

    Bryci (

    If I posted this in my blog... why not just link to the blog you're talking about? If you took a screen grab off a video that for whatever reason isn't a good thing.. posting it will only get the image removed. Isn't this common sense? :glugglug:
  25. JD

    Bryci (

    Small rant on a camera in my blog, but it has a video Bryci shot of herself... well, the short version and scaled down of course.. but anyway.. some might like the self shot video goodness of Bryci tanning :) forgive the camera rant, don't...
  26. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn A few from Ava's update for today..
  27. JD

    Camerella Cams / GND Kayla

    Re: Busty Kayla from GND Wow, you really are clueless. That's awesome. :) Some people get it, they've emailed me and I responded with what I know to help them. Then there are the pinheads that think they get it. This is where you'd come in. :) What a douche. lol
  28. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh content for Bryci! =) Hope you guys like it! Thanks goes out to JudgeDredd for the kick ass outfit!
  29. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn major fail. lol That's Dawn Avril. This thread is for Ava Dawn. :glugglug:
  30. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn Fresh Ava! and all her other galleries we've released for webmasters can be seen here: Hope you like!
  31. JD

    Bryci (

    Seeing a naked woman is getting dull for you? LOLOL. Yeah, you might be in the wrong forum there buddy. I think is more what you're looking for. :rofl: Jokes aside, Bryci is doing amazing and she is loving what she is doing. If you're waiting for her to do more, don't hold your...
  32. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn Thanks for the kind words man! =) Bellapass is a good deal we think too, but I guess it depends what people are looking for. :glugglug: Have a great weekend! GO FLAMES GO! :rofl:
  33. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn I agree 150% Lizzie, this is what we were all doing just fine before we were distracted, so if you're going to quote, at least quote the person that started the nonsense. :) I am here posting content, having fun, Mori wants to be a negative nancy, and for the life of me, I don't...
  34. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn I just got this PM, it made me laugh, smile and feel pity for this guy all at the same time. "Ignore Morison1954, He's one of the many resident jackasses on freeones, unfortunately. He purposely gets into arguments with people on other threads. I am surprised he hasn't been banned...
  35. JD

    Bryci (

    We don't do the smoking thing, she's not a smoker. :hatsoff:
  36. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn later today, I am shooting Ava in 2 hours from now as well. :) :glugglug:
  37. JD

    Bryci (

    Next spring/summer when we shoot beach stuff I am guessing, we scraped the set from this year. We did too many Bikini sets at the time and also, photos weren't at the level we want to put out if that makes sense? They just weren't as crisp/sharp as we'd like, a little too hot kelvin wise etc.
  38. JD

    Bryci (

    Anyone have a varsity jacket we can borrow? lol
  39. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn wow, you're quite an asshole hey? :thefinger aaaand block.
  40. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Content Time! Bryci is smoking up the living room with this sexy Guitar set with her guitar, Jasmine. Hope you like!
  41. JD

    Bryci (

    that my friend is a kick fucking ass idea. I am going to hook that shit up. Color of Chuck Taylors? Color of stockings? :hatsoff:
  42. JD

    Bryci (

    We're going to be shooting a set in a personalized Flames Jersey coming up... maybe get Ava into a personalized Canucks jersey as well. muhahaha can't wait for the fight segment.
  43. JD

    Bryci (

    We take requests from people, sure, if it's something we can do that is. For example, if you are going to suggest she dresses as a french maid, I'll say sure... buy the costume and I'll shoot it. heh We are always open to ideas always. :hatsoff:
  44. JD

    Camerella Cams / GND Kayla

    Re: Busty Kayla from GND awww muffin, did I hurt your feelings? Now I'm all ... well, you know... sad and shit. I especially like how you register a new account to post. That was a nice touch. You with your one post. Yeah, you go girl. :glugglug: I own GND, so when someone is talking shit...
  45. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn Sadly it doesn't matter how we brand something or how we portray it, there will always be someone that wants or expects more. People will always make assumptions, so it's easier just to smile and do what ya do and let the fans chose to stay or leave based upon what you're doing...
  46. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn Hey man, when shooting any girl, I ask them what they are cool with and go from there. Ava is fine with Playboy style, just as Bryci is. You won't see either girl spread leg, both have made it clear to me that this is out of their comfort zone and I respect that. Sometimes...
  47. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn Here's a ton more galleries of Ava Dawn... more coming later today as well! <-- seriously hot set...
  48. JD

    Bryci (

    Sorry man, I mistook your post for something one of the earlier negative people might post. I didn't know you were joking around. :) My bad. We always had her domain name planned, we just kept it under wraps as is standard practice when creating a new site/launching a new site etc.
  49. JD

    Bryci (

    It's that time again! Fresh Bryci Content!
  50. JD

    Ava Nicks / Ava Dawn / Anastasia Christen

    Re: Ava Dawn A ton of galleries coming shortly... Here's another sneak peak!