I am guessing you didn't read the thread before posting. Others already called you on this, and I think we've all done that too.. no worries, mate.
We didn't post her site url because it was getting approved by ccbill and we weren't ready for an influx when it wasn't the way we wanted it to be yet. It's called quality control and we take it serious. You make something, you send it off to be approved by the powers that be (credit card peeps) and when you do this, you make it basic, simple if you will... thus, it takes jack squat for time to get sent in for approval.
Approval usually takes 14-21 business days so while the approval process is taking place (cc companies take their time sometimes), you have time to go back and dot your i's and cross your t's so to speak. Make things kick ass so when you do officially launch, the site can have a decent look, feel and a good amount of content.
We kept Avadawn.com under wraps while we made it the site we wanted to slap our name on. Once we were done, we released it to the public and booya, some people like what we did.
Ava Dawn has her own thread if your curious but just a heads up, maybe leave the hostility, it'll get you further in life.

:2 cents: